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{ This program is copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 Jos Kunst, the Jos Kunst heirs. }{ This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it }{ under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License, which you }{ should have received with it. }{ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but }{ without any warranty, expressed or implied. }program dissonancegrading (input, output); uses translations, chordscanner, chordworker; var chord0: pitchset; startchord, zerothchord: chordrec; printfile, newchord, again: boolean; r: char; fullScreen: rect; chordfile: text; procedure introduction; var goon: boolean; ch: char; begin{introduction} goon := TRUE; repeat writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln(' DISSONANCE GRADING PROGRAM'); writeln(' by Jos Kunst, who is indebted to Jan Vriend and Jan Pieter Kunst'); writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln(' Version 2.0.1'); writeln; writeln; writeln(' * *'); writeln(' *'); writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln(' We first offer you five screens of explanatory text. If you'); writeln(' don''t want to see them any more, press W for just'); writeln(' going to work; else press any key.'); writeln; readln(ch); if (ch = 'W') or (ch = 'w') then goon := FALSE else begin writeln; writeln; writeln(' RATIONALE. This program is meant to be a pre-compositional tool'); writeln(' that scans and/or modifies chords along the dimension of'); writeln(' dissonance - an uneasy concept if there ever was one; here it'); writeln(' is perhaps best understood as referring to something like the'); writeln(' opacity of chords: the degree to which it might be difficult to'); writeln(' "hear through them" any new sound not already contained in them.'); writeln(' Be that as it may; we let the test measure what it does, in fact,'); writeln(' measure and its usefulness remain to be seen.'); writeln; writeln(' ASSUMPTIONS. A chord''s dissonance is assumed to be a function of'); writeln(' its component intervals. Intervals within the octave are ordered'); writeln(' from dissonant to consonant (minor second - major seventh - '); writeln(' major second - minor seventh - augmented fourth/diminished'); writeln(' fifth - all thirds and sixths - perfect fourth - perfect fifth -'); writeln(' octave), and all intervals wider than those are proportionally'); writeln(' downgraded, a minor second plus octave taking the value of a'); writeln(' major seventh, a major seventh plus octave taking the value of a'); writeln(' major second, and so on. Furthermore, the possible contribution'); writeln(' of a tone that has also its own lower octave(s) in the chord is'); writeln(' correspondingly lessened.'); writeln; writeln('--------------------------------------------------------------------'); write(' 1st PAGE - IF YOU WANT TO GO TO WORK, PRESS W, ELSE ANY KEY.'); readln(ch) end; if (ch = 'W') or (ch = 'w') then goon := FALSE else begin writeln; writeln; writeln(' USES. In the first place, the program may be used as a chord-'); writeln(' scanner. In that case, it displays four things: 1) each note''s'); writeln(' contribution to the chord''s overall dissonance, 2) the chord''s'); writeln(' dissonance total, which is a number such that if you subtract '); writeln(' from it the contribution of any of the chord''s component notes'); writeln(' (octaves make for exceptions here, sorry), you get the total of'); writeln(' another chord that is just like this one except for the absence'); writeln(' of that component note; 3) the dsg ("dissonance grading"), which'); writeln(' is twice that total divided by the number of component notes,'); writeln(' and 4) the dsg class, which positions the chord in one of the'); writeln(' five musically interesting subareas in the dissonance continuum'); writeln(' we have seen fit to number, roman-style, I through V, in the'); writeln(' following way: dsg class: I II III IV V'); writeln(' dsg: 0 -->3 -->8 -->21 -->55 -->'); writeln; writeln(' In the second place, the program may be used in some preparatory'); writeln(' stage of musical composition. It will try to increase or to'); writeln(' diminish, at your choice, the dissonance of any chord you care'); writeln(' to specify. It offers you the choice of two ways to do it:'); writeln(' (1) by setting it a target dsg, and letting it work its way'); writeln(' toward that target for as far as it can, or'); writeln(' (2) by parallel subset (semitone) motion.'); writeln; writeln('--------------------------------------------------------------------'); write(' 2nd PAGE - IF YOU WANT TO GO TO WORK, PRESS W, ELSE ANY KEY.'); readln(ch) end; if (ch = 'W') or (ch = 'w') then goon := FALSE else begin writeln(' Option (1): Going for a Target'); writeln; writeln(' When (after entering your starting chord) you choose the Target'); writeln(' option, the program prompts you for the dissonance to be real-'); writeln(' ized. It then sets about attaining this goal in the smallest'); writeln(' possible number of (minor or major second) steps, keeping you'); writeln(' informed of its progress through its screen and/or printer'); writeln(' output. In determining the steps to be taken it is guided by'); writeln(' principles essentially akin to those governing voice-leading,'); writeln(' such as: in diminishing dissonance, take first the tone con-'); writeln(' tributing most to it; do not conflate two tones into one,'); writeln(' etc., and the converse for increasing dissonance. This strategy '); writeln(' results in a tendency towards equal distribution of dissonance:'); writeln(' extremely unequal contributions of individual notes, which (I'); writeln(' think) make for the special combination of spiciness and'); writeln(' clarity of many jazz chords, become less likely as the program'); writeln(' proceeds in this mode. The other limitation inherent in the'); writeln(' target mode lies in the fact that, e.g., starting with eight'); writeln(' pitches within a space of an octave you obviously cannot get'); writeln(' below a certain dissonance. If you don''t like these limita-'); writeln(' tions, use, or mix in, the parallel subset and the change-by-'); writeln(' hand modes.'); writeln; writeln('--------------------------------------------------------------------'); write(' 3d PAGE - IF YOU WANT TO GO TO WORK, PRESS W, ELSE ANY KEY.'); readln(ch) end; if (ch = 'W') or (ch = 'w') then goon := FALSE else begin writeln(' Option (2): Parallel Subset Motion'); writeln; writeln(' When you choose this option, you accept primes as intervals -'); writeln(' two pitches, in working towards consonance, may get fused into'); writeln(' one. (The only way of achieving the converse, i.e. of splitting'); writeln(' a single tone in two, is to do it by hand.) Next, you actually'); writeln(' enforce change: if the chord was already maximally consonant,'); writeln(' and you try to make it more consonant still, you end up with a'); writeln(' slightly less consonant chord instead. Lastly, Parallel Subset'); writeln(' Motion, or PSM for short, brings home a freedom that every com-'); writeln(' poser working with this program will have to face: it does find'); writeln(' effective and elegant ways of changing a chord''s dissonance,'); writeln(' but it does not tell you much about the precise spatial re-'); writeln(' lations of the resulting two consecutive chords. It may propose'); writeln(' you a subset motion of three pitches out of five: obviously, you'); writeln(' may do better by moving the other two, or by moving the whole'); writeln(' chord in steps of different lengths for its two subchords. (Note'); writeln(' that this goes not only for PSM: the results of the Target op-'); writeln(' tion leave you with exactly the same kind of freedom; as we all'); writeln(' know, letting an (almost) whole chord move in order to relieve'); writeln(' the dissonance of even a single motionless note is not unheard'); writeln(' of in good music.)'); writeln; writeln('--------------------------------------------------------------------'); write(' 4th PAGE - IF YOU WANT TO GO TO WORK, PRESS W, ELSE ANY KEY.'); readln(ch) end; if (ch = 'W') or (ch = 'w') then goon := FALSE else begin writeln(' THE HINDEMITH ROOT. As an extra bonus, the user gets the chord''s'); writeln(' root thrown in, as it is computed by applying a slightly gener-'); writeln(' alized version of the Hindemith Unterweisung im Tonsatz method.'); writeln(' Because of the generalizations results will not always coincide'); writeln(' with Hindemith''s own. Thus, the program will not balk at chords'); writeln(' with less than three pitches; it will also assign their roots'); writeln(' to chords considered to be undecidable, such as the augmented'); writeln(' triad, the chord built up out of two perfect fourths, and the'); writeln(' diminished seventh chord, and it will do that by applying the'); writeln(' same methods as everywhere else. Most importantly, we are in dis-'); writeln(' agreement with the master because we think that his method, de-'); writeln(' pendent as it is on the analysis of isolated chords, provides no'); writeln(' solid basis at all for musical composition. (Composers are, as'); writeln(' always, on their own.) However, its results are never simply'); writeln(' foolish, which is why we have included it. An example. The user'); writeln(' should suspend any notions about chords being incomplete - for'); writeln(' the program, all chords are complete, and the chord c4-b4-d5 is'); writeln(' assigned b4 as its root, because the third is the best interval'); writeln(' contained in it. One might therefore say that, if the chord is'); writeln(' incomplete after all, the program would have preferred to add'); writeln(' f#4 and a4 to it rather than e4 and g4. Hindemith-style serious'); writeln(' results are to be expected only for complete chords.'); writeln; writeln('--------------------------------------------------------------------'); write(' 5th (LAST) PAGE - IF YOU WANT TO GO TO WORK, PRESS W, ELSE ANY KEY.'); readln(ch) end; if (ch = 'W') or (ch = 'w') then goon := FALSE; until goon = FALSE; end;{introduction} procedure decidewhethertoprint; var ch: char; filename: string[128]; begin write('Do you want results stored in printable diskfile? (Y/N): -->'); readln(ch); if (ch <> 'N') and (ch <> 'n') then begin filename := ''; filename := newfilename('Name your file.', 'DSGfile'); if filename <> '' then begin printfile := TRUE; open(chordfile, filename); rewrite(chordfile) end else printfile := FALSE end else printfile := FALSE end; procedure work (var cr: chordrec); var ch: char; ta, sofardsg: byte; go: boolean; validchoice: set of char; cs: pitchset; procedure makeintoset (var chstr: chordstring; var chs: pitchset); var oct: integer; pch: byte; ch: char; begin{makeintoset} chs := []; pch := 111; repeat while ((copy(chstr, 1, 1) < 'a') or (copy(chstr, 1, 1) > 'g')) and not (chstr = '') do delete(chstr, 1, 1); if not (chstr = '') then begin ch := copy(chstr, 1, 1); case ch of 'a': begin pch := 21; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; 'b': begin pch := 23; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; 'c': begin pch := 12; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; 'd': begin pch := 14; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; 'e': begin pch := 16; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; 'f': begin pch := 17; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; 'g': begin pch := 19; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; end; end; if copy(chstr, 1, 1) = '#' then begin pch := pch + 1; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; if copy(chstr, 1, 1) = 'b' then begin pch := pch - 1; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; if (copy(chstr, 1, 1) >= '0') and (copy(chstr, 1, 1) <= '8') then begin ch := copy(chstr, 1, 1); oct := ord(ch) - 48; pch := pch + oct * 12; chs := chs + [pch]; delete(chstr, 1, 1) end; until chstr = ''; end;{makeintoset} function nameof (pitch: byte): pitchstring; var chrom, oct: string[2]; begin{nameof} if pitch = 0 then nameof := 'xxx' else begin case (pitch - 12) mod 12 of 0: chrom := 'c'; 1: chrom := 'c#'; 2: chrom := 'd'; 3: chrom := 'd#'; 4: chrom := 'e'; 5: chrom := 'f'; 6: chrom := 'f#'; 7: chrom := 'g'; 8: chrom := 'g#'; 9: chrom := 'a'; 10: chrom := 'a#'; 11: chrom := 'b'; end; oct := chr(((pitch - 12) div 12) + 48); nameof := concat(chrom, oct) end end;{nameof} procedure writestructure (r: chordrec); { beschrijving accoord naar scherm / file } var s: byte; begin{writestructure} s := 1; while r.stru[s, 1] <> 0 do begin write(nameof(r.stru[s, 1]), '<', r.stru[s, 2] : 1, '> '); if printfile then write(chordfile, nameof(r.stru[s, 1]), '<', r.stru[s, 2] : 1, '> '); s := s + 1 end; writeln; if printfile then writeln(chordfile); write('TOTAL--><', r.total : 1, '>; DSG is ', r.diss : 1, ' (class: ', r.class, ')'); if printfile then write(chordfile, 'TOTAL--><', r.total : 1, '>; DSG is ', r.diss : 1, ' (class: ', r.class, ')'); writeln('; Hindemith Root: ', nameof(r.hifu)); if printfile then writeln(chordfile, '; Hindemith Root: ', nameof(r.hifu)) end;{writestructure} procedure choosestartingposition (var r: chordrec); var ch: char; s: pitchset; procedure readin (var cs: pitchset); var str: chordstring; begin writeln('Your CHORD (format something like: d4-g#4-c#5, or f4db4bb3ab4,'); write(' each note name to be ended by '); writeln('its octave position digit (a440 = a4))-->'); readln(str); makeintoset(str, cs) end; begin{choosestartingposition} if newchord then begin readin(s); scan(s, r); startchord := r end else r := startchord; end;{choosestartingposition} procedure changebyhand (var chrc: chordrec); { handmatige correctie } var c: char; chstr: chordstring; ch, cha, chs: pitchset; hand: boolean; begin{changebyhand} hand := TRUE; extractset(chrc, ch); repeat cha := []; chs := []; validchoice := ['Y', 'N']; repeat write('Do you wish to change this chord by hand? (Y/N)-->'); readln(c); until (c in validchoice) or (chr(ord(c) - 32) in validchoice); if (c = 'Y') or (c = 'y') then begin writeln('Type pitches to be added (if any) -->'); readln(chstr); makeintoset(chstr, cha); writeln('Type pitches to be deleted (if any) -->'); readln(chstr); makeintoset(chstr, chs); ch := ch + cha; ch := ch - chs; scan(ch, chrc); writestructure(chrc); end else hand := FALSE; until not hand; end;{changebyhand} begin{work} go := TRUE; choosestartingposition(cr); writestructure(cr); repeat changebyhand(cr); validchoice := ['W', 'A']; repeat write('Shall I work on it, or abandon it? (W/A)-->'); readln(ch); until (ch in validchoice) or (chr(ord(ch) - 32) in validchoice); case ch of 'W', 'w': begin validchoice := ['T', 'P']; repeat write('Aiming for a target dissonance, '); write('or using parallel subset motion? (T/P)-->'); readln(ch); until (ch in validchoice) or (chr(ord(ch) - 32) in validchoice); case ch of 'T', 't': begin write('Enter the target DSG: '); readln(ta); repeat sofardsg := cr.diss; targetrecto(cr, ta); until cr.diss = sofardsg; writestructure(cr) end; 'P', 'p': begin validchoice := ['I', 'D']; repeat write('Increasing, or diminishing the dissonance? (I/D)-->'); readln(ch); until (ch in validchoice) or (chr(ord(ch) - 32) in validchoice); case ch of 'I', 'i': begin psmdissrec(cr, 1); writestructure(cr); end; 'D', 'd': begin psmconsrec(cr, 1); writestructure(cr); end; end; end; end; end; 'A', 'a': go := FALSE; end; until not go; end;{work}begin{dissonancegrading} SetRect(fullScreen, 9, 44, 502, 336); SetTextRect(fullScreen); ShowText; introduction; initto(startchord, 0); newchord := TRUE; decidewhethertoprint; repeat work(zerothchord); write('Do you want to leave the program? (Y/N)-->'); readln(r); if (r = 'N') or (r = 'n') then begin if not printfile then decidewhethertoprint; write('Go back to the CHORD you fed in the last time? (Y/N)-->'); readln(r); if (r <> 'N') and (r <> 'n') then newchord := FALSE else newchord := TRUE; again := TRUE end else again := FALSE; until again = FALSE; if printfile then close(chordfile)end.{dissonancegrading}