Peculiarities encountered in Svelte 5 and SvelteKit 2.
import type { PageServerLoad } from './$types';
Doesn't work:
import { type PageServerLoad } from './$types';
, getContext()
and hasContext()
don't work and throw errors in modules if not called from onMount()
or called on the server side.
As an extension, useState()
does not work in the same situations.
cannot take type parameter, should use type on the left-hand side. $state
type on left-hand side does not work well, should use type parameter.
let { value }: { value: ValueType } = $props();
let value = $state<ValueType>(initialValue);
Does not work:
let { value } = $props<{ value: ValueType }>();
let value: ValueType = $state(initialValue);
System prompt:
Use Svelte 5 runes. They are not imported but compiled, `let value = $state<valueType>(initialValue);` and `value` can be read or set directly, it will be reactive. For component props, use `let { prop1, prop2, ...args } : { prop1: prop1Type, prop2: prop2Type, ... } = $props();`