Otto's nodes and launch files that do not belong elsewhere and don't deserve their own package.
The node
is used to tune PID parametes.
It subscribes to cmd_vel
and otto_ticks
and publishes a otto_pid_tuning_val
You can use rqt_plot
to plot the values and tune your PID.
The node
is used to calibrate the odometry parameters and the laser pose.
It subscribes to otto_ticks
and publishes the left and right wheel velocities (in radians/s) on /otto_odom_calib
The data published on /otto_odom_calib
, together with the data on /scan
topic can be used with the package OdomLaserCalibraTool to automagically get the wheels radius, the distance between the wheels and the laser pose.
The node
subscribes to joy
and publishes a cmd_vel