We welcome contributions to the Team Kernel project. Please read the following guide before posting an issue or sending in pull requests. Please also read our Code of Conduct before contributing or engaging in discussions.
- Feature requests need to describe as thoroughly as possible and perhaps contain some info on how you would implement it
- Bug reports need to be described in detail what the problem is, how it was triggered and perhaps contain a possible solution
- Questions are free to be asked about the internals of the codebase and about the project
- Feature requests first need to be discussed and accepted in Team Kernel Wechat Group before sending in a pull request
- Bug fixes should contain regression tests
- All pull requests should follow the coding standards
- Pull requests will be merged after being reviewed by the Leader
- Please be respectful to other contributors and hold to The Code Manifesto
- It's a good practice to write tests for your contribution
- Write the full namespace in DocBlocks for
tags - The rest of the coding standards will be checked by Irufaan
All tests can be run with the following commands. Make sure to run this inside the Homestead box.
$ composer spec
$ composer test