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Infrastructure as code for development projects


This document sets up an initial VM environment to bootstrap a local development VDI or deployment server.

Important: The entire point of this is to be able to set up a basic starting point VM from scrach without the Ansible environment until Ansible can take over; therefore, all steps must be performed manually.

Running through this document will provide you with a VM OVA file and a cloud-init ISO file that you can you repeatedly to quickly generate a development VDI or deployment server as often as desired from a base configuration maintained in a git repository.

The Provision Base Instance section provides instructions on how to use a pre-built OVA and ISO file to create and start a VM instance. The remainder of the document describes the process for creating the OVA and ISO files.



The following variables are used throughout this procedure:

Key Value Notes
INSTALL_ISO_PATH /path/to/downloaded/Debian/stretch/amd64/debian-9.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso Debian installation ISO (TODO Previously full DVD ISO, let's see how the netinst ISO works)
EXPORTED_VMS /path/to/ova New directory for output OVAs
ANSIBLE_DATA_HOME /path/to/files See below for expected directory structure
VM_NAME vdi -or- deploy
USERNAME ansible
PASSWORD ansible

Provision Base Instance

Using the base OVA and the cloud-init seed.iso built as described further below, this section provisions a new VDI or deployment server.

Begin by importing the OVA and attaching the ISO as its CD-ROM drive:

host$ base=vdi-base.ova


host$ base=deploy-base.ova


host$ VBoxManage import "${EXPORTED_VMS}/${base}" --vsys 0 --vmname ${VM_NAME} && VBoxManage storageattach ${VM_NAME} --storagectl "IDE" --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium "${EXPORTED_VMS}/cloud-init/seed.iso"

Start the VM:

host$ VBoxManage startvm ${VM_NAME}

Do not do anything with the VM while it is up for now; however, if you wish to monitor what is going on, you can log-in via the console or via SSH and monitor the cloud-init output log:

host$ ssh ansible@vdi vdi$ sudo tail -F /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

Wait for the VM to power itself down. This should take around 10 minutes.

If there is any trouble, run the following to destroy and recreate the VM:

host$ VBoxManage controlvm ${VM_NAME} poweroff; VBoxManage unregistervm ${VM_NAME} --delete; sleep 2; VBoxManage import "${EXPORTED_VMS}/${base}" --vsys 0 --vmname ${VM_NAME} && VBoxManage storageattach ${VM_NAME} --storagectl "IDE" --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium "${EXPORTED_VMS}/cloud-init/seed.iso" && VBoxManage startvm ${VM_NAME}

Note that the command above will power down the VM hard. Ideally, it would be nicer to run something like sudo poweroff from inside the VM. If you get a DHCP lease, this might help to preserve your assigned IP address while troubleshooting depending on your router.

Next Steps

Depending on the length of time provisioning took, you might be tempted to run through the Export Base VM section to make another export of the provisioned VM. There is nothing wrong with this step, but simply remember that the exported VM will be frozen in time while the git repository will continue to evolve.

As a new VM is provisioned off of the OVA, be sure to re-run Ansible upon provisioning to make sure you have the latest changes.

TODO Need these steps somewhere:

  • wiped out the ssh keys under /etc/ssh; need to regenerate (ed25519 only for now, skip rsa)

    vdi$ sudo for keytype in ed25519; do ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_${keytype}_key -N '' -t ${keytype}; done

    (TODO remove rsa and others from common-inf too?)
  • initial login into ansible@vdi and dev@vdi

    host$ ssh ansible@vdi vdi$ exit host$ ssh dev@vdi vdi$ exit

  • place public key into ansible@vdi:.ssh/authorized_keys

    host$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh ansible@vdi 'cat - >> /home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys' host$ ssh ansible@vdi

  • place public key into dev@vdi:.ssh/authorized_keys

    vdi$ sudo mkdir /home/dev/.ssh vdi$ sudo chmod 700 /home/dev/.ssh vdi$ sudo touch /home/dev/.ssh/authorized_keys vdi$ sudo chmod 644 /home/dev/.ssh/authorized_keys vdi$ sudo chown -R dev:dev /home/dev/.ssh vdi$ sudo -i vdi# tail -1 /home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /home/dev/.ssh/authorized_keys vdi# exit vdi$ exit

  • run from /usr/local/.../bin

    host$ ssh dev@vdi vdi$ mkdir repo vdi$

  • download fly cli:

    host$ ssh ansible@vdi vdi$ wget -O fly 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/cli?arch=amd64&platform=linux' && sudo chmod +x fly && sudo mv fly /usr/local/bin

That's it. Now would be a good time to snapshot/backup/export the VM if desired.

  • TODO (as dev@vdi) fly --target ci login --concourse-url http://localhost:8080 -u test -p test
  • TODO mkdir repo
  • TODO cd repo
  • TODO git clone ...

Internet Downloads

Note: This section only needs to be run once to create the seed.iso file. If this section was previously run, then it can be skipped unless rebuild of the seed.iso is desired.

Note: The following expects a network connection is available to the Internet.

Begin by downloading the desired Debian ISO for installing Debian. Save this as ${INSTALL_ISO_PATH}.

Then, clone the git repo containing the development infrastructure.

$ cd ~/repo
$ git clone
$ cd ~/repo/dev-inf
$ ./

Create cloud-init seed.iso

Note: This section only needs to be run once to create the seed.iso file. If this section was previously run, then it can be skipped unless rebuild of the seed.iso is desired.

Note: This section can be postponed if desired. The following section(s) will take additional time to complete. If desired, skip to the next section to get the VM installation going, and then come back to run through these steps while waiting for the installation to complete.

In a terminal on the host, run the following:

$ CI_HOME=/tmp/cloud-init
$ /bin/rm -Rf "${CI_HOME}"
$ mkdir -p "${CI_HOME}"

Ensure your ${ANSIBLE_DATA_HOME} contains the following:

$ find ${ANSIBLE_DATA_HOME} -type f

TODO Delete? { software/applications/ansible/dh-python_1.20141111-2_all.deb software/applications/ansible/git_1%3a2.1.4-2.1_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/libmpdec2_2.4.1-1_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/libpython3-stdlib_3.4.2-2_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/libpython3.4-stdlib_3.4.2-1_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/libpython3.4-minimal_3.4.2-1_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/libyaml-0-2_0.1.6-3_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python3.4_3.4.2-1_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python3-apt_0.9.3.12_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python-configobj_5.0.6-1_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python3_3.4.2-2_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python-json-pointer_1.0-2_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-jsonpatch_1.3-5_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-crypto_2.6.1-5+b2_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python-serial_2.6-1.1_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-prettytable_0.7.2-3_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-setuptools_5.5.1-1_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python3-minimal_3.4.2-2_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python3.4-minimal_3.4.2-1_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python-boto_2.34.0-2_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-cheetah_2.4.4-3_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/python-httplib2_0.9+dfsg-2_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-jinja2_2.7.3-1_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-oauth_1.0.1-4_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-paramiko_1.15.1-1_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-requests_2.4.3-6_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-software-properties_0.92.25debian1_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-urllib3_1.9.1-3_all.deb software/applications/ansible/python-yaml_3.11-2_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/sshpass_1.05-1_amd64.deb software/applications/ansible/unattended-upgrades_0.83.3.2+deb8u1_all.deb }

Copy the cloud-init files:

$ cp -a ~/repo/dev-inf/cloud-init/* "${CI_HOME}"
$ mkdir -p ${CI_HOME}/software/applications
$ cp -a {${ANSIBLE_DATA_HOME},${CI_HOME}}/software/applications/ansible

Generate the cloud-init seed ISO:

$ mkdir -p "${EXPORTED_VMS}/cloud-init"
$ genisoimage -output "${EXPORTED_VMS}/cloud-init/seed.iso" -volid cidata -R -J "${CI_HOME}"

Bootstrap Base Install

Note: This section only needs to be run once to create the base OVA files. If this section was previously run, then it can be skipped unless rebuild of the base OVA(s) is desired.

Note: This section assumes no network connection is available. If the steps above have been completed adequately, then the remainder of this procedure can be completed offline with one exception.

Note: Running this section should take approximately 35 minutes.

Run the following to create the VM.

$ common-inf/scripts/ ${VM_NAME} auto 1024 30720 ${INSTALL_ISO_PATH}

Note: 512 MB and 10240 MB disk space should be enough if running without Concourse; due to Concourse, these have been raised to 1024 MB and 30720 MB, respectively.

Start the VM:

$ VBoxManage startvm ${VM_NAME}

Follow the prompts:

  • Boot menu: Install
  • Select a language: English
  • Select your location: United States
  • Configure the keyboard: American English
  • Configure the network:
{ * eth0 * Continue without a default route? Yes * Name server addresses: (blank) } * Hostname: $(HOST_NAME) * Domain name: (blank) * Set up users and passwords: * Root password: (blank) * Re-enter root password: (blank) * Full name: $(USER_FULLNAME) * Username: $(USERNAME) * Password: $(PASSWORD) * Re-enter password: $(PASSWORD) * Configure the clock: Central * Partition disks * Guided - use entire disk * Select disk: SCSI1 * Partitioning scheme: All files in one partition * Finish partitioning and write changes to disk * Write changes to disk? Yes * Configure the package manager * Scan another CD or DVD? No * Use a network mirror? No * Configure popularity-contest: No * Software selection: * Check or uncheck Debian desktop environment: * **For a VDI image:** You can check this so the initial install is faster by installing packages initally from the local installation media rather than downloading from the Internet; any updates will be installed later anyway. * **For a deployment server:** You will not want a graphical environment, so make sure to uncheck this. * Uncheck print server * Check SSH server **(IMPORTANT)** * Leave standard system utilities checked * Continue * Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk: * Yes * /dev/sda * Finish the installation: Continue

Remove any installation CDs or USB drives and reboot the VM. Do not power off the VM at this point; let it continue to come up unless...

If desired, this would be a good point to power off the VM and take a snapshot if experimenting in order to restore back to this snapshot later.

Set BIOS boot order as applicable to boot from the appropriate drive.

Verify Networking

Note: This section only needs to be run once to create the base OVA file. If this section was previously run, then it can be skipped unless rebuild of the base OVA(s) is desired.

To find out the VM's IP address, log-in as $(USERNAME) from the VM console and type:

vdi$ /sbin/ifconfig -a

Verify eth0 has an IP address available: 192.168..

From a terminal on the host, try to ssh into the VM using this IP address.

host$ vdi_ip_addr=192.168.___.___
host$ ssh ${USERNAME}@${vdi_ip_addr}
Enter password:

Install Cloud-Init and Ansible

Note: This section only needs to be run once to create the base OVA file. If this section was previously run, then it can be skipped unless rebuild of the base OVA(s) is desired.

Note: This section needs the cloud-init seed.iso image created in the Create cloud-init seed.iso section. Ensure that section is run prior to continuing.

On the host:

host$ VBoxManage storageattach ${VM_NAME} --storagectl "IDE" --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium "${EXPORTED_VMS}/cloud-init/seed.iso"

Run the following in a terminal on the VDI guest:

vdi$ sudo -i

Begin by setting up the /etc/role file. The cloud-init user-data script will use this to determine which Ansible playbook to run.

root# echo vdi > /etc/role


root# echo deployment > /etc/role


root# mount -o ro /media/cdrom0
root# sed --in-place=.orig -e 's/^\(deb\ cdrom\:\)/\#\1/' /etc/apt/sources.list
root# echo deb jessie main non-free contrib > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tempsrc.list
root# apt-get update
root# apt-get install --assume-yes cloud-init git python-crypto python-httplib2 python-jinja2 python-paramiko python-setuptools python-yaml sshpass
root# dpkg --install /media/cdrom0/software/applications/ansible/ansible_2.7.1-1ppa~trusty_all.deb

Export Base VM

Note: This section only needs to be run once to create the base OVA file. If this section was previously run, then it can be skipped unless rebuild of the base OVA(s) is desired.

Run the following in a terminal on the VDI/deployment host to clean up the VM hard drive and then power off the VM:

root# /bin/rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tempsrc.list
root# /bin/mkdir /tmp2
root# for s in; do wget -O /tmp2/${s} "${s}"; chmod +x /tmp2/${s}; done
root# /tmp2/

TODO Observed the following messages and errors while running this:

     (This section is currently unimplemented.)
     (This section is currently unimplemented.)
     Determining file name for writing. Checking //zf0...
     Found no file //zf0
     Writing  blocks to //zf0            (deploy only, not vdi)
     /bin/dd: invalid number ‘’          (deploy only, not vdi)

root# for f in /tmp2/*; do shred --iterations=1 --zero ${f}; done
root# /bin/rm -Rf /tmp2
root# poweroff

(TODO Not sure about the re-thinning yet; didn't check to see the original VMDK file size before exporting; simply noticed the imported VMDK was a whopping 4 GB. Need to go through this one more time to make sure this is useful, because at the moment it didn't do anything to reduce the file size.)

TODO (skipped this for now, will revisit later) { The script filled the virtual hard drive free space with zeroes, but Virtual Box exporting doesn't appear to be great at excluding those in the OVA. Let's compact the hard drive before the export on the host:

host$ cd ${HOME}/VirtualBox\ VMs/${VM_NAME}
host$ vdiDiskVmdk=vdi-base-disk1.vmdk
host$ vdiDiskVdi=vdi-base-disk1.vdi
host$ hddUuid="$(VBoxManage showhdinfo vdi-base-disk1.vmdk  | awk -F ' ' '/^UUID\:/ { print $2; }')"

Convert the virtual hard drive to VDI format, compact it, and then convert it back to VMDK format:

host$ VBoxManage clonehd ${vdiDiskVmdk} ${vdiDiskVdi} --format vdi
host$ VBoxManage modifyhd ${vdiDiskVdi} --compact
host$ /bin/rm ${vdiDiskVmdk}
host$ VBoxManage clonehd ${vdiDiskVdi} ${vdiDiskVmdk} --format vmdk
host$ /bin/rm ${vdiDiskVdi}

Finally, set the original UUID:

host$ VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid ${vdiDiskVmdk} ${hddUuid}


Now, depending on what you're building...

host$ base=vdi-base.ova


host$ base=deploy-base.ova the following to create the base VM OVA:

host$ VBoxManage export ${VM_NAME} --output "${EXPORTED_VMS}/${base}"

Remove the VM from the VirtualBox inventory. This will delete all files pertaining to the VM, but it's OK since we can get them back from base OVA.

host$ VBoxManage unregistervm ${VM_NAME} --delete

TODO Delete....

{ { The rest of this document isn't needed; it can be deleted.

Set Networking to Host-only Adapter: (TODO won't work - we need bridged later for Internet access when downloading cloud-init)

$ VBoxManage modifyvm ${VM_NAME} --nic1 hostonly --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0

From the VM, verify the host is available:

vdi$ ssh [email protected]
Enter password:
host$ exit

Monitor progress (TODO if headless):

host$ while [ 1 ]; do VBoxManage showvminfo ${VM_NAME} | grep State; sleep 30; done

Wait for state to go from running to powered off.

Cleanly power off the VM. (I generally do this by allowing the VM to reboot, then pressing the hotkey [e.g. F12] to get into the boot options right at startup, and then powering off the VM hard from the Virtual Box Manager.)

host$ CI_HOME=/tmp/cloud-init
host$ cat ~/.ssh/

Copy the contents of the public key. Paste below when entering the contents of user-data.

TODO... $ VBoxManage controlvm ${VM_NAME} poweroff; VBoxManage unregistervm ${VM_NAME} --delete; sleep 2; /bin/rm -Rf ${CI_HOME}; cp -a ~/repo/dev-inf/cloud-init ${CI_HOME} && mkdir -p ${CI_HOME}/software && cp -a ${ANSIBLE_DATA_HOME}/software/applications ${CI_HOME}}/software && genisoimage -output "${EXPORTED_VMS}/cloud-init/seed.iso" -volid cidata -R -J "${CI_HOME}" && VBoxManage import "${EXPORTED_VMS}/vdi-base.ova" --vsys 0 --vmname ${VM_NAME} && VBoxManage storageattach ${VM_NAME} --storagectl "IDE" --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium "${EXPORTED_VMS}/cloud-init/seed.iso" && VBoxManage startvm ${VM_NAME} $ for ip in 15; do ssh-keygen -f "/home/jawaad/.ssh/known_hosts" -R 192.168.1.${ip} && ssh-keyscan -H 192.168.1.${ip} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts && ssh [email protected].${ip}; done

Install SSH Authorized Key

host$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh ansible@${vdi_ip_addr} 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Enter password:
host$ ssh ansible@${vdi_ip_addr}

Verify logged-in with no password prompt. }