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Compute Engine
IonosCloud: server
Creates and manages IonosCloud Server objects.


Manages a Server on IonosCloud.

Example Usage

This resource will create an operational server. After this section completes, the provisioner can be called.


data "ionoscloud_image" "example" {
    type                  = "HDD"
    cloud_init            = "V1"
    location              = "us/las"

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
    name                  = "Datacenter Example"
    location              = "us/las"
    description           = "Datacenter Description"
    sec_auth_protection   = false

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example" {
    datacenter_id         =
    public                = true
    name                  = "Lan Example"

resource "ionoscloud_ipblock" "example" {
    location              = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.location
    size                  = 4
    name                  = "IP Block Example"

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
    name                  = "Server Example"
    datacenter_id         =
    cores                 = 1
    ram                   = 1024
    availability_zone     = "ZONE_1"
    cpu_family            = "AMD_OPTERON"
    image_name            =
    image_password        = "K3tTj8G14a3EgKyNeeiY"
    type                  = "ENTERPRISE"
    volume {
        name              = "system"
        size              = 5
        disk_type         = "SSD Standard"
        user_data         = "foo"
        bus               = "VIRTIO"
        availability_zone = "ZONE_1"
    nic {
        lan               =
        name              = "system"
        dhcp              = true
        firewall_active   = true
        firewall_type     = "BIDIRECTIONAL"
        ips               = [ ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[0], ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[1] ]
    firewall {
        protocol          = "TCP"
        name              = "SSH"
        port_range_start  = 22
        port_range_end    = 22
        source_mac        = "00:0a:95:9d:68:17"
        source_ip         = ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[2]
        target_ip         = ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[3]
        type              = "EGRESS"

CUBE Server

data "ionoscloud_template" "example" {
    name            = "CUBES XS"

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
	name            = "Datacenter Example"
	location        = "de/txl"

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example" {
  datacenter_id     =
  public            = true
  name              = "Lan Example"

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
  name              = "Server Example"
  availability_zone = "ZONE_2"
  image_name        = "ubuntu:latest"
  type              = "CUBE"
  template_uuid     =
  image_password    = "K3tTj8G14a3EgKyNeeiY"  
  datacenter_id     =
  volume {
    name            = "Volume Example"
    licence_type    = "LINUX" 
    disk_type       = "DAS"
  nic {
    lan             =
    name            = "Nic Example"
    dhcp            = true
    firewall_active = true

Argument reference

  • template_uuid - (Optional)[string] The UUID of the template for creating a CUBE server; the available templates for CUBE servers can be found on the templates resource
  • name - (Required)[string] The name of the server.
  • datacenter_id - (Required)[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.
  • cores - (Optional)[integer] Number of server CPU cores.
  • ram - (Optional)[integer] The amount of memory for the server in MB.
  • image_name - (Optional)[string] The name, ID or alias of the image. May also be a snapshot ID. It is required if licence_type is not provided. Attribute is immutable.
  • availability_zone - (Optional)[string] The availability zone in which the server should exist. This property is immutable.
  • licence_type - (Optional)[string] Sets the OS type of the server.
  • cpu_family - (Optional)[string] Sets the CPU type. "AMD_OPTERON", "INTEL_XEON" or "INTEL_SKYLAKE".
  • volume - (Required) See the Volume section.
  • nic - (Required) See the Nic section.
  • boot_volume - (Computed) The associated boot volume.
  • boot_cdrom - (Optional)[string] The associated boot drive, if any.
  • boot_image - (Optional)[string] The image or snapshot UUID / name. May also be an image alias. It is required if licence_type is not provided.
  • primary_nic - (Computed) The associated NIC.
  • primary_ip - (Computed) The associated IP address.
  • firewallrule_id - (Computed) The associated firewall rule.
  • ssh_key_path - (Optional)[list] List of paths to files containing a public SSH key that will be injected into IonosCloud provided Linux images. Required for IonosCloud Linux images. Required if image_password is not provided.
  • image_password - (Optional)[string] Required if ssh_key_path is not provided.
  • type - (Optional)[string] server usages: ENTERPRISE or CUBE. This property is immutable.


Image_name under volume level is deprecated, please use image_name under server level


If you want to create a CUBE server, you have to provide the template_uuid. In this case you can not set cores, ram and volume.size arguments, these being mutually exclusive with template_uuid.

In all the other cases (ENTERPRISE servers) you have to provide values for cores, ram and volume size.


Resource Server can be imported using the resource id and the datacenter id, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_server.myserver {datacenter uuid}/{server uuid}


Please note that for any secondary volume, you need to set the licence_type property to UNKNOWN