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Introduction & Getting Started

Purpose and Target Audience

The target audience for this tutorial are those individuals who do not yet have a great deal of experience with Eclipse + JBoss Tools (JBoss Developer Studio), JBoss Enterprise Application 6 or JBoss AS 7, Java EE 6 features like JAX-RS or HTML5 & jQuery for building an mobile web front-end.

This tutorial sets the stage for the creation of TicketMonster - our sample application that illustrates how to bring together the best features of Java EE 6 + HTML5 + JBoss to create a rich, mobile-optimized and dynamic application

If you prefer to watch instead of read, a large portion of this content is also covered in video form at

In this tutorial, we will touch on the following:
- Working with JBoss Developer Studio (Eclipse + JBoss Tools)
- Creating of a Java EE 6 project via a Maven archetype
- Leveraging m2e and m2e-wtp
- Using Forge to create a JPA entity
- Using Hibernate Tools
- Database Schema Generation
- Deployment to a local JBoss Server
- Adding a JAX-RS endpoint
- Adding a jQuery Mobile client
- Using the Mobile BrowserSim

jbds5 mobile browsersim
Figure 1. JBoss Developer Studio 5 with Mobile BrowserSim


The first order of business is to get your development environment setup and JBoss Developer Studio v5 installed. JBoss Developer Studio is Eclipse Indigo (3.7.2) for Java EE Developers plus select JBoss Tools and is available for free at You may also choose to install JBoss Tools 3.3 into your existing Eclipse Indigo for Java EE Developers. This document uses screenshots depicting JBoss Developer Studio.

You must have a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed, either v6 or v7 will work - while a JVM runtime will work for most use cases, for a developer environment it is normally best to have the full JDK. System requirements for JBoss Developer Studio are listed in the online documentation.

JBoss Developer Studio installation and introduction

JBoss Tools into Eclipse Indigo installation and introduction

The JBoss Developer Studio installer normally has a very long name such as
where the latter portion of the file name is related to build date and version information and the text near the front related to what target OS the installer is for. The "universal" installer is for any operating system. To launch the installer you may simply be able to double-click on the .jar file name or you may need to issue the following from the operating system command line: java -jar jbdevstudio-product-universal-5.0.0.v201204301418M-H119.jar

We recommend using the "universal" installer as it handles Windows, Mac OS X and Linux - 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Note: Even if you are installing on a 64-bit OS, you may still wish to use the 32-bit JVM for the JBoss Developer Studio (or Eclipse + JBoss Tools). The 32-bit version allows you access to the Visual Page Editor - a split-pane editor that gives you a glimpse of what your HTML/XHTML (JSF, JSP, etc) will look like. Also, the 32-bit version uses less memory than the 64-bit version. You may still run your application servers in 64-bit JVMs if needed to insure compatibility with the production environment while keeping your IDE in 32-bit mode.

installer wizard page1
Figure 2. Installation Wizard 1 of 9

The rest of the steps are fairly self explanatory. If you run into trouble, please consult the videos above as they explore a few troubleshooting tips related to JRE/JDK setup.

Please make sure to say Yes to the prompt that says "Will you allow JBoss Tools team to receive anonymous usage statistics for this Eclipse instance with JBoss Tools?". This information is very helpful to us when it comes to prioritizing our QA efforts in terms of operating system platforms. More information concerning our usage tracking can be found at

Also, if you have not already installed the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 or JBoss AS 7, then those steps will be covered in the next section of this tutorial. You can skip that step in the installation wizard as there are numerous ways to add a JBoss server to your IDE.

Creating a new Java EE 6 project with Maven

Now that everything is properly installed, configured, running and verified to work, let’s build something "from scratch".

First, select Java EE Web Project from JBoss Central under Create Projects we will be using this archetype for the creation of a Java EE 6 web application (.war). The additional benefit of using this archetype is that it provides a Maven-based project which can be built outside of the IDE as well as in continuous integration solutions like Hudson/Jenkins.

jboss dev studio jboss central
Figure 3. JBoss Central

We also recommend that you switch to the JBoss Perspective if you have not already. Also, for a deeper dive into the world of Maven and how it is used with JBoss Developer Studio 5 (JBoss Tools 3.3) and Enterprise Application Platform 6 (Application Server 7) please feel free to take a few minutes to review this video +

If you close JBoss Central, it is only a click away - simply click on the JBoss "balls" icon in the Eclipse toolbar - it is normally the last icon, on the last row - assuming you are in the JBoss Perspective.

Once Java EE Web Project has been selected you will be prompted with a dialog box that verifies that Eclipse is configured correctly if you are in a brand new workspace, the application server will not be configured yet and you will notice the lack of a check mark on the server/runtime row.

new project wizard
Figure 4. New Project Wizard

Note: If you have been using another application or web server such as Tomcat, shut it down now to avoid any port conflicts.

There are several ways to add either a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 or JBoss AS 7 to Eclipse/JBoss Developer Studio the easiest one in this situation is to click on the Install…​ button. This assumes that the JBoss server has already been downloaded and unzipped. If you have not yet downloaded the JBoss server, click on the Download and Install…​ button. Note: The download option only works with the community application server.

Selecting Install… will pop up the JBoss Runtime Detection section of Preferences. You can always get back to this dialog by selecting Preferences either under "Eclipse" or "JBoss Developer Studio" on the Mac or under "Window" menu on Windows.

jboss tools runtime detection
Figure 5. JBoss Tools Runtime Detection

Select the Add button, this will take you to a file browser dialog where you can pick the main directory of your unzipped JBoss server.

runtime open dialog
Figure 6. Runtime Open Dialog

Select Open – you will then see the Searching for runtimes… window.

searching for runtimes dialog
Figure 7. Searching for runtimes window

Simply select OK.

The JBoss Tools Runtime Detection Preferences screen will reset and you should see the added runtime in the Paths list.

jboss tools runtime detection after
Figure 8. JBoss Tools Runtime Detection Completed

Select OK to close the Preferences Dialog

And when you return to the New Project Example dialog, it will have the JBoss AS 7 or EAP 6 Found? Box checked.

as eap found
Figure 9. JBoss AS 7.0/7.1 or EAP 6 Found

Select Next

new project example step 2
Figure 10. New Project Wizard Step 2

The default Project name is "jboss-javaee6-webapp" – if this field appears blank, it is becomes your workspace already contains a "jboss-javaee6-webapp" in which case just provide another name for your project.

Also, Target Runtime is empty and that is normally good for the getting started experience – if you target an Enterprise Application Platform you will need to first configure enterprise Maven repositories. The previously referenced video on Maven will be helpful as well as this document on Maven +

When the drop down list box is empty, then we assume the community Maven artifacts.

Select Finish

JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio will now generate the template project and import it into the workspace. You will see it pop up into the Project Explorer and a message that asks if you would like to review the "readme" file.

prompt for readme
Figure 11. New Project Wizard Step 3

Select Finish

Exploring the newly generated project

Using the Project Explorer, open up the generated project, under Java Resources, drill-down into src/main/java.

The generated project is a Maven-based project with a pom.xml in its root directory and adhering to the proper layout for a Maven web application. Double-click on the pom.xml

newly generated project explorer
Figure 12. Project Explorer

JBoss Tools & JBoss Developer Studio include m2e and m2e-wtp. m2e is the Maven Eclipse plug-in - it provides a graphical editor for editing pom.xml files along with the ability to run maven goals directly from within Eclipse. m2e-wtp allows you to deploy your Maven-based project directly to any Web Tools Project (WTP) compliant application server. This means you can basically drag & drop, Run As Run on Server or use a variety of mechanisms to cause the Eclipse to generate a .war and place it in the JBoss server deployments directory for hot deployment.

The pom.xml editor has several tabs along its bottom edge.

pom xml tabs
Figure 13. pom.xml Editor Tabs

For this tutorial, we do not need to edit the pom.xml as it includes all the capabilities of Java EE 6 that we will need (e.g. JPA, JAX-RS, CDI, etc), however, you should spend some time exploring the Dependencies and the pom.xml (source view) tabs. One key element to make note of is "<>1.0.0.M6</>" as that establishes if this project uses community or enterprise dependencies. It is what aggregates the versions of the individually listed Java EE and other API dependencies in the dependency section. The specific version of "1.0.0.M6" is very likely to change, please do not be surprised if the version is slightly different. Also, if you are using JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 and you selected that as your Target Runtime, you will find a "-redhat-1" suffix on the version string.

project explorer java packages
Figure 14. Project Explorer Java Packages

The initial project includes the following Java packages:
- controller – contains the backing bean for the JSF page called index.xhtml – specifically supporting the newMember and memberRegistration.register expressions in index.xhtml
- data – contains a class which uses @Produces and @Named to return a list of members for index.xhtml
- model – contains the JPA entity classes – simple annotated POJOs (@Entity) – in the case of, it demonstrates the use of new EE6, Bean Validation JSR 303
- rest – contains the JAX-RS endpoints, also simple annotated POJOs (@Path)
- service - handles the registration transaction for new members
- util – contains which sets up an alias for @PersistenceContext to be injectable via @Inject

project explorer resources
Figure 15. Project Explorer Resources

Under src you will find

  • main/resources/import.sql – contains insert statements that provides initial database data. This is particularly useful when as seen in persistence.xml - since the schema is recreated with each deployment

  • main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml – this file establishes that this project contains JPA entities and it identifies the datasource as ExampleDS. It also includes the property set to create-drop by default. ExampleDS is pre-established on both JBoss AS 7 and Enterprise Application Platform 6. You can visit the application server’s admin console at http://localhost:9990/console/ and see that ExampleDS is mapped to the embedded H2 database. This tutorial will cover the deployment of the H2 console for exploring the database via web-based interactive SQL tool

  • test/java/test you will find a "test" package that contains – this is an Arquillian based test that runs both at the command line (mvn test –Parq-jbossas-remote) as well as from within Eclipse (Run As JUnit Test).

  • src/main/webapp you will find index.xhtml, this is the primary JSF-based user interface for the sample application. If you double-click on that file you will see the JBoss Developer Studio/JBoss Tools Visual Page Editor – allowing you to visually navigate through the file and see the source simultaneously. Changes to the source are immediately reflected in the visual pane.

visual page editor
Figure 16. Visual Page Editor

In src/main/webapp/WEB-INF, you will find three key files:
- beans.xml is basically empty but it is the marker file that indicates this is a CDI capable EE6 application.
- faces-config.xml is also empty but it is the marker file that indicates this is a JSF capable EE6 application.
- jboss-javaee6-webapp-ds.xml - is actually a hot deployable file that establishes a new datasource within the JBoss container.

Adding a new entity using Forge

There are several ways to add a new JPA entity to your project:
1) Right-click on the "model" package and select New → Class. JPA entities are annotated POJOs so starting from a simple class is a common approach.
2) Reverse Engineering: Right-click on the "model" package and select New → JPA Entities from Tables. For more information on this technique see this video -
3) Using Forge to script the creation of a new entity for your project
4) Reverse Engineering with Forge: Forge has a Hibernate Tools plug-in that allows you to script the conversion of RDBMS schema into JPA entities. For more information on this technique see this video -

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will take advantage of Forge (option 3) to add a new JPA entity, this allows us the fewest keystrokes and we do not yet have a RDBMS schema to reverse engineer. There is also an optional section for adding an entity using New → Class, option 1)

Right-click on the model package in the Project Explorer and select Show In → Forge Console.

show in forge console
Figure 17. Show In Forge Console

Alternative methods to activate Forge include, use Window → Show View → Forge Console or use Cntrl-4 (Windows) or Command-4 (Mac). Note: the Show In method will issue a "pick-up" command to switch you to the right location within your project.

You should be prompted with "Forge Not Running" dialog – select Yes

forge is not running
Figure 18. Show Forge Not Running

If you are not prompted you can always start Forge using the green arrow (or stop via the red square) in the Forge Console tab.

forge console tab
Figure 19. Show Forge Start/Stop
forge console
Figure 20. Show Forge Console

Forge is a command-oriented rapid application development tool that allows you to interactively type commands that generate code and update the IDE. One of its key features is complete your commands via the tab key.

The overall commands are as follows:

entity --named Event --package
field string --named name
validation setup
constraint NotNull --onProperty name
constraint Size --onProperty name --min 5 --max 50 --message "Must be > 5 and < 50"
field string --named description
constraint Size --onProperty description --min 20 --max 1000 --message "Must be > 20 and < 1000"
field boolean --named major
field string --named picture

At the [jboss-jbossee6-webapp] model $ type in en and hit the tab key on your keyboard. entity will fill in. Hit tab again and entity --named will appear. Type in Event and add a space, Forge can not anticipate the name of your new entity. Hit tab again and select --package. Now, hit tab 5 times to fill in, and since there are multiple entries underneath examples, Forge will display those options. Type in m and hit tab to select model.

Now hit the Enter/Return key to watch the command execute. The Event entity will be generated into the "model" package and open up inside of Eclipse.

forge event entity
Figure 21. Forge new entity
forge event entity created
Figure 22. Event Entity

Note: The "@Entity public class" line is generated on the same physical line as "import java.lang.Override".

And at the Forge prompt, you will notice that you are switched into the

Type ls – this will provide a listing of the fields and methods.

forge ls
Figure 23. Forge ls

Now that the base Event entity has been created, let’s add the fields and their JSR 303 Bean Validation constraints.

This next step involves adding a "name" property for the Event entity - so that an event could hold data like "Rock Concert".

Type fie and hit tab to fill in field, if you hit tab again, Forge will list out the possible field types. Type in s and hit tab, Forge will respond with string. Hit tab again to get --named and type in name. The resulting command should be field string --named name and then hit Enter\Return. This will add a private String name member variable and the appropriate get/set methods. You should also notice that the toString method is tweaked to include "name" as well.

forge added name
Figure 24. @Column name

From this point forward, we will assume you have the basics of using Forge’s interactive command line. The remaining commands are:

validation setup
constraint NotNull --onProperty name
constraint Size --onProperty name --min 5 --max 50 --message "Must be > 5 and < 50"
field string --named description
constraint Size --onProperty description --min 20 --max 1000 --message "Must be > 20 and < 1000"
field boolean --named major
field string --named picture

The easiest way to see the results of Forge on the JPA Entity is to use the Outline View of Eclipse/JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio. It is normally on the right-side of the IDE when using the JBoss Perspective.

outline of event
Figure 25. Outline View

Reviewing persistence.xml & updating import.sql

By default, with the way the jboss-javaee6-webapp project is configured, the entity classes become the database schema. In an earlier section of this tutorial, we briefly described persistence.xml. Please open up that file again and review its settings. It is still under src/main/resources/META-INF. The two key settings are the <jta-data-source> and The datasource setting must map to one already established in the src\main\webapp\jboss-javaee6-webapp–ds.xml descriptor file. The property indicates that missing tables & columns will be created or updated inside the database schema itself. Open up the import.sql file, this file contains INSERT statements that will inject sample data into your initial database structure. Add the following insert statements:

insert into Event (id, name, description, major, picture, version) values (1,
'Shane''s Sock Puppets',
'This critically acclaimed masterpiece...',
insert into Event (id, name, description, major, picture, version) values (2,
'Rock concert of the decade',
'Get ready to rock...',
The SQL statements should include single quotes to begin and end a string, and to escape a single quote inside of that string. AsciiDoc tends to mangle the single quotes in the generated PDF - if you copy & paste you may need edit

and save the file.

Optional: Adding a new entity as a POJO

Concerning technique #1, starting from a POJO, this is also a very popular technique but it requires a few more keystrokes. Those steps are as follows.

First, right-click on the "model" package and select New → Class. Enter the class name as "Venue" - our concerts & shows happen at particular stadiums, concert halls and theaters.

Add your private member variables representing the entities properties, the columns in our Venue table.


public class Venue {
	private Long id;
	private String name;
	private String description;
	private int capacity;

Now, right-click on the editor itself, and from the pop-up, context menu select Source → Generate Getters and Setters.

generate getters setters
Figure 26. Generate Getters and Setters Menu

This will create getX and setX methods for all your private members variables, making them accessible properties for the entity class.

getter setter dialog
Figure 27. Generate Getters and Setters Dialog

Select All and OK

venue after getters setters
Figure 28. with gets/sets

Now, right-click on the editor, from the pop-up context menu select Source → Generate Hibernate/JPA Annotations.

If you have not yet saved, you will prompted, if you are simply select OK

save modified resources
Figure 29. Save Modified Resources

The Hibernate: add JPA annotations Wizard will start up. First, verify that Venue is the class you are working on.

hibernate add jpa annotations
Figure 30. Hibernate: add JPA annotations

Select Next

The next step in the wizard will provide a sampling of the refactored sources – describing the basic changes that are being made to your Venue POJO.

hibernate add jpa annotations step2
Figure 31. Hibernate: add JPA annotations Step 2

Select Finish

Now you will wish to enter the Bean Validation annotations such as @NotNull can be applied on each member variable.


At this point, if you have not already deployed the application, right click on the project name in the Project Explorer and select Run As → Run on Server. If needed, this will startup the application server instance, compile & build the application and push the application into the JBoss/standalone/deployments directory. Thus causing a hot deployment of the application.

run as run on server
Figure 32. Run As → Run on Server

While you wait for a few seconds for the application server to boot up, make sure that you have installed the h2console.war into the deployments directory. Simply use any Finder/File Explorer tool (or cp at the command line) to copy the h2console.war from the quickstarts directory. The community quickstarts can be downloaded from and the enterprise versions are in the Customer Portal alongside Enterprise Application Platform 6 itself.

quickstarts directory layout
Figure 33. Quickstarts Directory Layout

Drag & Drop h2console.war into deployments - notice the .deployed files, if there was a failure you should see a .failed file instead.

h2console deployments
Figure 34. h2console.war in deployments

The Run As → Run on Server option will also launch the internal Eclipse browser with the appropriate URL so that you can immediately begin interacting with the application.

result run on server
Figure 35. Eclipse Browser after Run As → Run on Server

Now, using this internal browser (or an external one), go to http://localhost:8080/h2console

h2console in browser
Figure 36. h2console in browser

Enter "jdbc:h2:mem:jboss-javaee6-webapp" in the JDBC URL - this can be found in the jboss-javaee6-webapp-ds.xml file under src\main\webapp\WEB-INF

Make the password “sa” and select Connect

You will see that your Event and the original (from the archetype) Member entities (aka tables) have been added, dynamically, into the H2 schema.

And if you enter the SQL statement: "select * from event" and select the Run (Ctrl-Enter) button, it will display the data you entered in the import.sql file in a previous step. With these relatively simple steps, you have verified that your new EE 6 JPA entity called Event has been added to the system and deploys successfully, creating the supporting RDBMS schema as needed.

h2console select from event
Figure 37. h2console Select * from Event

In this next section, we will focus on adding a new EE 6 JAX-RS endpoint to provide access to the Event data.

Adding a JAX-RS RESTful web service

The goal of this section of the tutorial is to walk you through the creation of a POJO with the JAX-RS annotations.

Right-click on the "rest" package, select New → Class from the context menu. Enter "EventService" as the class name.

new class eventservice
Figure 38. New Class EventService

and select Finish

The code for the JAX-RS endpoint that returns all Events


public class EventService {
	private EntityManager em;

	public List<Event> getAllEvents() {
		final List<Event> results =
			"select e from Event e order by").getResultList();
		return results;
event service copy paste
Figure 39. EventService after Copy and Paste

The easiest solution is to right-click inside the editor and select Source → Organize Imports from the context menu.

source organize imports
Figure 40. Source → Organize → Imports

Some of the class names are not unique. Eclipse will prompt you with any decisions around what class is intended. Select the following: java.util.List java.inject.Inject java.enterprise.context.RequestScoped

The following screenshots illustrate how you handle these decisions. The Figure description indicates the name of the class you should select.

organize imports 1
Figure 41.
organize imports 2
Figure 42.
organize imports 3
Figure 43.
organize imports 4
Figure 44. java.util.List
organize imports 5
Figure 45. javax.inject.Inject
organize imports 6
Figure 46. javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped
import java.util.List;

import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;


Once these import statements are in place you should have no more compilation errors. When you save, you can then see it listed under JAX-RS REST Web Services in the Project Explorer.

project explorer jax rs services
Figure 47. Project Explorer JAX-RS Services

This feature of JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio provides a nice visual indicator that you have successfully configured your JAX-RS endpoint.

You can deploy your project – jboss-javaee6-webapp to your local application server via Run As → Run on Server or simply right-click on the project in the Servers tab and select Full Publish.

full publish
Figure 48. Full Publish

Using the internal Eclipse browser, or one from your workstation, hit this URL + http://localhost:8080/jboss-javaee6-webapp/rest/events
And you will see the results of the query, formatted as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) returned into the browser.

json event results
Figure 49. JSON Response
The “rest” prefix is setup in a file called and it contains a small bit of code that sets up the application for JAX-RS endpoints.

Now, it is time to add a HTML5, jQuery based client application that is optimized for the mobile web experience.

Adding a jQuery Mobile client application

There are numerous JavaScript libraries that help you optimize your end-user experience on a mobile web browser. We have found that jQuery Mobile is one of the easier ones to get started with but as your skills mature, you might investigate solutions like Sencha Touch, Zepto or Jo. This tutorial focuses on jQuery Mobile as the basis for creating the UI layer of the application, those UI components interact with the JAX-RS RESTful services (e.g. and we refer to this architecture as POH5 – for plain old HTML5 – to help identify it vs JSF or GWT-based architectures. Basically POH5 means that you will create the HTML client application without the aid of server-side JSF, Struts or SpringMVC generating it for you. For more information on building mobile applications with JBoss technologies, please visit There is also a HTML 5 archetype listed in the Create Projects section of JBoss Central – that would have been a faster way to complete this task. However, doing it yourself increases the learning value of this tutorial.

These next steps will guide you through the creation of a file called mobile.html that includes jQuery Mobile.

First, using the Project Explorer, navigate down to src/main/webapp, and right-click on webapp.

The New HTML File Wizard starts off with your target location being "m2e-wtp/web-resources", this is an incorrect location and it is a bug It is possible it may already be corrected by the time you read through this document.

Simply navigate to jboss-javaee6-webapp/src/main/webapp and enter the File name as "mobile.html".

new html file
Figure 50. New HTML File
new html file correct location
Figure 51. New HTML File src/main/webapp

Select Next

On the Select HTML Template page of the New HTML File Wizard, select "HTML5 jQuery Mobile Page". This template will get you off to a fast start using jQuery Mobile

select html template
Figure 52. Select HTML5 jQuery Mobile Template

Select Finish

The secret ingredient to HTML 5 is <!DOCTYPE html>, that is it. This identifies this HTML application to the browsers as HTML 5 based. For this particular phase of the tutorial, we are not introducing a bunch of HTML 5 specific concepts like the new form fields (type=email), nor websockets nor the new CSS capabilities. Those can be added by you in the future, for now, we simply wish to get our mobile application completed as soon as possible. The good news is that jQuery and jQuery Mobile make the consumption of a RESTful endpoint very simple.

You might notice that in the JBoss Visual Page Editor, the visual portion is not that attractive, this is because the majority of jQuery Mobile magic happens at runtime and our visual page editor simply displays the HTML without embellishment.

For now, using the Eclipse internal browser, hit this url + http://localhost:8080/jboss-javaee6-webapp/mobile.html

Note: Normally HTML files are deployed automatically, if you find it missing, just use Full Publish or Run As Run on Server as demonstrated in previous steps.

As soon as the page loads, you will be prompted with an alert box with "Ready to Go". This alert box is generated from JavaScript that is associated with the pageinit event.

jquery mobile template
Figure 53. jQuery Mobile Template

One side benefit of using a HTML5 + jQuery-based front-end to your application is that it allows for fast turnaround in development. Simply edit the HTML file, save the file and refresh your browser.

Now the secret sauce to connecting your front-end to your back-end is simply editing the pageinit JavaScript event and including an invocation of the previously created Events JAX-RS service.

Insert the following block of code directly below the alert()

	 $.getJSON("rest/events", function(events) {
        // console.log("returned are " + results);
        var listOfEvents = $("#listOfItems");
        $.each(events, function(index, event) {
                // console.log(;
                listOfEvents.append("<li><a href='#'>" + + "</a>");
The Asciidoc tool does not handle single quotes well, if you copy & paste you may need to change the ticks around # back into single quotes

Some notes on this block of JavaScript code:
1) using $.getJSON("rest/events") to hit the
2) a commented out // console.log, causes problems in IE
3) Getting a reference to listOfItems which is declared in the HTML using an id attribute
4) Calling .empty on that list - removing the One, Two, Three items
5) For each event - based on what is returned in step 1
6) another commented out // console.log
7) append the found event to the UL in the HTML
8) Refresh the listOfItems

You may find the .append("<li>…​") syntax unattractive, embedding HTML inside of the JS .append method, this can be corrected using various JS templating techniques.

The result is ready for the average mobile phone. Simply refresh your browser to see the results.

jquery mobile results
Figure 54. jQuery Mobile REST Results

JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio have included another tool to help you better understand what your mobile application will look like – the BrowserSim. Look for a "phone" icon in the Eclipse toolbar, it is there if you are in the JBoss Perspective.

mobile browsersim in toolbar
Figure 55. Mobile BrowserSim icon in Eclipse Toolbar

Note: The BrowserSim feature takes advantage of a locally installed Safari (Mac & Windows) on your workstation. It does not package a whole browser by itself. You will need to install Safari on Windows to leverage this feature – but that is more economical than having to purchase a MacBook to quickly look at your mobile-web focused application.

mobile browsersim
Figure 56. Mobile BrowserSim

The Mobile BrowserSim has a Devices menu, on Mac it is in the top menu bar and on Windows it is available via right-click as a pop-up menu. This menu allows you to change user-agent and dimensions of the browser, plus change the orientation of the device.

mobile browsersim devices menu
Figure 57. Mobile BrowserSim Devices Menu
mobile browsersim windows menu
Figure 58. Mobile BrowserSim on Windows 7

You can also add your own custom device/browser types.

mobile browsersim custom devices
Figure 59. Mobile BrowserSim Custom Devices Window

Under the File menu, you will find a View Page Source option that will open up the mobile-version of the website’s source code inside of JBoss Developer Studio. This is a very useful feature for learning how other developers are creating their mobile web presence.

mobile browsersim bofa source
Figure 60. Mobile BrowserSim View Source


This concludes our introduction to building HTML5 Mobile Web applications using Java EE 6 with Forge and JBoss Developer Studio. At this point, you should feel confident enough to tackle any of the additional exercises to learn how the TicketMonster sample application is constructed.