All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed an error when converting null type to object
- Added getAccessToken function in order to return the accessToken string updated.
- Fixed the userTokens, at getUserInfo, are now obtained from getAuthData. This is to ensure that the data is always up to date.
- Added getUserInfo function in order to return current logged user data
- Fixed the error message at handleAuthorize
- Fixed error in decode function
- changed react and react-native version for dev dependencies and peer dependencies
- default value for oauth dta is now empty object
- main package file
- build-status workflow
- react-native-builder-bob
- initial react native code
- react-native-builder-bob installation and config
- eslint prettier
- jest plugins and configuration files
- husky and lint-staged
- Async storage and react-native-app-auth as peer dependencies
- functions and components tests
- context file
- main AuthProvider component
- useOauthData custom hook to get userData and handlers