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61 lines (46 loc) · 2.44 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (46 loc) · 2.44 KB


Current directory uses the default "Hello " example where you send a message to the server with your name, and the server sends back "Hello .

It has a server build on the currently new .NET Core 3.0, which has gRPC integrated .NET Core ❤ gRPC.

However there is a problem upon trying to connect to the server from a Java Client.

Failed... : 
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INTERNAL: Protocol error
Rst Stream
	at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.toStatusRuntimeException(
	at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.getUnchecked(
	at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall(
	at io.grpc.examples.helloworld.GreeterGrpc$GreeterBlockingStub.sayHello(
	at io.grpc.helloworldexample.HelloworldActivity$GrpcTask.doInBackground(
	at io.grpc.helloworldexample.HelloworldActivity$GrpcTask.doInBackground(
	at android.os.AsyncTask$
	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

How to Replicate

  • Open Greeter.sln using Visual Studio and start Server using "Docker"

Alternatively you can just use Docker commands.

  • Open command promt or powershell and find your local ip adress.
$ ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi:

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain
  IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Ethernet adapter Bluetooth Network Connection:
  • Open command promt or powershell and your docker image port.
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND               CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                   NAMES
a944cb151e1f        server:dev                          "tail -f /dev/null"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>80/tcp   optimistic_brahmagupta

in my case it ended being

  • Open Android studio and Install Client-Android.
  • Open the installed app and call your build IP with some random message for example "test", it should return Hello test, it does not.