The io.interlockledger.tags library is a pure Java implementation of the ILInt and ILTags standards defined by InterlockLedger.
The primary intent of this library is to be used for interactions with InterlockLedger nodes and formats using Java. Regardless of that, this library can be used for any purpose without restrictions.
First production ready implementation.
Initial version. Ported from the C++ reference implementation.
Any bugs and suggestions may be reported directly using the GitHub Issue System.
This project will be managed by the InterlockLedger team but any collaboration will be accepted and properly credited. Feel free to clone this project and propose changes via pull requests.
It is important to notice that, for now, this project restricts itself to Java 8 only. No external dependencies will be allowed.
This library is licensed under the The 3-Clause BSD License.
This is an OSS project, the InterlockLedger Network does not provide any direct support for this library.
Yes. Just follow the license restrictions.
No. It is supposed to use only Java 8 core classes and nothing more.
The library is restricted to Java 8 in order to make it as portable as possible.
Primarily Eclipse but any Maven compatible IDE will work.