- Introduce actions for Azure Netapp Files, like deleting netapp volumes
- Introduce actions and probes for Azure Storage, like deleting storage accounts and blob containers
- Introduce actions and probes for Azure Kubernetes Service, like deleting or stopping managed clusters
0.11.1 - 2023-02-26
- Format of minimal Python version as per pypa/packaging#673
- Introduce actions for Azure Application Gateway, like starting, stopping, deleting application gateways and deleting routes
- Introduce actions for Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible, like starting, stoping, restarting and deleting servers
- Introduce actions for Azure Database for PostgreSQL single, like restarting and deleting servers
0.11.0 - 2022-06-14
- Fix VM Scale Set Fetch and Commands #134
- Requires Python 3.7 as Chaos Toolkit itself
- Builds for Python 3.10 as well
0.10.0 - 2021-06-10
- Adding new function attribute
to make result as table, which is not the default option now - added an utility method to load version in setup.py
- adding versions to azure libraries with a compatible release operator
- Renamed
for theComputeManagementClient
call - Replacing
for service_principal authentication method - Using
instead of deprecatedlogger.warn
- Stopped checking api version to generate dicts in
function - changed function names to match new version of libraries:
delete, restart, poweroff, deallocate
->begin_delete, begin_restart, begin_poweroff, begin_deallocate
- Switched from Travis to GitHub actions for building and releasing
0.9.0 - 2021-03-15
- Individual Azure managemnt clients for website and compute resources
- Moved to support new Microsoft Azure python package dependencies. Now importt the msrestazure package.
- Renamed
for theResourceGraphClient
- Removed common init_client
0.8.3 - 2020-05-14
- Missing init module files
0.8.2 - 2020-05-14
- Letting setuptools find all packages
0.8.1 - 2020-05-14
- Expose the
packages on building the top-level package
0.8.0 - 2020-05-14
- Return output from activities
- Allow user to load more than one VMSS instance for VMSS actions
- Update list of unsupported scripts for Windows VM
- Added network latency operation vor VMSS instances
- Added burn io (memory exploit) operation vor VMSS instances
- Added fill disk operation vor VMSS instances
- Interrupt an experiment execution when secrets are error-prone
- Interrupt an experiment execution when an invalid cloud is configured
- Remove an unused configuration property from the resource graph since it is deprecated
- Technical refactoring: Separate concerns from the main init module
- Technical refactoring: Applied DRY principles in test module
- Technical refactoring: Resource graph client now outputs error messages
- Allow to load secrets from azure credential file
0.7.0 - 2020-04-09
- Supporting criteria for selection of the virtual machine scale set instance to stop
- Added optional path parameter to fill_disk
- Use the official configuration accessor for
0.6.0 - 2019-11-12
- Added the burn_io feature: increase the I/O operations per seconds of the hard drive for a time period (default time period is 1 minute). Works by copying random data into a burn folder, which is deleted at the end of the script.
- Added the network_latency feature: disturb the network of the VM, adding some latency for a time period (defaults to a 200 +/- 50ms latency for 1 minute). Only works on Linux machines for now.
- Supporting multiple Azure Cloud, such as AZURE_CHINA_CLOUD.
- Code clean up and refactoring, moving up client initiation.
- Added the ability to stress a machine instance in a virtual machine scale set
- Supporting Azure token based credentials (no refresh token support yet)
0.5.0 - 2019-07-05
- Added the FillDisk feature: Create a file of random data on the disk of the VM for a time period (defaults to a 1GB file for 2 minutes).
- Fixed the new MS Azure REST API version 2019-04-01
0.4.0 - 2019-04-15
- Enable virtual machine actions to select more than one machine
- Introduce rollback action for virtual machines
- Separate service fabric functionality from the chaostoolkit-azure extension
- Introduce CPU stress action for VMs
- Remove not used azure-mgmt dependencies (#53)
- Introduce actions to stop, restart and start Azure Web Apps
- Introduce probes to take measures of Azure Web Apps
- Refactoring: Remove redundant check for security variables from environment
0.3.1 - 2019-06-01
- Remove Azure CLI and introduce the Azure Python SDK instead. See #36.
- Ensure all packages are exported #41
0.3.0 - 2018-12-19
- Introduce Azure CLI
- Install Azure CLI resource-graph extension if it is not installed
- Enable filtering of Azure infrastructure resources, e.g. virtual machines
- Enable filtering of Azure infrastructure resources in probes
- Introduce actions on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS), like stopping, restarting, and deleting AKS nodes
- Introduce actions on Azure Virtual Machine Scalesets (VMSS), like stopping, restarting, and deallocating AKS nodes
- Emphasize the risk of deleting actions in the docstrings
0.2.0 - 2018-10-19
- Refactoring: Straighten dependencies in requirements.txt
- Update documentation
- Refactoring: Moving authentication functions one module up
- Manage Azure virtual machines with the machine subpackage
- Exporting discovery ability
0.1.3 - 2018-06-06
- Exporting fabric subpackage
0.1.2 - 2018-05-14
- MANIFEST.in so that non-source code files are included in source distribution package
- Initial release