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Releases: jacob-keller/L0G-101086

v1.2 better exception printing

20 Sep 06:33
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This release includes better support for printing exceptions, including printing the line and line number where the exception occurred. This should improve future ability to debug issues found in the wild.

Additionally, the following bugs have been squashed:

  • A bug in scanning the gw2raidar encounters API could cause an infinite loop in the case where it was determined that there were no more encounters to find for any configured guild. This was unlikely in practice for many users, especially if they had configured multiple guilds.
  • We now handle files created by newer versions of ArcDPS which happen to suffix their file contents with the .tmp extension

Thanks to Knox for the bug reports and willingness to help debug!

v1.1 download arcdos extras dll

18 Sep 03:37
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This is a minor release with a new feature to update the extras dll.

  • Add support for automatically downloading and updating the arcdps extras dll, in addition to the templates and main dll files
  • Remove some old files we no longer have from the .gitignore
  • Notify the user better when uploads fail, by keeping the upload console open
  • Rename the time.json files in the sample configuration to better match the scripts that depend on them
  • Fix the ArcDPS version check, so that it will actually display the warning about log files with out-dated ArcDPS versions.

v1.0 add launchbuddy launcher script

04 Sep 05:54
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This is a minor change, but I felt like it was time to consider this more stable. The project hasn't seen many updates recently, and more people have been able to get the system online. It could still use work, but I feel confident in the 1.0 milestone.

Changes this release include

  • Add a new script to update arcdps and then start launch buddy. If you've been using master, this script has recently updated to use the configuration file, so you will want to add launchbuddy_path to your configuration, or it will no longer work.
  • In the case where your only logs are failures, we no longer post these. Previously, we always posted the last encounter you finished, even if it was a failure.
  • Minor fixes to avoid setting parameters for raid heros when posting to elite insights.

Please post any issues on the bug tracker here, or contact me on discord, reddit, in game, etc.

v0.14 support EliteInsights for

24 Jun 20:30
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Allow the user to configure whether they want EliteInsights or RaidHeros as the generator

Just configure dps_report_generator to "ei" in the config file to enable this.

v0.13.4 fix gw2 raidar guild matching

06 Jun 05:46
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Fixes a minor issue which sometimes caused uploads to not correlate gw2raidar data correctly

v0.13.3 fix v2 configuration updater

06 Jun 02:51
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Minor update to fix the v2 configuration updater script to ensure that it generates a valid configuration

  • Add the threshold parameter to the generated configuration when updating from v1

v0.13.2 add threshold to the sample configuration

03 Jun 10:06
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Add the missing threshold field to the sample configuration.

v0.13.1 minor fix in sample configuration

03 Jun 09:35
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This release fixes a minor typo in the sample configuration file.

v0.13 multiple guilds support

03 Jun 09:21
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This is a rather major update for supporting multiple guilds. To do so, a completely new configuration format is used, the v2 format. You can migrate your configuration to the v2 format by using the provided configure-v2-guilds.ps1 script.

Some of the old scripts for configuration are not yet migrated, as they are very dependent on the old behavior.

The primary advantage of this release is that you can host multiple different guilds (discord channels), and have the script intelligently choose which webhook to publish the encounter listings to.

Additionally, fractal and raid encounters are now treated separately, so it should hopefully be a bit more obvious which players participated in which encounters.

v0.9 modules and fractal encounters

30 May 05:27
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This release includes support for displaying fractal CM encounters. Additionally, some work has started to migrate some functions into a shared module file.

This version will not work correctly with an outdated simpleArcParse, as we had to update the program in order to handle the fractal encounter IDs.