sha256 : 1e78ebbfb5fd1ee66f44030d52f80806d184e6daa00dd7aaa1a30b53c629912d
ITW Filename : Цэргийн багийн 8 ээлж ашиглагдах утасны дугаарын жагсаалт.doc
This malicious document seems to be using CVE-2017-11882
It will drop the payload to C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\cls.wll The sha256 of cls.wll is d0ccb9a277b986f7127199f122023c79a7e0253378a4a78806fbf55a87633532
It is using DLL Side loading to load the malicious DLL.
Filename | sha256 |
RasTls.dll | d0ccb9a277b986f7127199f122023c79a7e0253378a4a78806fbf55a87633532 |
IntelGraphicsController.exe | 724909ba378a872018a3ae0b68afe4949bc404de31bcbd65a6239c12b3a7a3ea |
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