This document is a summary of how to do various tasks one runs into as a developer of Cirq. Note that all commands assume a Debian environment, and all commands (except the initial repository cloning command) assume your current working directory is the cirq repo root.
The simplest way to get a local copy of cirq that you can edit is by cloning Cirq's github repository:
git clone [email protected]:quantumlib/cirq.git
cd Cirq
The following command will setup large refactoring revisions to be ignored, when using git blame.
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
Note that if you are using PyCharm, you might have to Restart & Invalidate Caches to have the change being picked up.
You can build the stable and pre_release docker images with our Dockerfile
docker build -t cirq --target cirq_stable .
docker run -it cirq python -c "import cirq_google; print(cirq_google.Sycamore23)"
docker build -t cirq_pre --target cirq_pre_release .
docker run -it cirq_pre python -c "import cirq_google; print(cirq_google.Sycamore23)"
If you want to contribute changes to Cirq, you will instead want to fork the repository and submit pull requests from your fork.
Fork the Cirq repo (Fork button in upper right corner of repo page). Forking creates a new github repo at the location where
is your github id. -
Clone the fork you created to your local machine at the directory where you would like to store your local copy of the code, and
into the newly created directory.git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/cirq.git cd Cirq
(Alternatively, you can clone the repository using the URL provided on your repo page under the green "Clone or Download" button)
Add a remote called
to git. This remote will represent the main git repo for cirq (as opposed to the clone, which you just created, which will be theorigin
remote). This remote can be used to merge changes from Cirq's main repository into your local development copy.git remote add upstream
To verify the remote, run
git remote -v
. You should see both theorigin
remotes. -
Sync up your local git with the
remote:git fetch upstream
You can check the branches that are on the
remote by runninggit remote -va
orgit branch -r
. Most importantly you should seeupstream/master
listed. -
Merge the upstream master into your local master so that it is up to date.
git checkout master git merge upstream/master
At this point your local git master should be synced with the master from the main cirq repo.
These instructions are primarily for linux-based environments that use the apt package manager.
First clone the repository, if you have not already done so. See the previous section for instructions.
Install system dependencies.
Make sure you have python 3.9 or greater. You can install most other dependencies via
:cat apt-system-requirements.txt dev_tools/conf/apt-list-dev-tools.txt | xargs sudo apt-get install --yes
This installs docker and docker-compose among other things. You may need to restart docker or configure permissions, see docker install instructions. Note that docker is necessary only for cirq_rigetti.
There are some extra steps if protocol buffers are changed; see the next section.
Prepare a virtual environment including the dev tools (such as mypy).
One of the system dependencies we installed was
, which makes it easy to create virtual environments. If you did not havevirtualenvwrapper
previously, you may need to re-open your terminal or runsource ~/.bashrc
before these commands will work:mkvirtualenv cirq-py3 --python=/usr/bin/python3 workon cirq-py3 python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install -r dev_tools/requirements/dev.env.txt
(When you later open another terminal, you can activate the virtualenv with
workon cirq-py3
.) -
Check that the tests pass.
./check/pytest .
(OPTIONAL) include your development copy of cirq and its subpackages in your python path.
source dev_tools/pypath
or add it to the python path, but only in the virtualenv by first listing the modules
python dev_tools/ list
and then adding these to the virtualenv:
add2virtualenv <paste modules from last command>
is not executable using xargs, so this two step process is necessary.)
If you want to pip install cirq in an editable fashion, you'll have to install it per module, e.g.:
pip install -e ./cirq-core -e ./cirq-google -e ./cirq-ionq -e ./cirq-aqt
Note that pip install -e .
will install the cirq
metapackage only, and your code changes won't
get picked up!
Protocol buffers are used in Cirq for converting circuits, gates, and other objects into a standard form that can be written and read by other programs. Cirq's protobufs live at cirq-google/api/v2 and may need to be changed or extended from time to time.
If any protos are updated, their dependents can be rebuilt by calling the script dev_tools/ This script uses grpcio-tools and protobuf version 3.8.0 to generate the python proto api.
There are a few options for running continuous integration checks, varying from easy and fast to slow and reliable.
The simplest way to run checks is to invoke pytest
, pylint
, or mypy
for yourself as follows:
pylint --rcfile=dev_tools/conf/.pylintrc cirq
mypy --config-file=dev_tools/conf/mypy.ini .
This can be a bit tedious, because you have to specify the configuration files each time. A more convenient way to run checks is to via the scripts in the check/ directory, which specify configuration arguments for you and cover more use cases:
Fast checks (complete in seconds or tens of seconds)
Check or apply code formatting to changed lines:
./check/format-incremental [--apply] [BASE_REVISION]
Run tests associated with changed files:
./check/pytest-changed-files [BASE_REVISION]
Run tests embedded in docstrings:
Compute incremental coverage using only tests associated with changed files:
./check/pytest-changed-files-and-incremental-coverage [BASE_REVISION]
Note: this check is stricter than the incremental coverage check we actually enforce, where lines may be covered by tests in unassociated files.
Type checking:
./check/mypy [files-and-flags-for-mypy]
Miscellaneous checks:
(Currently just checks that nothing outside
references anything insidecirq.contrib
Slow checks (each takes a few minutes)
Run all tests:
./check/pytest [files-and-flags-for-pytest]
Check for lint:
./check/pylint [files-and-flags-for-pylint]
Compute incremental coverage:
./check/pytest-and-incremental-coverage [BASE_REVISION]
Run all continuous integration checks:
./check/all [BASE_REVISION] [--only-changed-files] [--apply-format-changes]
is set, checks that can will focus down to just files that were changed (trading accuracy for speed).
In the above, [BASE_REVISION]
controls what commit is being compared
against for an incremental check (e.g. in order to determine which files changed.)
If not specified, it defaults to the upstream/master
branch if it exists, or
else the origin/master
branch if it exists, or else the master
The actual commit used for comparison is the git merge-base
of the base
revision and the working directory.
The above scripts may not exactly match the results computed by the continuous integration builds run on Travis.
For example, you may be running an older version of pylint
or numpy
If you need to test against the actual continuous integration check, open up a pull request.
For this pull request you may want to mark it as [Testing]
so that it is not reviewed.
Cirq uses Google style doc strings with a markdown flavor and support for latex. Here is an example docstring:
def some_method(a: int, b: str) -> float:
r"""One line summary of method.
Additional information about the method, perhaps with some sort of latex
equation to make it clearer:
M = \begin{bmatrix}
0 & 1 \\
1 & 0
Notice that this docstring is an r-string, since the latex has backslashes.
We can also include example code:
You can also do inline latex like $y = x^2$ and inline code like
And of course there's the standard sections.
a: The first argument.
b: Another argument.
An important value.
ValueError: The value of `a` wasn't quite right.
Cirq follows a modular design. Each module should specify their dependencies within their folder. See for example cirq-core/requirements.txt and cirq-google/requirements.txt. In general we should try to keep dependencies as minimal as possible and if we have to add them, keep them as relaxed as possible instead of pinning to exact versions. If exact versions or constraints are known, those should be documented in form of a comment.
For local development:
For a development environment there is a single file that installs all the module dependencies and all of the dev tools as well: dev_tools/requirements/dev.env.txt. If this is too heavy weight for you, you can instead use dev_tools/requirements/deps/dev-tools.txt and the given module dependencies.
For continuous integration:
Each job might need different set of requirements and it would be inefficient to install a full blown dev env for every tiny job (e.g. mypy check). Instead in dev_tools/requirements create a separate .env.txt and include the necessary tools in there. Requirements files can include each other, which is heavily leveraged in our requirements files in order to remove duplication.
You can call the following utility to unroll the content of a file:
python dev_tools/requirements/ dev_tools/requirements/dev.env.txt
Do a dry run with test pypi.
If you're making a release, you should have access to a test pypi account capable of uploading packages to cirq. Put its credentials into the environment variables
then run./dev_tools/packaging/ EXPECTED_VERSION --test
You must specify the EXPECTED_VERSION argument to match the version in cirq/, and it must contain the string
. This is to prevent accidentally uploading the wrong version.The script will append the current date and time to the expected version number before uploading to test pypi. It will print out the full version that it uploaded. Take not of this value.
Once the package has uploaded, verify that it works
./dev_tools/packaging/ FULL_VERSION_REPORTED_BY_PUBLISH_SCRIPT --test
The script will create fresh virtual environments, install cirq and its dependencies, check that code importing cirq executes, and run the tests over the installed code. If everything goes smoothly, the script will finish by printing
. -
Do a dry run with prod pypi
This step is essentially identical to the test dry run, but with production pypi. You should have access to a production pypi account capable of uploading packages to cirq. Put its credentials into the environment variables
then run./dev_tools/packaging/ EXPECTED_VERSION --prod
Once the package has uploaded, verify that it works
./dev_tools/packaging/ FULL_VERSION_REPORTED_BY_PUBLISH_SCRIPT --prod
If everything goes smoothly, the script will finish by printing
. -
Set the version number in cirq/
Development versions end with
. For example,0.0.4.dev500
is a development version of the release version0.0.4
. For a release, create a pull request*
and a follow up pull request turning#.#.#
. -
Run dev_tools/packaging/ to produce pypi artifacts.
./dev_tools/packaging/ dist
The output files will be placed in the directory
. -
Create a github release.
Describe major changes (especially breaking changes) in the summary. Make sure you point the tag being created at the one and only revision with the non-dev version number. Attach the package files you produced to the release.
Upload to pypi.
You can use a tool such as
for this. For example:twine upload -u "${PROD_TWINE_USERNAME}" -p "${PROD_TWINE_PASSWORD}" dist/*
You should then run the verification script to check that the uploaded package works:
./dev_tools/packaging/ VERSION_YOU_UPLOADED --prod
And try it out for yourself:
python -m pip install cirq python -c "import cirq; print(cirq_google.Sycamore)" python -c "import cirq; print(cirq.__version__)"