- Initial version pre alpha
- Fix analysis problems
- Refactoring components names
- Refactoring API names
- Fix bug on DataTable component
- Fix preventDefault and stopPropagation for form submission on enter key
- implementation of a loading animation in dataTable
- implementation directives utils
- fix CSS dataTable
- fix CSS Select Dialog
- implementation onchange event in Select Dialog
- implementation 2 new components "EssentialAccordionComponent" and fontawesome components
- implementation 1 new type on datatable col type
- implementation 1 new components "EssentialModalComponent"
- implementation 1 new components "EssentialDropdownDialogComponent" and fix modal issues
- implementation of RestClient a API for consumer web services
- implementation 1 new components SimpleDialogComponent and fix issues
- implementation 1 new components SimpleLoadingComponent and fix issues
- fix issue on RestClientGeneric, not present totalRecords on result list of getAll
- fix issue on RestClientGeneric, not present totalRecords on result list of getAll
- fix bugs on simple select
- fix bugs
- Timeline Component
- Timeline Component - Bug em renderização corrigida.
- InnerHTML Componente com DOMSanitizer desbloqueado.
- bug na exibição do timeline
- fix bugs
- implementation of Excel export API
- introduction SimpleXLSX API for Excel export on DataTable
- fix bugs in datePicker and simple select components
- fix bugs on change event of simple select component
- implementation of filter on search fielder of simple select
- fix bugs
- general improvements to DataTable and Rest API
- Dislabe suport in essential select component
- fix DataTable format
- add to DataTable options "visible" and "export" coll settings
- add excel export API
- add EssentialRecaptcha component
- fix documentation and overall bugs
- refactory of EssentialDataTableComponent and add news features
- add news properties to EssentialSelectDialogComponent as showDialog, showHeader, titleHeader
- add new component EsDynamicDataTableComponent as DataTable to render List<Map<String,dynamic>>
- fix bugs on EsDynamicDataTableComponent
- implementation of news features on Essential Modal Component, size attribute and headerColor attribute and fix bugs, and implementation new component EssentialSlideLoadingComponent
<es-modal [showheader]="true" [size]="EssentialModalSize.largeSize" [headerColor]="EssentialModalHeaderColor.success">
- fix bugs of dataTable that caused redraw
- fix bugs of EssentialSelectDialogComponent
- improvement of the Essential Notification Component, now you have a new "notify" method to get toats with less parameters and also has a button to close the toast
- add showHeaderCloseBtn and blockCloseAction to EssentialModalComponent
- fix bugs on DatePiker