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Releases: jamesrochabrun/SwiftOpenAI

Changelog Jun6th, 2024

21 Jun 05:42
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Streaming chat completions now support usage detail.

10 Jun 18:39
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On June 6th OpenAI announced that streaming chat completions now support usage details. Previously, usage details were only available on non-streaming chat completions.
This patch makes streaming chat completions default to include usage details. The final chunk of each streaming response looks like this (note the prompt_tokens, completion_tokens, and total_tokens lines):
data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9YM1lpTbJLDBnrawPqt2CjT3gnoVA","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1717974853,"model":"gpt-4o-2024-05-13","system_fingerprint":"fp_319be4768e","choices":[],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":11,"completion_tokens":20,"total_tokens":31}}

Run Status Decoded

05 Jun 05:37
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Added support for streaming Run events status.

let decoded = try self.decoder.decode(RunObject.self, from: data)
switch RunObject.Status(rawValue: decoded.status) {
case .queued:
case .inProgress:
case .requiresAction:
case .cancelling:
case .cancelled:
case .failed:
case .completed:
case .expired:

Vision support for GPT4o

01 Jun 05:56
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Vision support for GPT4o

Adapting Message content to latest changes for Vision

Previous payload

"image_url": ""

Current Payload

          "image_url": {
            "url": "",
            "detail": "high"

Assistants API support for Azure

29 May 19:59
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Getting started with Azure OpenAI Assistants (Preview)

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 12 58 56 PM

enum AzureOpenAIAPI {
   static var azureOpenAIResource: String = ""
   case assistant(AssistantCategory)
   case chat(deploymentID: String)
   case message(MessageCategory)
   case run(RunCategory)
   case runStep(RunStepCategory)
   case thread(ThreadCategory)
   case vectorStore(VectorStoreCategory)
   case vectorStoreFile(VectorStoreFileCategory)
   enum AssistantCategory {
      case create
      case list
      case retrieve(assistantID: String)
      case modify(assistantID: String)
      case delete(assistantID: String)

   enum MessageCategory {
      case create(threadID: String)
      case retrieve(threadID: String, messageID: String)
      case modify(threadID: String, messageID: String)
      case list(threadID: String)
   enum RunCategory {
      case create(threadID: String)
      case retrieve(threadID: String, runID: String)
      case modify(threadID: String, runID: String)
      case list(threadID: String)
      case cancel(threadID: String, runID: String)
      case submitToolOutput(threadID: String, runID: String)
      case createThreadAndRun
   enum RunStepCategory {
      case retrieve(threadID: String, runID: String, stepID: String)
      case list(threadID: String, runID: String)
   enum ThreadCategory {
      case create
      case retrieve(threadID: String)
      case modify(threadID: String)
      case delete(threadID: String)
   enum VectorStoreCategory {
      case create
      case list
      case retrieve(vectorStoreID: String)
      case modify(vectorStoreID: String)
      case delete(vectorStoreID: String)
   enum VectorStoreFileCategory {
      case create(vectorStoreID: String)
      case list(vectorStoreID: String)
      case retrieve(vectorStoreID: String, fileID: String)
      case delete(vectorStoreID: String, fileID: String)

Support for gpt-4o

14 May 04:18
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Support for gpt-4o.

Function Calling Required

04 May 05:01
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Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 9 59 45 PM

Also Bug fixes.

Assistants API V2

30 Apr 05:14
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Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 10 06 07 PM

Migrated SwiftOpenAI to assistants V2, if you need V1 support make sure to use v2.3

Check OpenAI migration guide.

We have changed the way that tools and files work in the Assistants API between the v1 and v2 versions of the beta. Both versions of the beta continue to be accessible via the API today, but we recommend migrating to the newest version of our APIs as soon as feasible. We will deprecate v1 of the beta by the end of 2024.

If you do not use tools or files with the Assistants API today, there should be no changes required for you to migrate from the v1 version to the v2 version of the beta. Simply pass the v2 beta version header and/or move to the latest version of our Node and Python SDKs!
What has changed
The v2 version of the Assistants API contains the following changes:

Tool rename: The retrieval tool has been renamed to the file_search tool
Files belong to tools: Files are now associated with tools instead of Assistants and Messages. This means that:
AssistantFile and MessageFile objects no longer exist.
Instead of AssistantFile and MessageFile, files are attached to Assistants and Threads using the new tool_resources object.
The tool_resources for the code interpreter tool are a list of file_ids.
The tool_resources for the file_search tool are a new object called a vector_stores.
Messages now have an attachments, rather than a file_ids parameter. Message attachments are helpers that add the files to a Thread’s tool_resources.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 10 10 55 PM

Assistants have tools and tool_resources instead of file_ids. The retrieval tool is now the file_search tool. The tool_resource for the file_search tool is a vector_store.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 10 11 24 PM

Threads can bring their own tool_resources into a conversation.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 10 11 50 PM

Messages have attachments instead of file_ids. attachments are helpers that add files to the Thread’s tool_resources.

All v1 endpoints and objects for the Assistants API can be found under the Legacy section of the API reference.

  • Support for batch.
  • Support for vector stores.
  • Support for vector store files
  • Support for vector store file batch.

New interfaces:

 // MARK: Batch

   /// Creates and executes a batch from an uploaded file of requests
   /// - Parameter parameters: The parameters needed to create a batch.
   /// - Returns: A [batch]( object.
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Batch API documentation](
   func createBatch(
      parameters: BatchParameter)
      async throws -> BatchObject

   /// Retrieves a batch.
   /// - Parameter id: The identifier of the batch to retrieve.
   /// - Returns: A [BatchObject]( matching the specified ID..
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Batch documentation](
   func retrieveBatch(
      id: String)
      async throws -> BatchObject
   /// Cancels an in-progress batch.
   /// - Parameter id: The identifier of the batch to cancel.
   /// - Returns: A [BatchObject]( matching the specified ID..
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Batch documentation](
   func cancelBatch(
      id: String)
      async throws -> BatchObject

   /// List your organization's batches.
   /// - Parameters:
   ///   - after: A cursor for use in pagination. after is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with obj_foo, your subsequent call can include after=obj_foo in order to fetch the next page of the list.
   ///   - limit: A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 20.
   /// - Returns: An `OpenAIResponse<BatchObject>` containing a list of paginated [Batch]( objects.
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Batch API documentation](
   func listBatch(
      after: String?,
      limit: Int?)
      async throws -> OpenAIResponse<BatchObject>
   // MARK: Vector Store
   /// Create a vector store.
   /// - Parameter parameters: The parameters needed to create a batc,.
   /// - Returns: A [Vector store]( object.
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Vector store API documentation](
   func createVectorStore(
      parameters: VectorStoreParameter)
      async throws -> VectorStoreObject
   /// Returns a list of vector stores.
   /// - Parameter limit: A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 20.
   /// - Parameter order: Sort order by the created_at timestamp of the objects. asc for ascending order and desc for descending order.
   /// - Parameter after: A cursor for use in pagination. after is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with obj_foo, your subsequent call can include after=obj_foo in order to fetch the next page of the list.
   /// - Parameter before: A cursor for use in pagination. before is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with obj_foo, your subsequent call can include before=obj_foo in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
   /// - Returns: A list of [VectorStoreObject]( objects.
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's  Vector stores API documentation](
   func listVectorStores(
      limit: Int?,
      order: String?,
      after: String?,
      before: String?)
      async throws -> OpenAIResponse<VectorStoreObject>
   /// Retrieves a vector store.
   /// - Parameter id: The ID of the vector store to retrieve.
   /// - Returns: A [Vector Store]( matching the specified ID..
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Batch documentation](
   func retrieveVectorStore(
      id: String)
      async throws -> VectorStoreObject
   /// Modifies a vector store.
   /// - Parameter id: The ID of the vector store to modify.
   /// - Returns: A [Vector Store]( matching the specified ID..
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Batch documentation](
   func modifyVectorStore(
      id: String)
      async throws -> VectorStoreObject

   /// Delete a vector store.
   /// - Parameter id: The ID of the vector store to delete.
   /// - Returns: A Deletion status.
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Batch documentation](
   func deleteVectorStore(
      id: String)
      async throws -> DeletionStatus
   // MARK: Vector Store Files
   /// Create a vector store file by attaching a [File]( to a vector store.
   /// - Parameter vectorStoreID: The ID of the vector store for which to create a File.
   /// - Parameter parameters: The paramaters needed to create a vector store File.
   /// - Returns: A [VectorStoreFileObject](
   /// - Throws: An error if the request fails.
   /// For more information, refer to [OpenAI's Vectore store file documentation.](
   func createVectorStoreFile(
      vectorStoreID: String,
      parameters: VectorStoreFileParameter)
      async throws -> VectorStoreFileObject
   /// Returns a list of vector ...
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Bug Fixes

25 Apr 04:45
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  • Bug Fixes
  • Assistants API Response format fix.

Updating Swift Package to the latest Open AI updates.