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Releases: jadu/pulsar


05 Mar 20:23
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⚠️ Changes which may alter expected/established behaviour

None in this release 🎉

🔴 Major / breaking changes

None in this release 🎉

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
General #952 Fixes an issue where a UIs content can be swiped offscreen on iOS.

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


05 Mar 16:37
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⚠️ Changes which may alter expected/established behaviour

None in this release 🎉

🔴 Major / breaking changes

None in this release 🎉

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
General #952 Fixes an issue where a UIs content can be swiped offscreen on iOS.

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


01 Mar 12:17
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⚠️ Changes which may alter expected/established behaviour

None in this release 🎉

🔴 Major / breaking changes

None in this release 🎉

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
Forms #943 Form inputs and main search now meet AA for GUI elements
Forms #947 Increased colour contrast of form.compound legend labels
General #946 Fixed issue where jumping to a page fragment would obscure the search bar

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


18 Feb 09:26
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⚠️ Changes which may alter expected/established behaviour

None in this release 🎉

🔴 Major / breaking changes

None in this release 🎉

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
Navigation #941 Fixed issue where clicking the 'more' button would not correctly close the navigation menus
Rules UI #892 Added new styles for XFP conditional logic rules

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


04 Feb 11:40
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🔴 Major / breaking changes

Component PR Details
Dropzone #940 Fixed invalid dropzone markup. Some options have changed name. See #940 for more details.

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
General #937 Fixed issue where horzontally scrolling table links would appear through the actions menu dropdown

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ⚠️ Yes - some dropzone options have changed


22 Jan 16:46
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🔴 Major / breaking changes

None 🎉

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
General #895 Added twig file for Symfony forms generation
General #935 Various mobile improvements
General #929 Added file
Settings layout #918 Fix issue where settings sidebar content didn't span 100% width in responsive mode
JSTree #926 Updated the jsTree package to version 3.3.7 to address an arbitrary code injection vulnerability as reported in #908

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ⚠️ Yes - see #926, however because Continuum products will not break if they don't update to this version, this is currently not being considered as a breaking change
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


12 Nov 12:29
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🔴 Major / breaking changes

None 🎉

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
Popovers #922 Fix issue where children of elements triggering popovers do not trigger popovers

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


07 Nov 21:09
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🔴 Major / breaking changes

None 🎉

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
Popovers #919 Fixed issue where popover clicks events did not bubble due to use of stopPropgation()

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js ✅ No
require changes to index.js ✅ No
require changes to pulsar.scss ✅ No
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


05 Nov 16:42
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Pre-release testing checklist

  • CMS behat suite passes (No build server available at this time)
  • XFP behat suite passes
  • Pulsar docs update (if required)

⚠️ Changes which may alter expected/established behaviour

The following changes are estimated to have the highest potential to introduce unwanted change within any software package updating to this version of Pulsar. This type of potential change includes, but is not limited to:

  • Actual visual regressions outside of the scope of the intended Pulsar component (aka 'leaky styles')
  • Perceived visual regressions (where the change implements/restores expected visuals but may cause QA/users to question the change)
  • Errors in non-Pulsar javascript which rely on Pulsar components or interactions to behave a certain way
  • Changes to the markup of core elements which may break BDD/TDD tests within Continuum products which target specific selectors
Component PR Details
Datatables #914 The header row in datatables now displays the correct underline border in all browsers, it was previously absent in Firefox and IE
Tables > Forms > Buttons #900 Remove unwanted dotted underline from naked link buttons within a table, this is a reversal of a recent regression
Form inputs, buttons and links #897 Interactive elements will now display a new consistent orange outline when focused, this is an accessibility improvement but will be a very noticeable change
No results #854 The 'no results' message used when tables contain no rows has been subject to a backwards compatible change, but some visual regressions may occur (see breaking change list below for more details)

🔴 Major / breaking changes

Specific steps to resolve these breaking changes are detailed below, in the breaking change remediation section.

Component PR Details
Styles > Grid #854 The grid width classes have been moved to a new _utility scss file which needs to appear later in the pulsar.scss file to make sure the grid widths are at the end of the stack
No results #854 Stop using as it's too specific and can't be overridden by the grid classes, this has been changed to td .no-results which should maintain existing visual styling but may need to be checked for visual regressions
Clickover #854 The boostrapx-clickover package has been removed from Pulsar and the same functionality added to the regular popover Pulsar library. This change has removed the requirement to add the rel="clickover" attribute, which was the only method to use clickovers, but caused invalid HTML when used on elements that didn't support the rel attribute. rel=clickover is still supported for backwards compatibility, but should now be replaced with data-toggle="popover" data-autoclose="true" to avoid invalid markup.

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
Buttons #898 Fixed issue where buttons may jitter on hover and where content beneath an outline button may jump when the button is hovered
Form inputs, buttons and links #897 Improved focus appearance of input, button and link elements
Forms / Select & Select2 #906 Added the ability to select multiple option elements when using the multiple attribute
General #854 Change link and help text colours within the settings sidebar to ensure they meet AA contrast requirements
General #909 Add new utility classes for clearing floats
Lists #854 Add is-active state for naked list items
Modals #854 Make sure modal footers properly clear any floats
Tables > Forms > Buttons #900 A recent change added a consistent visual underline to links within a table, this has caused a regression/unwanted change with naked link buttons which weren't (currently) expected to adopt that underline. This change restores the expected naked styling
Grunt #911 Updated the grunt-real-favicon task to fix a recent package error and removed the task from the grunt build command

Breaking change remediation

Does this release... Yes / No
require changes to main.js 🛑 YES
require changes to index.js 🛑 YES
require changes to pulsar.scss 🛑 YES
require changes to gruntfile.js ✅ No
require changes to package.json (not including dev dependencies) ✅ No
require changes to base.html.twig (or other core views like header/footer) ✅ No
require new arguments to be passed to a js component ✅ No
require markup changes to maintain functionality ✅ No


  1. Remove any reference to clickover on your main.js, and any other product specific javascript that initialises clickover manually.

e.g. remove:

// Use clickover enhancements for popovers
$('[rel="clickover"]').clickover({ 'global_close': true });
  1. Remove any reference to clickover from index.js, which will now throw an error because the library no longer exists within Pulsar.

e.g, remove:

clickover = require('../libs/bootstrapx-clickover/js/bootstrapx-clickover'),
  1. Check your filesystem for any references to the clickover package, this was previously bundled within the Pulsar /libs directory, managed by Bower, and should not (in theory) exist within a Continuum product.

  2. Add the following to the utilities section in pulsar.scss (filepaths may need modifying to match the existing imports in your file)

@import 'utility.grid';
  1. Ensure grunt browserify has been run to rebuild the javascript bundle after updating to this Pulsar version.

  2. Ensure grunt sass has been run to rebuild the sass bundle after updating to this Pulsar version.


09 Oct 11:04
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⚠️ Changes which may alter expected/established behaviour

The following changes are estimated to have the highest potential to introduce unwanted change within any software package updating to this version of Pulsar. This type of potential change includes, but is not limited to:

  • Actual visual regressions outside of the scope of the intended Pulsar component (aka 'leaky styles')
  • Perceived visual regressions (where the change implements/restores expected visuals but may cause QA/users to question the change)
  • Errors in non-Pulsar javascript which rely on Pulsar components or interactions to behave a certain way
  • Changes to the markup of core elements which may break BDD/TDD tests within Continuum products which target specific selectors
Component PR Details
Datatables #896 Position of the sorting arrow in a column header has changed to the right hand side of a column instead of being immediately after a label

🔴 Major / breaking changes

None in this release

💚 Minor / patch changes

Component PR Details
Datatables #896 Change position of column sorting arrows to the right hand side of the column, this improves the ability of the sorting arrow to respond to varying label lengths and viewport sizes
Navigation #896 Make sure quaternary nav (used when accessing submenus from the 'more' menu) works when the nav link is a button instead of an a