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43 lines (22 loc) · 1.37 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (22 loc) · 1.37 KB

Contributing to UseTheForm

🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉

With the aim of ensuring that usetheform lives and continues to grow we would like to encourage everyone to help and support this library by contributing.

Pull Request Process

  1. Fork and clone the repo to your local machine

  2. Create a new branch from master with a meaningful name for a new feature or an issue you want to work on: git checkout -b your-meaningful-branch-name

  3. Install packages by running:

    npm i

  4. If you have added/removed code ensure that test suite still passes.

    npm test

  5. Write some unit tests to cover as much of your code as possible.

  6. Ensure your code lints without errors.

    npm run lint

  7. Ensure build passes.

    npm run build

  8. Push your branch: git push -u origin your-meaningful-branch-name

  9. Submit a pull request to the upstream usetheform repository.

  10. Choose a descriptive title and describe your changes briefly.

Coding style

UseTheForm uses eslint and prettier. As suggestion, you might enable the eslint and prettier plugins in your editor to get real-time feedback. To execute the linting manually, run the following command: npm run lint


By contributing your code to the usetheform GitHub repository, you agree to license your code under the MIT license.