Please ask the maintainers before you refactor something non-trivial, because refactorings (incl automatic refactorings via an IDE) sometimes result in huge diffs, which could take "forever" for the maintainers to code review. Then it’s better if the maintainers do the refactorings themselves — this can save time for them and for you: Tell them what they should refactor, and wait, and they’ll get it done for you.
If you move methods or a class to a new file, then, when the Talkyard project maintainers review the diff, it’ll look as if new code has been added, and as if all lines would need to be carefully reviewed — when in fact old code was just moved elsewhere.
This could cause the maintainers to reject the contribution, until you’ve made it simpler to code review, by instead making the changes like so:
1) Copy the whole file to the new file. Commit. 2) Delete [the source code you want to move] from the old file. Delete [the code you do not want to move] from the new file. Maybe rename any class in the new file. 3) Commit again.
Now the maintainers will see a copy file commit, and a delete-lots-of-code commit. Both of which are quick to review.