diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3686588b..4b77afb3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ This project has few of the top UI frameworks integrated in separate git branche | [ui-carbon](../../tree/ui-carbon) | [Carbon](https://carbon-components-svelte.onrender.com/) | Y | Incomplete and currently broken (w/Svelte 5) | | [ui-framework7](../../tree/ui-framework7) | [Framework7](https://framework7.io/svelte/introduction.html) | N | Incomplete and currently broken (w/Svelte 5) | | [ui-shoelace](../../tree/ui-shoelace) | [Shoelace](https://shoelace.style/) | Y | | -| [ui-svelteui](../../tree/ui-svelteui) | [SvelteUI](https://www.svelteui.org) | Y | | +| [ui-svelteui](../../tree/ui-svelteui) | [SvelteUI](https://www.svelteui.org) | Y | Incomplete and currently broken (w/Svelte 5) | | [ui-tailwindcss](../../tree/ui-tailwindcss) | [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com) | | May use components, e.g. [Flowbite](https://flowbite.com/docs/getting-started/introduction/) | | [ui-konsta](../../tree/ui-konsta) | [Konsta](https://konstaui.com/svelte) | Y | (Requires TailwindCSS) | | | [Skeleton](https://github.com/skeletonlabs/skeleton) | Y | (Requires TailwindCSS) |