Releases: jaredwray/writr
Releases · jaredwray/writr
Ecto and Module Updates
v1.5.1 dependency update
Migration to Ecto
Migration to the Ecto template engine to support EJS, Markdown, Pug, Nunjucks, Mustache, and Handlebars! Read more here:
January 2021 Maintenance
Upgrade of types and node modules commander and parse-json
Updating Modules and Tests for 2021
v1.0.1 Updates to modules and tests
Outdated Package Updates Released and Published
Updated the following packages:
- cherrio to latest
- @types/node to latest
- @types/fs-extra to latest
Package Upgrades
Monthly maintenance and upgrades to Writr.
- @types/express-serve-static-core -> 4.17.17
- @types/fs-extra -> 9.0.5
- @types/markdown-it -> 12.0.0
- @types/mocha (REMOVED)
- @types/node -> 14.14.14
- commander -> 6.2.1
- markdown-it -> 12.0.4
- ts-node -> 9.1.1
- typescript -> 4.1.3