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Custom Entity Search sample skill for cognitive search
This custom skill finds user defined entities in given texts.


This custom skill finds finds user defined entities in given texts.

Deploy to Azure


These skills have no additional requirements than the ones described in the root file.


This function by default performs exact matches with no synonym detection. Based on user input in the JSON file or in the posted values, this skill can perform fuzzy matching on some or all of the entities provided. The input field "words" is optional, where a user can add a "words.json" file instead.

Sample Config File

    "words": [ "foo1", "foo2" ],
        "foo1": [ "i" ]
    "exactMatch": [ "foo2" ],
    "fuzzyMatchOffset": 1,
	"caseSensitive": true

Sample Input:

    "values": [
            "recordId": "1",
                "text":  "Learn how to leverage Azure Storage in your applications with our quickstarts and tutorials.",
                "words": [
            "recordId": "foo1",
                "text":  "Azure Storage includes Azure Blobs (objects), Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure Files, Azure Queues, and Azure Tables.",
                "words": [

Sample Output:

    "values": [
            "recordId": "1",
            "data": {
                "EntitiesFound": ["learn", "app"],
                "Entities": [
                        "Category": "customEntity",
                        "Value": "Learn",
                        "Offset": 1,
                        "Confidence": 1.0
                        "Category": "customEntity",
                        "Value": "app",
                        "Offset": 45,
                        "Confidence": 1.0
            "recordId": "foo1",
                "EntitiesFound": [],
                "Entities": []

Sample Skillset Integration

In order to use this skill in a cognitive search pipeline, you'll need to add a skill definition to your skillset. Here's a sample skill definition for this example (inputs and outputs should be updated to reflect your particular scenario and skillset environment):

    "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Custom.WebApiSkill",
    "description": "Our Custom Entity search custom skill",
    "context": "/document/merged_content/*",
    "uri": "[AzureFunctionEndpointUrl]/api/custom-search?code=[AzureFunctionDefaultHostKey]",
    "batchSize": 1,
    "inputs": [
            "name": "text",
            "source": "/document/content/"
            "name": "words",
            "source": "/document/merged_content/*"
    "outputs": [
            "name": "EntitiesFound",
            "targetName": "EntitiesFound"
            "name": "Entities",
            "targetName": "Entities"