I had a dream. As the inputs of oscilliatories joined in a union of control physics, an output of where followed the input and its controls minus 1, to produce the output of selectables many.
And it came to pass that 1D uncertain geometry in gravitational energy time quantum perpendicularity of obscuration made for a where about the driving where.
This is more of an abstract module where physical modelling is used to produce a secondary oscillation from a primary source. This makes it an effect. It may or may not be a good sound depending on how it is used.
In some ways the knobs could be called anything, as it's one of those modules. If you need to replace one in a UFO, don't use this one as it contains some simplifications for calculation and speed efficiency.
In effect the pricipals of uncertain geometry replace unceratinty as a statistic by an oscillation frequency of mass (not observable and expected almost globally consistent due to repalation inflaton seperation), and the extreamly small phase differences cause statistics.
In a gravity field Δx.Δp (with Δp = mΔv and divided through by oscilation of m) makes a hard equality Δx.Δv = hbar/2m. And Δv/Δt is proportional to gravitational acceleration. This adds a radial squared magnification to the uncertainty, and a net integral over Δr deviation in a 1/r^2 field creates a net extra force ("dark matter" maybe). Tangentially "dark energy" could be an effect.
That's not the end of it though. In quark containment bounds the strong force experiences a 1/r magnification (due to reciprication of small numbers and increase in the running constants), such that singularity uncertainty is magnified.
It makes some nice noises anyhow.
Oh, and the strong 1/r magnification along with some closed loop resonance locking over a miniture coriollis domain has some likely inducable Q kick. But that's another rational point.
And the inverse pre-singularity management was perhaps more logical?