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195 lines (155 loc) · 13.7 KB

File metadata and controls

195 lines (155 loc) · 13.7 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See the change log guidelines for information on how to structure the file.


  • Opening projects that have MS Access database resources
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException when calling Groovy helper functions
  • Do not add STARTINDEX parameter to non-paginated WFS GetFeature requests
  • Loading resources in headless mode from URL when remote server responds with a redirect
  • Loading a project in headless mode no longer fails in cases where code lists cannot be imported
  • Loading INSPIRE schemas from local resources when online version is not available
  • New projects could be saved only as a project archive if the last project loaded was an archive


  • Support for saving changes directly to hale connect
  • Support for partitioning GML output to multiple files
  • Support for table type MATERIALIZED VIEW when importing a PostgreSQL database schema
  • Check for remote changes when sharing project to hale connect
  • Support for Double columns for the CSV reader
  • GML reader parameters ignoreMappingRelevant and suppressParsingGeometry
  • Property constraint CodeListAssociation
  • Type constraint MappingRelevantIfFeatureType


  • Integration with the online collaboration platform hale connect: log in to hale connect, import shared transformation projects and upload projects.
  • Spatial Index for instances with geometries that can be queried via the new Groovy geometry helper "spatialIndexQuery"
  • Spatial Join transformation function: join instances based on the spatial relation of their geometry properties
  • Groovy geometry helper function "boundaryCovers" that can be used to determine if the boundary of a the geometry covers all points of a line
  • Use arbitrary SQL queries as a source schema and data source
  • Import/Export hale schema definitions as JSON
  • DMG image for macOS installation


  • Application title is now "hale studio"
  • "Load project from templates..." has been removed in favour of hale connect integration
  • Cached schema definition is now used always if loading source fails


  • Fixed content assistance in RegEx Analysis function
  • Fixed resource copying in hale Project Archive writer
  • Fixed links on About screen
  • Fixed updating a cell when the source or target types are changed to a parent of the original type


  • Added support for several Arc-based GML geometry types to be interpolated when read: Arc, ArcString, Circle, CircleByCenterPoint. The interpolation is based on one of two algorithms that can be selected on import.
  • Project Validator that validates exported instances based on validator configuration (e.g. rules or schemas) imported into the project
  • New transformation function Assign collected values allows the assignment of all values collected by a Groovy transformation function. The new function automatically converts collected values to references if the target property takes references.
  • Better usage of available space in Alignment and Mapping views
  • Content assistance for project variables in transformation function wizards such as Formatted String, Regex Analysis and Assign
  • Request pagination for WFS requests. Users can now choose to activate request pagination for WFS sources.
  • IO Provider extensions can now have a configurationContentType to describe the content type of configuration files for this provider
  • Total number of imported instances is now shown in progress dialog (if known)
  • The InstanceResolver interface has been extended to allow resolving multiple references at once. Implementations can use this to optimize resolving of multiple references


  • The HTML documentation that can be generated for an alignment is now much more performant for large mappings due to lazy loading and rendering
  • The Merge function now uses an iterative approach for merging instances which allows for processing more data in a Merge
  • Allow using SimpleDateFormat and UUID classes in groovy scripts by default
  • When loading data from CSV files the data is now streamed (similar to XML data sources) and not loaded at once into memory
  • When a CSV files has more columns than defined in the schema, this is now a warning, not an error


  • Deselecting in a type selector could lead to an exception
  • Removed CRS selection dialog and UI dependency from MS SQL plugin
  • Schema selection configuration for JDBC driver is optional
  • Fixed wrong tooltip in Mapping view
  • Fixed error when loading hale schema definitions in respect to schema elements w/ primitive bindings


  • Support reading from and writing to MS SQL databases
  • Instance counts are now calculated for condition and index contexts as well
  • You can now hide optional properties in the schema explorer
  • SKOS format code lists can now be loaded
  • Validation based on a Schematron file can now be performed on an encoded XML/GML file
  • To ensure topological consistency in respect to interpolated geometries, other geometries may optionally also be moved to the interpolation grid
  • GML Encoding: It is now possible to specify a number format for geometry ordinates, e.g. if you want a fixed precision after the decimal point
  • During validation in hale also check property values against an assigned code list
  • CLI commands can now be marked experimental
  • Added extension point for custom validators for the hale pre-encoding validation


  • GML encoding: Automatic conversion of polygon geometries to line geometries when there are no possibilities to encode a surface has been changed to produce a LineString for a Polygon and a MultiLineString for a MultiPolygon
  • The contents of XML Alignment files now are sorted where possible, to have a reproducable encoding for the same mapping and a nice diff when used in version control
  • The contents of Hale Schema Definition files now are sorted where possible, to have a reproducable encoding for the same schema and a nice diff when used in version control
  • When reading GML geometries composite 2D geometries (e.g. CompositeSurface, Surface with multiple patches, CompositeCurve, etc.) are now by default combined to a single geometry if possible


  • File based databases can no longer be loaded via From database - instead use From file


  • Using a previously as Hale Schema Definition file exported database schema as source schema when loading data from the database now properly supports loading the geometries
  • Using the value unpopulated for GML nilReason attributes does not conform to the GML specification. The proposal to use this value has been changed to other:unpopulated to conform with the specification. Also, when encoding GML, unpopulated will be replaced by other:unpopulated where encountered in nilReason attributes to support mappings created in previous versions
  • Fixed error in instance partitioning for WFS-T upload when encountering unresolvable references
  • Fixed instance partitioning for WFS-T upload producing too many small parts
  • Resolving local resources via bundles can no longer yield streams to directories/packages
  • Groovy geometry helper functions don't fail for null input
  • Exporting project archives for new projects now works as expected
  • On export to GeoServer AppSchema via the REST endpoint the provided URL now may end with a slash
  • Mapping cells in the mapping view are now ensured to be updated when edited or deleted
  • When exporting data to XML files include root element schema in schema location attribute


  • Deprecated old style HTML mapping documentation, instead use the new HTML+SVG mapping documentation
  • Deprecated INSPIRE 3.0 specific mapping functions (INSPIRE Identifier and Geographical Name), instead map to sub-properties individually


  • Users can now configure custom maps based on a Tile URL pattern or a Web Map Service
  • Generic command line interface with commands that can be added via an extension point, added commands for documentation generation
  • Transformation command line interface: Data included as source for the transformation using the now can be filtered, also arguments can now be passed to the command line interface using an arguments file
  • MS Access database reader for .mdb files based on UCanAccess
  • Three new priority levels for mapping cells
  • Collector helper class for easily collecting information or building indexes in Groovy functions, also added a helper function that will create a default collector in a transformation context
  • Internal instance validation now includes validation of local XLink references. Local references that cannot be resolved result in a warning
  • hale checks the version of a project that is loaded and displays a warning when the project was created with a newer version of hale than the one currently used
  • Support for project variables has been added, that allow customizing the behavior of an alignment. The variables can be defined and stored in the project, and overridden for transformation execution
  • SHA-256 Groovy helper function
  • Several Groovy helper functions for dealing with and creating geometries
  • Users can now define custom transformation functions (using Groovy) that are stored in the alignment
  • For XML Schema it is now possible to also map types w/o global element definition (option on schema import)
  • Interior Point transformation function that determines a point that us guaranteed to lie inside a geometry
  • Support for 1-dimensional arrays as multi-valued properties for JDBC schema and data sources (only tested with PostgreSQL)
  • XmlSchemaReader can be configured with specific content for anyType elements (to be able to map them properly; not configurable via the UI)
  • WFS-T writers now can be configured for services protected with HTTP Basic Authentication
  • New decimal parameter added to identify the float value in CSV file with specified separator


  • New default base map is Stamen Terrain
  • The WFS 2.0 Feature Collection writer can now be configured to skip counting features (allowing direct streaming instead of temporary storing all features)
  • Mapping cells are now sorted in a specific order when they are saved, to have easier understandable diffs when using .halex projects in version control
  • Writing XmlDateTime values when encoding XML now uses a fixed default timezone (UTC) instead of the system time zone
  • Type transformations are now executed in order according to their configured priority (this means that for instance a type transformation w/ high priority is guaranteed to be completely executed before a type transformation with normal priority)
  • Several improvements to the HTML+SVG mapping documentation
  • The winding order of GML geometries is now fixed when encoding a GML file, also the behavior regarding winding order is now configurable
  • Groovy restrictions: Access to the QName class is now allowed by default
  • Process URI and URL values as Strings when comparing keys in a Join
  • Mapping cell explanations can now be available in multiple languages, by default English and German are supported
  • Groovy script input variables are no longer converted to Strings to allow handling instances and other kinds of objects
  • An encoding can now be specified when loading a schema from a Shapefile
  • hale now requires Java 8
  • hale is now based on Eclipse Mars (from Eclipse Luna)
  • hale libraries can now be used on a non-OSGi environment (this implies a lot of internal changes regarding service provision and discovery)
  • Groovy type transformations now may return multiple results with multiple _target closures
  • Proxy credentials where the user name includes a backslash (\) are interpreted as NTLM credentials with the user name specifying both domain and user
  • XML/GML writers will write nilReason attributes only if the element is actually nil


  • The OpenStreetMap based map provided by MapQuest has been removed as the service is no longer available (see also #64)


  • Errors when converting the alignment model on saving will no longer result in empty files overriding your previously stored alignment
  • Time information for dates no longer is lost when stored in the internal database
  • Concatenating a Ring geometry to a LinearRing will no longer result in duplicate coordinates
  • Concurrent access to the same source instances could result in exceptions and invalid objects being transformed (see #96)
  • Drastically reduced threads created by FinalizableReferenceQueues for internal database handle cleanup
  • PostGIS: classify columns with type geometry as geometry columns, even if there is no corresponding entry in the geometry_columns table
  • PostGIS: assume lon/lat axis order instead of lat/lon for geographic coordinate reference systems
  • Correctly use cursors in JDBC connections (loading tables in batches, not completely)
  • Returning muliple instances from Groovy functions now always uses the correct bindings

2.9.4 - 2015-11-01

Changes so far have been documented in the hale help.