Description of the executables provided in JetMETAnalysis/JetUtilities
- jet_inspect_histos_x
- jet_inspect_graphs_x
- jet_inspect_profiles_x
- jet_add_histos_x
This simple yet powerful tool allows you to plot histograms created by jet_response_analyzer_x or jet_mass_analyzer_x. The response for different files & algorithms can also be compared (will look good for maximum two though!).
Exploits ObjectLoader to display the response in different bins of variables to be specified. Different files (inputs), algorithms (algs), or variables (e.g. differen Eta / pT ranges) can be overlayed.
If different files are to be overlayed, specify a space-separated list as an argument to the -inputs option.
If different algorithms should be compared, specify a space-separated list as an arguments to the -algs option.
If different variables should be compared, specify a space-separated list as an argument to the -variables option.
A variable has the following syntax:
and the (only!) assumption is that histograms are stored with names as
e.g. "RelRsp_JetEta0to1.4_RefPt20to27"
- RelRsp:RefPt
- corresponds to the relative response as a function of reference (e.g. genJet) pT; one response histogram will be created for each found RefPt bin.
- AbsRsp:JetEta:RefPt
- corresponds to the absolute response as a function of jet eta and reference pT; one response histogram will be created for each found JetEta and RefPt bin. The response distributions belonging to the same eta bin will be drawn in a separate canvas by default.
- RelRsp:JetEta@0:RefPt
- corresponds to the relative response as a function of reference pT, in whichever eta bin contains '0'.
- RelRsp:JetEta#1:RefPt@25
- the '#1' indicates that JetEta should be considered the second variable (index 0->1): corresponds to the relative response as a function of eta, in whichever RefPt bin contains '25'.
The options are summarized in the following table:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
inputs | vstring | list of ROOT input files | |
algs | vstring | "ktcalo" | list of algorithms |
variables | vstring | "AbsRsp:RefPt" | variables to be plotted, in the format quantity:var1[:...[:varN]] |
npercanvas | int | 0 | number of histograms per canvas, 0=all |
norm | bool | 0 | normalize all histograms to 1.0 if set to true |
mean | bool | 0 | draw a line for the histogram mean if set to true |
median | bool | 0 | draw a line for the histogram median if set to true |
peak | bool | 0 | draw a line for the histogram fit peak if set to true (and if the histogram has been fit) |
logx | bool | 0 | display x-axis logarithmically if set to true |
logy | bool | 0 | display y-axis logarithmically if set to true |
prefix | string | "" | prefix for the canvas / created plot file (constructed automatically if "") |
batch | bool | 0 | execute in batch mode (no graphics are being displayed, but plot files are created!) |
formats | vstring | - | indicate for which formats (ps, eps, pdf, png, jpg) each canvas should be saved. (if empty and batch is true, add pdf automatically!) |
jet_inspect_histos_x -inputs JRA_f.root -algs kt4calo -variables RelRsp:RefPt
The tool allows you to plot graphs created by jet_response_and_resolution_x (actually, any application which conforms with the expected naming convention of the TGraphError objects!). Just like in jet_inspect_histos_x, multiple graphs can be overlayed on the same canvas.
The options are summarized in the following table (some lesser used options may be missing from this table):
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
inputs | vstring | list of ROOT input files | |
algs | vstring | "ak5calo" | list of algorithms |
variables | vstring | "RelRspVsRefPt" | variables to be plotted, in the format quantityVsVar1[:...[:VarN]] |
leglabels | vstring | - | provide legend labels (constructed automatically if empty) |
tdrlabels | vstring | "" | place text somwhere in the pad, format: "[x:y:]text" |
tdrautobins | bool | false | automatically label the graphs based on their variable names and ranges |
drawrange | bool | false | Draw the range |
leginplot | bool | true | if false the legend is placed outside of the pad |
drawlegend | bool | true | turn on or off the drawing of the legend |
legx | double | 0.5 | override the legend x position |
legy | double | 0.9 | override the legend y position |
legw | double | 0.4 | override the legend width |
extraleglabels | int | 0 | the number of legend labels that do not have an associated graph |
text | string | "" | (depricated) place text somwhere in the pad, format: "[x:y:]text" |
logx | bool | 0 | display x-axis logarithmically if set to true |
logy | bool | 0 | display y-axis logarithmically if set to true |
ymin | float | -1.0 | y-axis minimum if larger than 0.0, 0.0/0.01 otherwise, based on logy*false/true |
ymax | float | -1.0 | y-axis maximum if larger than 0.0, as determined by ROOT otherwise |
nocolor | bool | false | request plots to be drawn in black and white only (with adjusted marker styles) |
overlay | bool | true | indicate wether all graphs should be overlayed (default) or if each should be drawn in its own pad |
prefix | string | "" | prefix for the canvas / created plot file (constructed automatically if "") |
suffix | string | "" | suffix for the canvas |
opath | string | "" | output path for the plot files |
formats | vstring | - | indicate for which formats (ps, eps, pdf, png, jpg) each canvas should be saved. (if empty and batch is true, add pdf automatically!) |
batch | bool | 0 | execute in batch mode (no graphics are being displayed, but plot files are created!) |
residual | int | -1 | if the value is greater than -1 a residual pad is drawn and the value of this variable determines the type of error shown |
resmcdata | bool | false | tells the program that the residual will be between a MC and data sample |
defmcdata | int | "" | tells the program which of the graphs is the MC and which of them is the data |
interpolate | bool | false | tells the program to interpolate between the points when calculating the residual plots |
mgname | string | "" | overrides the graph name |
tdr | bool | false | use the newest drawing style for CMS |
override | bool | false | Normally the program will only allow multiple inputs, algs, or variables, but not multiple of more than one of those. This will override that protection, but should be used with caution. |
removeFit | bool | false | remove the fits associated with the graphs so that they are not drawn |
jet_inspect_graphs_x -inputs JRA_g.root -algs sc5pf sc5calo
jet_inspect_graphs_x -inputs JRA_f_g.root -algs sc5pf sc7pf
jet_inspect_graphs_x -inputs JRA_g.root,JRA_fastsim_g.root -algs ak5pf -variables AbsRspVsRefPt:JetEta@0
jet_inspect_graphs_x -inputs JRA_f_g.root -variables RelRspVsRefPt:JetEta@0 RelRsVsRefPt:JetEta@2
This table will help you map the input variable names to the output graph names. These should just be used as examples as there are a great many options.
Variable | TGraphErrors name(s) |
RspVsRefPt | RspVsRefPt |
ResVsRefPt:JetEta | ResVsRefPt_JetEta0to1.4 |
ResVsRefPt_JetEta1.4to2.6 | |
RspVsJetEta:RefPt | RspVsJetEta_RefPt20to27 |
RspVsJetEta_RefPt27to35 |
Make profiles with this tool, e.g. of the response vs eta/pT. Useful for quick closure tests. You can supply different inputs, algorithms, and/or selections. E.g. you can compare different samples, different algorithms, or different kinematic regions.
The complete list of parameters is the following:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
inputs | vstring | list of ROOT input files | |
algs | vstring | "ak5pf" | list of algorithms (e.g. 'ak5jptl2l3') |
selections | vstring | "" | list of selections (e.g. 'refpt>20.') |
varexpr | string | "jtpt/refpt:jteta" | variable expression describing 2D histo grom which profile is derived. |
treename | string | "t" | name of the ROOT tree. |
nbinsx | int | 50 | number of bins in x. |
xmin | double | -5.0 | minimum value on x-axis. |
xmax | double | 5.0 | maximum value on x-axis. |
nbinsy | int | 50 | number of bins in y. |
ymin | double | 0.0 | minimum value on y-axis. |
ymax | double | 1.2 | maximum value on y-axis. |
logx | bool | false | whether the x-axis should be displayed in log scale. |
logy | bool | false | whether the y-axis should be displayed in log scale. |
xtitle | string | "jet #eta" | x-axis title |
ytitle | string | "p_{T}/p_{T}^{REF}" | y-axis title |
colors | vint | "" | line colors for each of the profiles. |
labels | vstring | "" | legend labels for each of the profiles. |
hlines | vstring | "" | where to draw horizontal lines, specify [:<line_style>], e.g. "1.01:2" |
output | string | "profile" | name of canvas / output file(s). |
batch | bool | 0 | execute in batch mode (no graphics are being displayed, but plot files are created) |
formats | vstring | - | indicate for which formats (ps, eps, pdf, png, jpg) each canvas should be saved. (if empty and batch is true, add pdf automatically!) |
jet_inspect_profiles_x -inputs JRA.root
jet_inspect_profiles_x -inputs JRA.root -selections "refpt>20.&&refpt<50." "refpt>100.&refpt<300." -labels "20<p_{T}<50" "100<p_{T}<300"
jet_inspect_profiles_x config/jip_vseta.config config/jip_ptrsp.config -inputs JRA.root
This code takes in a file formatted in the style of jet_response_analyzer_x, adds together a set of histograms within a given set of ranges, and then outputs a file with all of histograms which weren't added together plus this summed histograms. The original intention for this code was to be able to piece together the pThat distributions. This would allow the user to check that multiple datasets had been stitched together appropriately. That being said, there is no reason this code couldn't be used to add together other histograms.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
input | string | ROOT input file | |
output | string | "" | output filename |
algs | string | "" | list of algorithms (e.g. 'ak5jptl2l3') |
variables | string | "pThat:JetEta:RefPt" | list of variables/histograms to sum |
sranges | string | "pThat:JetEta!:RefPt!" | list of ranges to sum over (can be multiple ranges per list of variables) |
prefix | string | "" | prefix for the summed histogram(s) |
suffix | string | "" | suffix for the summed histogram(s) |
fill | bool | false | set options for a filled histogram |
colors | string | "" | colors for the summed histogram(s) |
fillstyles | string | "" | fill styles for the summed histogram(s) |
markstyles | string | "" | marker styles for the summed histogram(s) |
rebin | int | 1 | rebin the summed histogram(s) |
norm | bool | false | normalize the summed histogram(s) to 1.0 |
verbose | bool | false | print additional information to the screen |
jet_add_histos_x -input jra.root
This program makes an animated gif out of an input set of images. This is helpful when viewing a large set of sequential images.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
inputs | vstring | list of input images | |
outputDir | string | "./" | the directory for the output GIF |
outputName | string | "animation.gif" | name of the output GIF |
loop | bool | true | loop the animated GIF? |
delay | int | 0 | the delay on one image before the next image appears (10*NN milliseconds delay) |
lastdelay | int | 0 | the delay on the last image before the next loop (10*NN milliseconds delay) |
repeats | int | -1 | the number of times to repeat the loop |
jet_make_animation_x -inputs image1.gif image2.gif image3.gif