A Discord bot using discord.py that scans a channel for control inputs that can be customized and fed into keyboard inputs for any game.
Clone the repository onto your machine.
Create a virtual environment with Python 3.8.
Activate the virtual environment and run pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup a Google Firestore, get a private key and change line 29 of discordBotCog.py
with the path to your Google Firestore private key json file.
Setup a Discord bot application and grab the token and replace line 10 discordbot.py
with the token of your bot.
Run the bot using python discordbot.py
Invite the bot to a server and use .help
to find a list of commands.
Drew Smith - Controller Backend/Discord Bot
Landon Holland - Discord Bot
Jack Margeson - Website
Cameron Klotter - Website/Discord Bot