Install american fuzzy lop, however you do that on your OS.
Most of the work is done by Gumbo, so you may want to compile it from source
with afl-gcc
sudo dnf remove gumbo-parser-devel # or however you remove the packaged library
git clone
cd gumbo-parser
CC=afl-gcc ./configure --prefix /usr
make -j8
sudo make install
Rebuild FeedReader using afl-gcc
rm -rf builddir
CC=afl-gcc meson builddir
ninja -C builddir
Now run afl-fuzz
afl-fuzz -m 512 -x libraries/htmlclean/dictionaries/xml.dict -i libraries/htmlclean/inputs -o output -- ./builddir/libraries/htmlclean/htmlclean_main
This should take the inputs in libraries/htmlclean/inputs
, and start making random tests (using a little
help from the XML dictionary). If you get any crashes or hangs, there will be
output in output/crashes
or output/hangs
For crashes, Valgrind can give you a backtrace:
valgrind --track-origins=yes ./builddir/libraries/htmlclean/htmlclean_main < output/crashes/[failed-test]
For hangs, run gdb
and then cancel it:
gdb ./builddir/libraries/htmlclean/htmlclean_main
(gdb) run < < output/crashes/[failed-test]
# type ctrl+c, then bt, or use other tools like print and up/down
You probably want to switch back to a normal version of Gumbo:
cd path/to/gumbo-parser
sudo make uninstall
sudo dnf install gumbo-parser-devel # or whatever