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File metadata and controls

243 lines (190 loc) · 8.05 KB


This module supports integration between JBeret and Apache Camel, by providing a Camel JBeret component, and reusable batch artifacts for interacting with Apache Camel.

Camel JBeret Component

Camel JBeret component producer supports the following types of operations and their URL format:

  • jberet:jobs lists job names. The response type is java.util.Set<String>.

  • jberet:jobs/job1 starts the job job1. any job parameters should be passed as message body as java.util.Properties. The response type is long (job execution id).

  • jberet:jobs/job1/start starts the job job1, same as above. any job parameters should be passed as message body as java.util.Properties. The response type is long (job execution id).

  • jberet:jobinstances?jobName=job1&start=0&count=10 lists job instances, jobName query param is required, start and count query params are both optional, and defaults to 0 and 10, respectively. The response type is java.util.List<JobInstance>.

  • jberet:jobinstances/count?jobName=job1 counts job instances of the job job1. jobName query param is required. The response type is int.

  • jberet:jobexecutions/running?jobName=job1 lists all running job executions of the job job1. jobName query param is usually specified, but if omitted, it defaults to * and lists running job executions of all jobs currently known to the batch runtime. The response type is java.util.List<Long> (job execution ids).

  • jberet:jobexecutions/123456 gets the job execution with id 123456. The response type is JobExecution.

  • jberet:jobexecutions/123456/stop stops the job execution with id 123456. No response is generated.

  • jberet:jobexecutions/123456/restart restarts the job execution with id 123456. any job parameters should be passed as message body as java.util.Properties. The response type is long (job execution id).

  • jberet:jobexecutions/123456/abandon abandons the job execution with id 123456. No response is generated.

Camel Batch Artifacts


Implementation of javax.batch.api.chunk.ItemReader that reads batch data from Apache Camel endpoint. The source Camel endpoint is configured through batch property endpoint in job XML. For each read operation, this reader will wait up to the configured timeout milliseconds for data. Users may also configure beanType batch property to specify the expected Java type of the data.

An example job.xml using camelItemReader:

  <job id="camelReaderTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
    <step id="camelReaderTest.step1">
        <reader ref="camelItemReader">
            <property name="beanType" value="org.jberet.samples.wildfly.common.Movie"/>
            <property name="endpoint" value="#{jobParameters['endpoint']}"/>
            <property name="timeout" value="#{jobParameters['timeout']}"/>


Implementation of javax.batch.api.chunk.ItemProcessor that processes batch data using Apache Camel component. The target Camel endpoint is configured through batch property endpoint in job XML. For example,

 <job id="camelReaderTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
   <step id="camelReaderTest.step1">
       ... ...
       <processor ref="camelItemProcessor">
           <property name="endpoint" value="#{jobParameters['endpoint']}"/>
       ... ...


Implementation of javax.batch.api.chunk.ItemWriter that writes batch data to Apache Camel endpoint. The target Camel endpoint is configured through batch property endpoint in job XML. For example,

 <job id="camelWriterTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
   <step id="camelWriterTest.step1">
       ... ...
       <writer ref="camelItemWriter">
           <property name="endpoint" value="#{jobParameters['endpoint']}"/>


An implementation of javax.batch.api.listener.JobListener that sends job execution events to a Camel endpoint. Two types of events are sent:

  • beforeJob: sent before a job execution
  • afterJob: sent after a job execution

The body of the message sent is the current JobExecution. Each message also contains a header to indicate the event type: its key is eventType, and value is either beforeJob or afterJob.

The target Camel endpoint is configured through batch property endpoint in job XML. For example,

 <job id="camelJobListenerTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
       <listener ref="camelJobListener">
               <property name="endpoint" value="#{jobParameters['endpoint']}"/>


An implementation of javax.batch.api.listener.StepListener that sends step execution events to a Camel endpoint. Two types of events are sent:

  • beforeStep: sent before a step execution
  • afterStep: sent after a step execution

The body of the message sent is the current StepExecution. Each message also contains a header to indicate the event type: its key is eventType, and value is either beforeStep or afterStep.

The target Camel endpoint is configured through batch property endpoint in job XML. For example,

 <job id="camelStepListenerTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
   <step id="camelStepListenerTest.step1">
       <listener ref="camelStepListener">
           <property name="endpoint" value="#{jobParameters['endpoint']}"/>
     ... ...


An implementation of batch chunk listeners that sends chunk execution events to the configured Camel endpoint. The following are the chunk listener interfaces implemented by this class, and supported types of chunk execution events:

  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.ChunkListener
    • beforeChunk
    • onChunkError
    • afterChunk
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemProcessListener
    • bef oreProcess
    • afterProcess
    • onProcessError
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemReadListener
    • beforeRead
    • afterRead
    • onReadError
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemWriteListener
    • beforeWrite
    • afterWrite
    • onWriteError
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.RetryProcessListener
    • onRetryProcessException
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.RetryReadListener
    • onRetryReadException
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.RetryWriteListener
    • onRetryWriteException
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.SkipProcessListener
    • onSkipProcessItem
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.SkipReadListener
    • onSkipReadItem
  • javax.batch.api.chunk.listener.SkipWriteListener
    • onSkipWriteItem

The body of the message sent is the current ChunkExecutionInfo. Each message also contains a header to indicate the event type: its key is eventType, and value is one from the above list.

The target Camel endpoint is configured through batch property endpoint in job XML. For example,

 <job id="camelChunkListenerTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
   <step id="camelChunkListenerTest.step1">
       <listener ref="camelChunkListener">
           <property name="endpoint" value="#{jobParameters['endpoint']}"/>
     ... ...


mvn clean install

Test App

The test webapp camelReaderWriter uses all the features in jberet-camel.