📖 Upload as Material in Google Classroom:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - upload the copy)
- Do Now (make a copy for your program - upload the copy)
- Coding Exercise(s)
📝 Upload as Assignment in Google Classroom (5 points):
- Exit Ticket (DO NOT MAKE A COPY - upload as link)
👋 Welcome & Do Now (10) :
- Engage students and set a positive tone for the lesson.
- Direct students to open and complete the Do Now form with review questions.
🗣️ Do Now Share Outs (5) :
- Review the answers from the review form.
- Invite students to share their Do Now responses for a whole class review.
🔄 Review (10) :
- Review how to use .value to retrieve a value from an input field and display it on a webpage.
- Explain the process of retrieving a user’s input, saving it in a variable, and displaying it on a page.
- Discuss everyday examples where this is applicable.
- Emphasize the three key steps: Declare a variable, get the input value, and display the input.
💻 Code Solo (15) :
- Students work individually on the review.js file.
- Encourage students to talk through challenges with mentors.
- If finished early, students can complete an extension activity.
👋 Exit Ticket & Closing (5)
- Students complete the Exit Ticket in Google Classroom.
- Ensure students have submitted their exit tickets.
Misunderstanding the .value Property: Students might think that .value can be used with any HTML element. It's crucial to clarify that .value is specifically used with form elements like input, select, and textarea.
Confusing Value with Text: There can be confusion between the text displayed in an input field and its value attribute. Students should understand that .value returns the current text in the input field, not the value of the value attribute in the HTML.
Variable Scope Misconception: In JavaScript, understanding variable scope can be challenging. Ensure students know where a variable should be declared and how it can be accessed, especially in the context of event handling.
Event Handling Confusion: Students might struggle with the concept of event handling and how it triggers the retrieval of input values. They may not immediately grasp how events like clicking a button can be linked to executing JavaScript code.
DOM Manipulation Complexity: The concept of manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) to display values might be confusing. Students might not initially see the connection between the JavaScript code and the changes in the webpage.
- n/a