A key inhibitor towards moving to Linux on z Systems is the objection from administrators, developers and users that the management tools are not what they are used to on the x86 platform. This project would be to identify a set of popular/ubiquitous open source tools that can be first, certified for Linux on z Systems and second, enhanced to take advantage of, monitor, manage the distinctive qualities of the z Systems platform (e.g. virtual network between the guests running in the same hypervisor instance, hipersockets). The updated versions of these tools would be contributed back to their projects.
A couple of lists of 'popular tools' are in these articles:
- http://www.infoworld.com/article/2683857/network-monitoring/article.html
- https://blog.serverdensity.com/80-linux-monitoring-tools-know/
- https://www.linuxtechi.com/open-source-server-network-monitoring-tools-for-linux/
Skills would be aligned to the languages and disciplines of the selected tools, but would likely need C/C++/Java coding skills, build and packaging for Linux, some mainframe skill (but could be obtained through mentoring and study)
Open source tools updated, certified and contributed back to their projects
Easy/Medium - depending on the tools chosen