A WIP project that models a very basic "event listing" site.
- ruby (>= 3)
- git (for cloning)
- rbenv, rbenv-gemset and ruby-build (not needed but helpful)
- gcc
- sqlite3 and dev libs
- opensearch (or docker)
- (probably other binary dependencies gems rely on)
Given the correct ruby version is installed and the OpenSearch server is running.
cd ${project_dir}
rails db:migrate
rails db:import:placecal_snapshot # loads partners and events from PC snapshot
rails db:import:load_keywords_and_tag_partners # loads keywords and classifies partners
rails db:import:address_poscode_lookup # loads keywords and classifies partners
into directory and run rails s
then navigate to http://localhost:3000
The data from this project was pulled from the publicly available API provided by PlaceCal. No personal or private information is in this project.