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0.1 The teaching of the Lord through the twelve apostles to the nations.
1.1 There are two paths: one of life and one of death, and there is a big difference between these two paths.
1.2 The path of life is this: first, love God who made you; second, love your neighbor as yourself. Do not do to others what you do not want done to you.
1.3 This is the teaching of these words: bless those who curse you, pray for your enemies, and fast for those who persecute you. For what good is it if you love those who love you? Don't even the nations do that? But you should love those who hate you, and you will not have an enemy.
1.4 Stay away from fleshly and bodily desires. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to them as well, and you will be perfect. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two. If someone takes your cloak, give them your tunic also. If someone takes something from you, do not ask for it back, because you cannot.
1.5 Give to everyone who asks you and do not ask for things back, because the Father wants to give His gifts to everyone. Blessed is the one who gives according to the command, for he is innocent. But woe to the one who takes. If someone takes because they have a need, they will be innocent. But if someone takes without needing it, they will have to explain why they took it and what they did with it. They will be in trouble and investigated for their actions, and won't get out until they pay back the last penny.
1.6 But it is also said about this: Let your charity sweat in your hands until you know to whom you are giving it.
2.1 The second commandment of the teaching is:
2.2 You shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not corrupt children, you shall not be promiscuous, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not use potions, you shall not kill a child in the womb, nor shall you murder a newborn, you shall not desire your neighbor's things.
2.3 You shall not swear falsely, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not speak evil, you shall not hold grudges.
2.4 You shall not be double-minded nor double-tongued, for deceit is a trap of death.
2.5 Your words shall not be false or empty, but full of action.
2.6 You shall not be greedy or a swindler or a hypocrite or malicious or arrogant. You shall not plot evil against your neighbor.
2.7 You shall not hate any person, but you shall correct some, pray for others, and love those more than your own soul.
3.1 My child, flee from every evil thing and from everything that looks like it.
3.2 Do not be quick to anger, because anger leads to murder. Do not be jealous or argumentative or hot-tempered, because all of these things lead to murders.
3.3 My child, do not be greedy, because greed leads to adultery. Do not use foul language or be arrogant, because all of these things lead to adulteries.
3.4 My child, do not be a fortune-teller, because it leads to idolatry. Do not be a sorcerer, an astrologer, or someone who purifies through rituals, and do not even want to see such things. All of these lead to idolatry.
3.5 My child, do not be a liar, because lying leads to stealing. Do not be greedy for money or boastful, because all of these things lead to thefts.
3.6 My child, do not be a grumbler, because grumbling leads to blasphemy. Do not be stubborn or have evil thoughts, because all of these things lead to blasphemies.
3.7 Be gentle, because the gentle will inherit the earth.
3.8 Be patient, merciful, innocent, quiet, and good, always respecting the words you have heard.
3.9 Do not lift yourself up or fill your soul with pride. Your soul will not be close to the proud, but you will be with the just and humble.
3.10 Accept everything that happens to you as good, knowing that nothing happens without God.
4.1 My child, remember the one who speaks God's word to you, day and night, and honor them like the Lord, for where His authority is spoken, there the Lord is.
4.2 Seek out the company of holy people every day, so that you can be comforted by their words.
4.3 Do not desire division but make peace between those who fight. Judge fairly, and do not show favoritism when correcting wrongs.
4.4 Do not be indecisive about whether something will happen or not.
4.5 Do not be quick to reach out your hands to take but reluctant to give.
4.6 If you have anything, you should give to atone for your sins.
4.7 Do not hesitate to give, and do not complain when you do; you will understand who is the good rewarder.
4.8 Do not turn away from someone in need; share everything with your sibling and do not say that anything is your own. If you share in the immortal, how much more should you share in the mortal?
4.9 Do not withhold your hand from your son or daughter; instead, teach them to fear God from their youth.
4.10 Do not command your servant or maid harshly if they trust in the same God, or they might stop fearing the God who watches over both of you. God does not choose based on appearance, but on those whom the Spirit has prepared.
4.11 And you servants, obey your masters as if they were a model of God, with respect and fear.
4.12 Hate all hypocrisy and everything that is not pleasing to the Lord.
4.13 Do not abandon the Lord's commands. Keep what you have received, neither adding to nor taking away from it.
4.14 Confess your sins in church, and do not come to pray with a guilty conscience; this is the way of life.
5.1 The way of death is this: it is full of evil and curses—murders, adultery, lust, fornication, theft, idolatry, magic, potion-making, robbery, false witness, hypocrisy, double-heartedness, deceit, pride, wickedness, stubbornness, greed, foul language, jealousy, arrogance, and boasting.
5.2 They chase away good things, hate the truth, love lies, know nothing of justice's reward, avoid good and fair judgment, stay awake for evil instead of good. They are far from gentleness and patience, love worthless things, seek rewards, show no mercy to the poor, do not care for the suffering, do not know their Creator, murder children, destroy God's creation, turn away from those in need, burden the distressed, support the rich, unfairly judge the poor, and are guilty of everything. Children, keep away from all these things.
6.1 See that no one leads you astray from this path of teaching, for they teach you without God.
6.2 If you can bear the whole yoke of the Lord, you will be perfect. But if you can't, do what you can.
6.3 Regarding food, bear what you can. But be very careful with food sacrificed to idols, for it is worship of dead gods.
7.1 About baptism, baptize this way: After explaining all these things, baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in living water.
7.2 But if you do not have living water, baptize in other water. If you cannot use cold water, use warm water.
7.3 If you do not have either, pour water three times on the head in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
7.4 Before the baptism, let the one baptizing and the one being baptized, as well as any others who can, fast. You should tell the one being baptized to fast for one or two days before.
8.1 But do not let your fasts be with the hypocrites. They fast on Monday and Thursday; you should fast on Wednesday and Friday.
8.2 And do not pray like the hypocrites, but as the Lord commanded in His gospel, pray like this: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the power and the glory forever.
8.3 Pray like this three times a day.
9.1 Now about the Thanksgiving prayer, give thanks this way:
9.2 First, about the cup: We thank you, our Father, for the holy vine of David, your servant, which you revealed to us through Jesus, your child. To you be the glory forever.
9.3 And about the broken bread: We thank you, our Father, for the life and knowledge you revealed to us through Jesus, your child. To you be the glory forever.
9.4 Just as this bread was scattered over the mountains and then gathered to become one, may your church be gathered from the ends of the earth into your kingdom. For the glory and power are yours through Jesus Christ forever.
9.5 Let no one eat or drink from your thanksgiving meal except those who have been baptized in the name of the Lord. For the Lord has said about this: "Do not give what is holy to the dogs."
10.1 After you have had enough to eat, give thanks in this way:
10.2 We give thanks to you, holy Father, for your holy name which you have made to live in our hearts, and for the knowledge, faith, and eternal life that you have revealed to us through Jesus, your servant. To you be the glory forever.
10.3 You, almighty Master, created everything for the sake of your name, and you gave food and drink to people to enjoy so they would thank you. You have given us spiritual food and drink and eternal life through your servant.
10.4 Above all, we give thanks to you because you are powerful. To you be the glory forever.
10.5 Remember your church, Lord, to save it from all evil and make it perfect in your love. Gather it from the four winds, the church set apart, into your kingdom, which you have prepared for it. For yours is the power and the glory forever.
10.6 Let grace come, and let this world pass away. Hosanna to the God of David. If anyone is holy, let them come. If anyone is not, let them repent. Our Lord comes. Amen.
10.7 Let the prophets give thanks as much as they want.
11.1 So if anyone comes and teaches you all these things previously mentioned, welcome them.
11.2 But if that teacher turns and teaches something different that destroys what was taught, do not listen to them. If they add righteousness and knowledge of the Lord, welcome them as the Lord.
11.3 Now about the apostles and prophets, do what the rule of the Gospel says.
11.4 Every apostle who comes to you should be welcomed as the Lord.
11.5 But they should not stay more than one day; if there is a need, they may stay two. If they stay three days, they are a false prophet.
11.6 When the apostle leaves, they should take nothing except bread until they find somewhere to stay. If they ask for money, they are a false prophet.
11.7 And do not test or judge any prophet who speaks in the Spirit, for every sin will be forgiven, but this sin will not be forgiven.
11.8 Not everyone who speaks in the Spirit is a prophet, but only those who have the ways of the Lord. This is how you will recognize a false prophet and a true prophet.
11.9 And any prophet who orders a meal in the Spirit will not eat from it; if they do, they are a false prophet.
11.10 Any prophet who teaches the truth but does not do what they teach is a false prophet.
11.11 Any tested and true prophet who acts for a worldly mystery of the church, and does not teach others to do as they do, will not be judged by you; for their judgment is with God. This is also how the ancient prophets acted.
11.12 But if anyone says in the Spirit, "Give me money or something else," do not listen to them. But if they ask for things to be given for others in need, do not judge them.
12.1 Welcome anyone who comes in the name of the Lord. Then, after testing them, you will know, for you will have discernment to tell right from wrong.
12.2 If the one who comes is just passing through, help them as much as you can. They should not stay with you more than two or three days, if there is a need.
12.3 If they wish to stay with you and are a skilled worker, let them work and eat.
12.4 If they do not have a skill, use your wisdom to make sure that as a Christian, they do not live idly among you.
12.5 If they do not want to do this, they are taking advantage of Christ. Be careful of such people.
13.1 Any true prophet who wants to stay with you deserves their food.
13.2 Likewise, a true teacher deserves their food just like a worker does.
13.3 So, take the first part of your produce, whether from the winepress, threshing floor, or livestock, and give it to the prophets; they are your high priests.
13.4 If you don't have a prophet, give it to the poor.
13.5 If you make bread, take the first part and give it as instructed.
13.6 Similarly, when you open a jug of wine or oil, take the first part and give it to the prophets.
13.7 For money, clothing, and any other possessions, take the first part, as you think best, and give it as instructed.
14.1 On the Lord's Day, when you gather together, break bread and give thanks, after confessing your sins, so that your sacrifice may be pure.
14.2 Anyone who has a dispute with another person should not join you until they have reconciled, so that your sacrifice is not defiled.
14.3 For this is what the Lord has said: In every place and time, offer me a pure sacrifice. Because I am a great King, says the Lord, and my name is wonderful among the nations.
15.1 So appoint for yourselves bishops and deacons who are worthy of the Lord, men who are gentle, not greedy, truthful, and tested. For they serve you in the ministry of the prophets and teachers.
15.2 Do not disregard them, for they are honored among you with the prophets and teachers.
15.3 Correct one another not in anger, but in peace as you have in the gospel. And to anyone who misses the mark against another, let no one speak, nor hear from you, until they repent.
15.4 Do your prayers, your acts of kindness, and all your actions as it is written in the gospel of our Lord.
16.1 Stay alert for your lives; don’t let your lamps go out or your strength fail, but be ready. You do not know the hour when our Lord will come.
16.2 Come together often, seeking what your souls need. The whole duration of your faith won’t help you unless you are made perfect in the last time.
16.3 In the last days, false prophets and corrupters will become many, and sheep will turn into wolves, and love will turn into hate.
16.4 As lawlessness increases, they will hate each other, chase each other, and betray each other. Then the deceiver of the world will appear as the son of God, performing signs and wonders, and the earth will be handed over to him. He will do unlawful things like never before.
16.5 Then humanity will come to the fiery test, and many will stumble and be lost. But those who remain faithful will be saved.
16.6 And then the signs of the truth will appear: first, a sign of spreading in the sky, then the sound of a trumpet, and the third sign will be the resurrection of the dead.
16.7 Not of everyone, but as it was said: The Lord will come, and all the saints with him.
16.8 Then the world will see the Lord coming on the clouds of heaven.