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2_BASICS: Accessing PaperSpace using a local terminal through SSH & common Linux commands

jamahun edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 2 revisions


Install a bash emulator on your local computer. If you are using windows I recommend using cmder and for Apple users terminal.

SSH into your virtual machine

The following procedure will allow us to use our local terminal to execute commands on our virtual machine.

  1. Start your PaperSpace virtual machine and copy the public IP address, if you haven't got a public IP you will need to activate it for a small fee.
  2. Inside your local terminal, use: ssh paperspace@<enterpublicIP>.
  3. Enter the password for your PaperSpace virtual machine. The PaperSpace passwords are emailed to you once you activate your virtual machine. If you are not sure what the password is check your email used to setup PaperSpace.
  4. Now we should be connected to the root directory of our virtual machine

Navigating through directories (folders) using the terminal:

  • cd ~ change directory back to home
  • cd directoryName open up directory
  • cd .. navigate to parent directory
  • pwd print working directory
  • ls list folders and files in current directory

Other useful bash commands:

  • exit() cancel operation or use ctrl+c
  • cp filename.filetype newfilename.filetype
  • mv filename.filetype /locationdirectorytomoveto
  • rm filename.filetype Remove a file
  • wget example.url download a file from a URL to the working directory
  • open filename.filetype Open a file
  • cat filename.filetype Read contents of a file
  • ssh IPaddress@IPaddress secure shell
  • nvidia-smi Check graphics performance
  • tab: to complete filename
  • upArrow: cycle through previous commands run

Upgrades and updates

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade