Bare minimum for launch
- Home page with upcoming screening and menu
- Page with past screenings and menus; 'Golden Arm Archive'
- Seat reservation page
- Input name, email
- On submission, receive email confirmation of res
- Admin endpoints
- Support uploading screening information
- Movie title, date, poster image, menu image
- Get reservation data for past and upcoming screenings
- Support uploading screening information
Then add
- A page for film festival being launched spring semester
- Guest feedback / movie suggestion form
- Nice UI for Admin
Longer term, nice to have
- Merch shop
- Scrape roombook / eliot website for other golden arm reservations and add to calendar
- When user makes reservation, provide option to subscribe to weekly screening email updates
- A nice calendar UI showing past and upcoming screenings. GCal integration
- 'Golden Arm Wrapped' - at end of semester, send all attendees a recap of their top genres, actors, directors