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ezamqp: asyncio and AMQP made even easier

¿What is this?

ezamqp is a (very) thin layer over aioamqp. It allows you to

  • Easily connect object methods with queue callbacks, creating the necessary queues.
  • Write callbacks like regular functions. ezamqp takes care of serializing arguments, return data and exceptions.
  • Forget about ACKs.
  • Implement RPC, with a asyncio.Future based interface.
  • All of the above while retaining full control over the AMQP primitives.

This is not

  • A full featured anything. In fact it is intentionally stripped down as much as useful.


The Queue class

This class encapsulates an AMQP channel and adds a default exchange. It allows you to easily define queues and callbacks.

You must parse the message payload and properties, and ack the message if necessary.

the endpoint(...) decorator

Decorate a class' methods with @endpoint to make them react to incoming message. Then call Queue.autoconnect(object) to create the queues and register the object's methods as callbacks.

There are different endpoint types. The Queue class implements the queue endpoint. RPC_ implements rpc_ and RPC implements rpc.

The RPC_ class

The RPC_ class allows you to write your queue consumer callbacks in a more human-friendly way, and automates the handling of acks and rejects.

The RPC class

The RPC class allows consumer callbacks to return a response to the instance that sent the message.



import asyncio
import sys
import logging
import datetime


import aioamqp

from context import ezamqp as ezq

class Functions:
    # you can use coroutines as handlers
    async def format_kws(self, **kwargs):
        return "\n".join("{}={}".format(*i) for i in kwargs.items())

    # we can have one function listen to multiple routing_keys by using
    # topics and the extended keyword
    # you can use regular functions as handlers
    @ezq.endpoint("rpc", "arithmetic.*", extended = True)
    def operations(self, proc_name, q_name, x, y):
        if proc_name == 'arithmetic.add':
            return x+y
        elif proc_name == '':
            return x*y
            raise ValueError("operation not supported %s", proc_name)

    #you can do this to avoid duplicate code
    rpc_ = ezq.endpoint("rpc_")

    def print_date(self):

    # create a named queue
    # This queue won't be deleted when the application exits.
    @ezq.endpoint("rpc_", "spooler", "spooler")
    def print_date(self, job):
        print("New job", job)

async def setup(loop):
    transport, protocol = await aioamqp.connect('',
                                login='guest', password='guest')

    channel = await

    rpcserver = ezq.RPC(loop, channel, 'amq.topic')

    # If we are only using the server we don't need to start
    # await rpcman.start()
    await rpcserver.autoconnect(Functions())

logging.debug("Server Starting")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import asyncio
import sys
import logging


import aioamqp

from context import ezamqp as ezq

async def example():
    transport, protocol = await aioamqp.connect('',
                                login='guest', password='guest')

    channel = await

    rpcman = ezq.RPC(loop, channel, 'amq.topic')
    await rpcman.start_client()

    adder_func = rpcman.rpc("arithmetic.add")
    proc_func = rpcman.rpc("")
    bad_func = rpcman.rpc("arithmetic.whatever")

    z = await (await adder_func(5, 6))
    y = await (await proc_func(z, 2.2))

        w = await (await bad_func(8, 9))
    except ezq.RemoteException as e:
        print("Remote exception:", e)
        print("Remote traceback:")
        for l in e.remote_tb:

    await rpcman.rpc_("print_date")()
    await rpcman.rpc_("spooler")("hello!")

    print(await (await rpcman.rpc("format_kws")(a=7, b="hello", c=[])))


logging.debug("Client Starting")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()