Note: This is a branch of the clojurecheck hg source ( that has been converted into a git repository.
- Update to clojure 1.3.0
- Converted to lein format
- Changed reporting to re-report with different messages rather than throwing custom typed reports. This is to allow it to play nicely with clojure-test-mode
- Re-worked property* to simplify
ClojureCheck is an addon for clojure.test
. It adds property based
testing to clojure.test following the lines of [QuickCheck][qc] for
Testing with ClojureCheck is done via so-called properties. A property
consists of a set of bindings, which vary between trials, and „normal“
assertions. The assertions are run several times. Each
time the defined locals are bound to new values generated automatically
by ClojureCheck.
(ns my.package
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [clojurecheck.core :as cc]))
(defn angular-diff
[a b]
(-> (- a b) (mod 180) Math/abs))
(deftest angular-diff-standard-test
(are [x y] (= x y)
(angular-diff 0 0) 0
(angular-diff 90 90) 0
(angular-diff 0 45) 45
(angular-diff 45 0) 45
(angular-diff 0 270) 90
(angular-diff (* 360 2) (+ (* 360 4) 23)) 23))
(deftest angular-diff-property
(cc/property "angular-diff is smallest angel between a and b"
[diff (cc/float :lower -180.0 :upper 180.0)
a (cc/float :lower 0.0 :upper 360.0)
n (cc/int)]
(let [b (+ a (* 360 n) diff)]
(is (= (angular-diff a b) (Math/abs diff))))))
To use ClojureCheck add it to your project dependencies. lein, maven, gradle or ivy can then fetch it from clojars.
For lein:
:dev-dependencies [[clojurecheck 1.0.0]]
For gradle:
dependencies { testCompile 'clojurecheck:clojurecheck:1.0.0' }
I always appreciate feedback. Please report bugs on the tracker at bitbucket: Also improvement ideas etc. are always welcome!
Meikel Brandmeyer [email protected] Erlensee, Germany, 2010