Final project for ConsenSys Academy 2021 Blockchain Developer Bootcamp 2021.
Initial idea for final project:
To create my own decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (dex) that lets you buy and sell cyrptocurrencies. I will create my own cryptocurrency or token called (? not sure yet of the name of my token. ?) which can be purchased with Ether, a cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain.
I'll create a client side website with React.js, that will talk directly to the Ethereum smart contracts that will be programmed using Solidity.
Smart Contract #1 - buying and selling of cryptocurrencies
Smart Contract #2 - deploys and powers my "token."
JavaScript will be used to testing and the deployment of the SC's to the blockchain. Dependencies that may be used: Node.js, Ganache, Truffle, and MetaMask.
I would like to use this DEX in the future to assist my non-profit orgranization with its philanthropic goals!