If you prefer a different IDE such as Clion from Jetbrains, you can get stared like so:
Download Clion from Jetbrains: https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/download/
Install PlatformIO Core: https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/installation.html
$ pip install -U platformio
Create project directory
Install Clion plugins:
File Watchers
Setup Project defaults:
$ platformio init --ide clion --board esp32dev
Delete the contents of the file
and replace it with the code from our Hello World example. -
Compile the code into a runable binary:
$ pio run
Upload the runnable binary over the serial port to the device:
$ pio run --target upload
Monitor the serial ouput from the device:
$ pio device monitor
If you prefer a minimalist setup, you can forgo using an IDE and opt for your favourite text editor (Nano, vim, Notepad++).
By skipping step 1 above and only installing PlatformIO core you can still create code, compile and deploy to your device.