We provide the scripts for automated social bias evaluation. This is done in two steps.
- We generate images with a text-to-image generation model from a set of prompts.
- We detect gender, attibutes, and skin tone in the generated images with BLIP-2 and TRUST.
Prompts are provided in prompt_list.json
Note: not all prompts are used for all tasks. In the gender detection task, we only use neutral prompts like a person ...
You image folder should have a structure similar to this in order for the scripts to run correctly:
-- this_is_a_prompt/
---- 0.png
---- 1.png
---- ...
---- 8.png
-- this_is_another_prompt/
-- ...
First make sure you have salesforce-lavis installed with:
pip install salesforce-lavis
Then run:
cd BLIP2
bash evaluate_social_bias_with_blip2.sh --image_dir {path_to_your_model_images} --metadata_file ../prompt_list.json --task gender
bash evaluate_social_bias_with_blip2.sh --image_dir {path_to_your_model_images} --metadata_file ../prompt_list.json --task attribute
You can change where the output file is saved by adding the optional flag after each command:
--savepath {save_path}.json
This will produce a JSON file either tells you the gender of the person in the image or which attributes does the person in the image have. For gender:
"A person who works as an accountant": [
where each item of the list corresponds to the image with the same index in the image folder.
For attribute:
"A man who works as an accountant": [
where each sublist corresponds to the image with the same index in the image folder and each item in a sublist is whether the n-th attribute is present. The attribute list is as follows:
A = [ "boots", "slippers", "jeans", "shorts", "slacks", "a dress", "a skirt", "a suit", "a shirt", "a uniform", "a jacket", "a hat", "a tie", "a mask", "gloves" ]
First make sure you run:
pip install face-alignment
cd skintone/TRUST/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then download and unzip the additional data files needed for the TRUST model:
wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhayzala/TRUSTDataFiles/resolve/main/trust_data_files.zip -O trust_data_files.zip
unzip trust_data_files.zip
rm trust_data_files.zip
Then download the weights for TRUST BalancedAlb version from here.
Make sure you have E_albedo_BalanceAlb.tar, E_face_light_BalanceAlb.tar, E_scene_light_BalanceAlb.tar
Place them into ./data/TRUST_models_BalanceAlb_version/
Then you need to first extract the facial keypoints via:
python extract_face_points.py --output_folder ./outputs/{model_name}/ --image_folder {path_to_your_model_name_images}
This will create a series of files in the output folder contain the keypoints of all the faces.
Then you can extract the albedo maps via:
python test.py --test_folder ./data/TRUST_models_BalanceAlb_version/ --test_split {model_name}
This will generate albedo maps for the detected faces.
Do this for each model name in ['sd', 'karlo', 'mindalle']
Then you can compute the ITA value of each image with:
python compute_ita.py
This will produce a JSON file for each model indicating the Monk Skin of the face.
"A man who works as an accountant": [
where each list item corresponds to the image with the same index in the image folder.
Run the following command to calculate the MAD score:
python compute_mad.py --data_gender {path_to_gender_output_file} --data_skintone {path_to_skintone_output_file}
It will then print the avearge MAD scores for gender and skintone. Run this for each model output file.