Django module that abstracts the flow of several virtual points of sale.
- On refund operations, select the 'completed' VPOSPaymentOperation matching the sale_code if there are more than one
- Managing refund async confirmations for Redsys
- Integration with BitPay
- Add DS_ERROR_CODE logging default message for unknown Ds_Response, allow SOAP responses with empty Ds_AuthorisationCode
- Simplify integration.
- Add example integration.
- Add method to allow partial refund and full refund, specific to Redsys TPV Platform.
- New model to register refund operations.
- Add refund view example.
- Include migrations.
- Include migrations.
- Allow reverse relation VPOSPaymentOperation -> VirtualPointOfSale
- Adding environment to VPOSPaymentOperation
- Changing labels in models
- Fixing get_type_help_bug
- Add new permission view_virtualpointofsale to ease management.
- Add method specificit_vpos in VirtualPointOfSale that returns the specific model object according to the VPOS type.
Minor changes in
- Integration with PayPal Checkout.
- Integration with the following Spanish bank virtual POS: