The IOTA Bridge is a REST service for messages transferred between the following list of actors:
- Management Console
- All kinds of Sensor applications like Streams POC Library test application and x86/PC Sensor
- IOTA Tangle nodes
- Services accessing the LoRaWAN AP-Server (a.k.a. Application Server Connector)
It provides a REST API to:
- Send streams packages that will be attached to the tangle using an IOTA Node or receive existing streams packages from the tangle
- Send remote control commands from a x86/PC Sensor or Management Console application to a Sensor application
- Send remote control confirmations from a Sensor application to the x86/PC Sensor or Management Console application
- Receive IotaBridgeRequest packages containing one of the above described REST API requests as a binary serialized package which can be used to interact with the IOTA Bridge e.g. via LoRaWAN
Please have a look at the Prerequisites and Build section of the main README of this repository.
In addition to the common CLI options described in the CLI API section of the main README file the IOTA Bridge offers the following CLI arguments.
-l, --listener-ip-address <LISTENER_IP_ADDRESS_PORT>
IP address and port to listen to.
Example: listener-ip-address=""
-n, --node <NODE_URL>
The IP or domain name of the SUSEE Node to connect to.
Set this value to the domain name or static ip address of the SUSEE Node
which provides the IOTA Node, inx-collector and inx-poi web services.
See folder 'susee-node' for more details.
The IOTA Node and inx-collector API will be accessed using their
standard ports (14265 and 9030) automatically.
The default settings will connect to the private tangle that can be run
for development purposes (see folder 'susee-node' for more details).
The --error-handling
argument can be used to control the handling of SUSEE-Node service
errors. For more details please see the
IOTA Bridge Error Handling
section below.
-e, --error-handling <ERROR_HANDLING>
Defines how errors occurring during 'lorawan-rest/binary_request'
endpoint processing are handled.
Existing values are:
All internal errors are immediately returned to the client.
The client is responsible to handle the error for example
by doing a failover to another iota-bridge instance or
by buffering the payload and later retrial.
Use this option if there are multiple redundant iota-bridge
instances run.
In case the validation of a send message fails, the
iota-bridge will buffer the message and will later retry
to send the message via the tangle.
This option is only suitable if only one iota-bridge
instance is run.
Internal errors of the iota-bridge are provided via http error status codes:
| ------------------------------ | --------------------------- |
| Error Type | HTTP Error Status |
| ------------------------------ | --------------------------- |
| *SUSEE Node* health error | 503 - Service Unavailable |
| Message send validation error | 507 - Insufficient Storage |
| Other error | 500 - Internal Server Error |
| ------------------------------ | --------------------------- |
For more details regarding the different error types please see the
iota-bridge file.
[default: always-return-errors]
In case of an IOTA protocol update in the IOTA mainnet or Shimmernet, the deployed
IOTA Bridge will not be able to communicate with an IOTA Node anymore.
The --do-not-use-tangle-transport
argument can be used to bypass the IOTA Node
and to send the Sensor messages directly to the deployed
INX Collector.
This option may be used as a workaround until the new protocol version has been integrated in the
IOTA Bridge and other susee-streams-poc applications (in other words: Until the
susee-streams-poc has been updated to the new protocol version).
Using the --do-not-use-tangle-transport
argument means that no
Proof of Inclusion Validation
can be done later on.
-t, --do-not-use-tangle-transport
If this argument is NOT specified, the IOTA tangle
will be used for Sensor message transport.
If this argument is specified, the messages will be send directly
via the inx-collector to the database.
Example for sending messages directly to the inx-collector:
./iota-bridge --do-not-use-tangle-transport -n=""
Most of the REST API is used internally by the accompanying susee-streams-poc applications.
The only endpoints relevant for public use are the following:
- /lorawan-rest
Post binary IotaBridgeRequest packages received e.g. via LoRaWAN - /lorawan-node
Manage LoRaWAN nodes (Sensors) cached by the IOTA Bridge to allow compressed Streams message usage
IotaBridgeRequest packages can be posted to the IOTA Bridge using the lorawan-rest/binary_request
To demonstrate the usage of the API here is a cURL example:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
--data-binary '@request_parts.bin'
The folder ../test/iota-bridge contains several curl script files that can be executed to send requests to a running IOTA Bridge listening to local host. The above given example can be found in the file in the test/iota-bridge folder.
Underlying usecase:
Given you are using the streams-poc-lib function
in your C code you will receive a binary package via the lorawan_send_callback
function that you need
to specify to call send_message(). You'll transmit this binary package e.g. via LoRaWAN. In your LoRaWAN Application
Server you can use the lorawan-rest/binary_request
endpoint of the IOTA Bridge to hand the binary package over to it.
The body of the resulting HTTP Resonse needs to be returned to your Sensor Application
which then needs to transmit it to the streams-poc-lib via the response_callback
function that is provided by the streams-poc-lib.
Have a look into the following documentation for more details:
- Interface of the streams-poc-lib: streams_poc_lib.h
- Readme of the streams-poc-lib
The AppServer Connector Mockup Tool implements this process but uses a WIFI socket connection instead of a LoRaWAN connection. For further details please have a look into the AppServer Connector Mockup Tool README.
The --error-handling
argument described above, can be used to specify
how internal errors of the SUSEE Node are handled when
the lorawan-rest/binary_request
endpoint is used.
There are three types of errors which are indicated with specific http error status values:
Error Type | HTTP Error Status |
SUSEE Node health error | 503 - Service Unavailable |
Message send validation error | 507 - Insufficient Storage |
Other error | 500 - Internal Server Error |
More details regarding these errors can be found in the following sections.
Before any access to the IOTA Tangle is processed the IOTA Bridge performs a service health check for the following services:
- IOTA Node
- INX Collector
- MINIO Object Database.
If any of these services is not healthy the
IOTA Bridge will return a 503 - Service Unavailable
http error
for a /lorawan-rest
After a Sensor message has been send via the IOTA Tangle the resulting block and it's POI must be archived by the INX Collector in the MINIO object database. In case of errors the block might not have been stored in the MINIO database.
To make sure that the Sensor message has been successfully send and the resulting block exists in the MINIO database, the IOTA Bridge will validate the block existence after each message send process.
In case this validation fails the behavior of the IOTA Bridge depends on
the --error-handling
--error-handling = always-return-errors
The IOTA Bridge will return a
507 - Insufficient Storage
http error
for a /lorawan-rest
Use this option if there are multiple redundant iota-bridge instances run.
For production environments we recommend to run at least two SUSEE Nodes, each providing an independently working IOTA Bridge instance. The available instances can be run behind a load balancer or the Application Server Connector can do a simple failover.
--error-handling = buffer-messages-on-validation-errors
The IOTA Bridge will buffer the Sensor message in its local SQLite database and will try to send the message in the future.
The IOTA Bridge then will respond with a
200 - OK
http status to the /lorawan-rest
This option is only suitable if only one iota-bridge instance is run for test purposes.
To allow compressed Streams message usage, the IOTA Bridge stores LoRaWAN nodes (a.k.a. Sensors in the SUSEE project) in its local SQLite3 database.
The stored Sensors can be managed by the following API endpoints.
Create a Sensor entry in the caching database.
POST/lorawan-node/{devEui} ? channel-id = {channelId}
devEui: LoRaWAN DevEUI of the Sensor
channelId: Streams channel-id of the Sensor
Query data of a specific Sensor
GET /lorawan-node/{devEui}
devEui: LoRaWAN DevEUI of the Sensor
Expecting that a Sensor with dev_eui 4711 is stored in the database.
Status 404 Not Found
Body:Not Found Description: lorawan_node not found
Status 200 OK
Query if a specific Sensor is known by the IOTA Bridge
GET /lorawan-node/{devEui} ? exist
devEui: LoRaWAN DevEUI of the Sensor
Expecting that a Sensor with dev_eui 4711 is stored in the database.
Status 404 Not Found
Body:Not Found Description: lorawan_node not found
Status 200 OK
As been descibed in the Sensor README compressed streams messages can be used to reduce the LoRaWAN payload size. The usage of compressed messages is only possible after one or more normal streams messages have been send. The IOTA Bridge then learns which Streams Channel ID is used by which Sensor where the Sensor is identified by its 64 bit LoraWAN DevEUI. Additionally the initialization count is stored to allow Sensor Reinitialization detection.
The mapping of LoraWAN DevEUI to Streams Channel meta data is stored in a local SQLite3 database. The database file "iota-bridge.sqlite3" is stored in the directory where the IOTA Bridge is started.
To review the data stored in the local SQLite3 database we recommend the DB Browser for SQLite application.
A network of LoRaWAN connected Sensors can consist of multiple millions of Sensors. Given these Sensors would send messages every 15 minutes this leads to ~1.11 K request/s per million users.
Despite all limitations that are caused by the available performance of the IOTA mainnet, this means that in a large scale scenario the IOTA Bridge would have to run in an industrial web server tech stack including load-balancers, auto-scaling and so on.
In case compressed streams messages are used the IOTA Bridge needs an appropriately fast central or distributed high availability data storage solution like (e.g. mariadb, postgres, mongodb, couchdb, ...).
Alternatively to handle thousands of requests per second using a high performance IOTA Bridge the service could run on edge devices to handle only dozens or hundreds of requests in a specific region resp. sector oft the LoRaWAN network.
Behind the scenes Commands and Confirmations are used by the Management Console and a Sensor to communicate with each other. The Commands and Confirmations are send via the IOTA Bridge which provides all needed web API endpoints for the communication process.
The IOTA Bridge acts as a simple proxy without interfering in the process controlled by the Management Console.
Commands are created by the Management Console via the IOTA Bridge web API
and fetched by a Sensor through cyclic HTTP REST polling.
Confirmations are created by a Sensor via the IOTA Bridge web API
and fetched by the Management Console through cyclic HTTP REST polling.
Although currently not used a Sensor can connect to the IOTA Bridge
web API for Commands and Confirmations via the LoRaWAN communication
infrastructure by using the lorawan-rest/binary_request
endpoint of the IOTA Bridge.
Cyclic HTTP REST polling is very slow compared to other web communication protocols (for example WebRTC or HTTP/2 features) but is used here because of its simplicity and reliability in usage scenarios with very slow and unreliable connections.
The properties that are communicated between Management Console and Sensor are basic data types like integers, UTF8 strings or binary data packages.
Commands and Confirmations are mainly used for the Automatic Sensor Initialization and Multiple Parallel Automatic Sensor Initialization.
One Management Console can communicate with multiple Sensors in parallel, where each Command can have only one receiving Sensor and each Confirmation only one Sensor as originator. The Sensor being the receiver or originator is identified by its DevEUI. At the beginning of an automatic Sensor initialization, the DevEUI of a Sensor is determined using a DevEUI Handshake.
Commands are created by the Management Console using one of the following IOTA Bridge API endpoints:
Method | Path | Command Type |
POST | command/subscribe_to_announcement/{dev_eui} | SUBSCRIBE_TO_ANNOUNCEMENT_LINK |
POST | command/register_keyload_msg/{dev_eui} | REGISTER_KEYLOAD_MESSAGE |
GET | command/dev_eui_handshake/{dev_eui} | DEV_EUI_HANDSHAKE |
GET | command/clear_client_state/{dev_eui} | CLEAR_CLIENT_STATE |
POST | command/send_messages/{dev_eui} | START_SENDING_MESSAGES |
GET | command/println_subscriber_status/{dev_eui} | PRINTLN_SUBSCRIBER_STATUS |
Commands are fetched by a Sensor using the GET command/next/{dev_eui}
List of existing Commands:
Command Type | Comment |
NO_COMMAND | Returned to Sensor in case no Command is available |
SUBSCRIBE_TO_ANNOUNCEMENT_LINK | Sensor shall subscribe to an announcement link |
REGISTER_KEYLOAD_MESSAGE | Sensor shall register a keyload message |
DEV_EUI_HANDSHAKE | Management Console wants to perform a DevEUI Handshake with a Sensor |
CLEAR_CLIENT_STATE | Sensor shall clear its client state |
PRINTLN_SUBSCRIBER_STATUS | Sensor shall print its subscriber status to the console log |
START_SENDING_MESSAGES | Sensor shall send messages in an endless loop |
STOP_FETCHING_COMMANDS | Internally used inside the Sensor to stop Command polling |
Diagram of the existing Commands in the representation used for transport via LoRaWAN:
Confirmations are created by a Sensor using one of the following IOTA Bridge API endpoints:
Method | Path | Confirmation Type |
POST | confirm/subscription/{dev_eui} | SUBSCRIPTION |
POST | confirm/keyload_registration/{dev_eui} | KEYLOAD_REGISTRATION |
POST | confirm/dev_eui_handshake/{dev_eui} | DEV_EUI_HANDSHAKE |
POST | confirm/clear_client_state/{dev_eui} | CLEAR_CLIENT_STATE |
POST | confirm/subscriber_status/{dev_eui} | SUBSCRIBER_STATUS |
POST | confirm/send_messages/{dev_eui} | SEND_MESSAGES |
Confirmations are fetched by the Management Console using the
GET confirm/next/{dev_eui}
List of existing Confirmations:
Confirmation Type | Comment |
NO_CONFIRMATION | Returned to Management Console in case no Confirmation is available |
SUBSCRIPTION | Sensor confirms successful Streams Channel subscription |
KEYLOAD_REGISTRATION | Sensor confirms successful registration of a keyload link |
DEV_EUI_HANDSHAKE | Sensor confirms accepting a DevEUI Handshake |
CLEAR_CLIENT_STATE | Sensor confirms successfully having cleared its client state |
SUBSCRIBER_STATUS | Sensor confirms having printed its subscriber status to the console log |
SEND_MESSAGES | Sensor will never use this as the messages are send in an endless loop |
Diagram of the existing Confirmations in the representation used for transport via LoRaWAN: