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Committing changes to Strings

We would like to make it easier for community members to contribute to strings using pull requests, even if it makes the task of reviewing and committing these changes a little harder. Pull requests are only ever based on a single branch. As a result contributors should target their changes at the master branch. This makes the process of contributing a little easier for the contributor since they don't need to concern themselves with the question, "What branch do I base my changes on?" This is already called out in the

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the committer to re-base the change set on the appropriate branch which should receive the contribution.

It is also the responsibility of the committer to review the change set in an effort to make sure the end users must opt-in to new behavior that is incompatible with previous behavior. We employ the use of feature flags as the primary way to achieve this user opt-in behavior. Finally, it is the responsibility of the committer to make sure the master branch is clean and working at all times. Clean means that dead code is not allowed, everything needs to be usable in some manner at all points in time.

The rest of this document addresses the concerns of the committer. This document will help guide the committer decide which branch to base, or re-base a contribution on top of. This document also describes our branch management strategy, which is closely related to the decision of what branch to commit changes into.


Many of these terms have more than one meaning. For the purposes of this document, the following terms refer to specific things.

contributor - A person who makes a change to strings and submits a change set in the form of a pull request.

change set - A set of discrete patches which combined together form a contribution. A change set takes the form of Git commits and is submitted to strings in the form of a pull request.

committer - A person responsible for reviewing a pull request and then making the decision what base branch to merge the change set into.

base branch - A branch in Git that contains an active history of changes and will eventually be released using semantic version guidelines. The branch named master will always exist as a base branch.

master branch - The branch where new functionality that and bug fixes are merged.

security - Where critical security fixes are merged. These change sets will then be merged into release branches independently from one another. (i.e. no merging up). Please do not submit pull requests against the security branch and instead report all security related issues to [email protected] as per our security policy published at

Committer Guide

This section provides a guide to follow while committing change sets to strings base branches.

How to decide what release(s) should be patched

This section provides a guide to help a committer decide the specific base branch that a change set should be merged into.

The latest minor release of a major release is the only base branch that should be patched. These patches will be merged into master if they contain new functionality and if they fix a critical bug. Older minor releases in a major release do not get patched.

Before the switch to semantic versions committers did not have to think about the difference between minor and major releases. Committing to the latest minor release of a major release is a policy intended to limit the number of active base branches that must be managed.

Security patches are handled as a special case. Security patches may be applied to earlier minor releases of a major release, but the patches should first be merged into the security branch. Security patches should be merged by Puppet Labs staff members. Pull requests should not be submitted with the security branch as the base branch. Please send all security related information or patches to [email protected] as per our Security Policy.

The CI systems are configured to run against master. Over time, this branch will refer to different versions, but its name will remain fixed to avoid having to update CI jobs and tasks as new versions are released.

Code review checklist

This section aims to provide a checklist of things to look for when reviewing a pull request and determining if the change set should be merged into a base branch:

  • All tests pass
  • Are there any platform gotchas? (Does a change make an assumption about platform specific behavior that is incompatible with other platforms? e.g. Windows paths vs. POSIX paths.)
  • Is the change backwards compatible? (It should be)
  • Are there YARD docs for API changes?
  • Does the change set also require documentation changes? If so is the documentation being kept up to date?
  • Does the change set include clean code? (software code that is formatted correctly and in an organized manner so that another coder can easily read or modify it.) HINT: git diff master --check
  • Does the change set conform to the contributing guide?

Commit citizen guidelines:

This section aims to provide guidelines for being a good commit citizen by paying attention to our automated build tools.

  • Don’t push on a broken build. (A broken build is defined as a failing job in Puppet Strings page.)
  • Watch the build until your changes have gone through green
  • Update the ticket status and target version. The target version field in our issue tracker should be updated to be the next release of Puppet. For example, if the most recent release of Puppet is 3.1.1 and you merge a backwards compatible change set into master, then the target version should be 3.2.0 in the issue tracker.)
  • Ensure the pull request is closed (Hint: amend your merge commit to contain the string closes #123 where 123 is the pull request number and github will automatically close the pull request when the branch is pushed.)

Example Procedure

This section helps a committer rebase and merge a contribution into the base branch.

Suppose a contributor submits a pull request based on master. The change set fixes a bug reported against strings 0.1.0 which is the most recently released version of strings.

First, the committer pulls down the branch using the hub gem. This tool automates the process of adding the remote repository and creating a local branch to track the remote branch.

$ hub checkout
Branch jeffmccune-pdoc-34_fix_foo_error set up to track remote branch pdoc-34-fix_foo_error from jeffmccune.
Switched to a new branch 'jeffmccune-pdoc-34_fix_foo_error'

It's possible that more changes have been merged into master since the pull request was submitted. In this case it may be necessary to rebase the branch that contains the changes:

$ git rebase upstream/master

After the branch has been checked out and rebased, the committer should ensure that the code review check list has been completed.

Now that we have a topic branch containing the change set based on the most recent master branch, the committer merges in:

$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge --no-ff --log jeffmccune-pdoc-34_fix_foo_error
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 foo | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 foo

Once the change set has been merged into one base branch, the change set should not be modified in order to keep the history clean, avoid "double" commits, and preserve the usefulness of git branch --contains. If there are any merge conflicts, they are to be resolved in the merge commit itself and not by re-writing (rebasing) the patches for one base branch, but not another.

Once the change set has been merged into master, the committer pushes. Please note, the checklist should be complete at this point. It's helpful to make sure your local branches are up to date to avoid one of the branches failing to fast forward while the other succeeds.

$ git push origin master:master

That's it! The committer then updates the pull request, updates the issue in our issue tracker, and keeps an eye on the build status.