Releases: jdabtieu/CTFOJ
Database Warning
In this release, the database format was changed very heavily. A migration script will be out soon. There will be no further database changes between this release and v1.1.0.
Changes in this version
- rewrite database format
- BETA: some markdown live preview
- fix bug with maintenance mode template
- fix security bugs
- code cleanup
- add automated tests
- create security policy
As this is not a full release, we will not be providing technical support. Running pre-releases and beta builds is at your own risk.
Database Warning
In this release, the database format was changed significantly. If you are currently using v0.0.1-pre, please run $ python3
to migrate to the latest database format. Also, if you are running a scheduled task on, please note that the file is now called
Changes in this version
- Full Markdown support
- Major database changes
- Problem descriptions, hints, editorials, announcements, and contest descriptions are now stored in the filesystem instead of in the database
- Application logs are now automatically generated at logs/application.log
- Enable CSRF protection using anti-CSRF tokens
- jQuery & other large resources no longer served from CDNs (due to browser partitioning)
- Rename to for PEP8 compliance
- Small code cleanup
- Various bug fixes
If you don't already have a logs/application.log file, you will have to create it. $ mkdir logs; touch logs/application.log
If you don't have Flask-WTF already installed, you will have to install it. You can do this by running $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If there is an issue with the configuration, edit and add the following to the end of the file:
LOGGING_FILE_LOCATION = 'logs/application.log'
Development pre-release
Starting from the next release, all releases containing database changes will contain a migration script to automatically migrate data.
If your database format does not currently match the current database format, please rebuild your database. Alternatively, if your database schema looks similar enough to the current format and you feel comfortable manually making changes, you can do that as well. To verify, run SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master
in sqlite and compare your output to the following:
CREATE TABLE 'submissions' ('sub_id' integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, 'date' datetime NOT NULL, 'user_id' integer NOT NULL, 'problem_id' varchar(32) NOT NULL, 'contest_id' varchar(32), 'correct' boolean NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE 'contests' ('id' varchar(32) NOT NULL, 'name' varchar(256) NOT NULL, 'start' datetime NOT NULL, 'end' datetime NOT NULL, 'description' text, 'scoreboard_visible' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (1))
CREATE TABLE 'problems_master' ('user_id' integer NOT NULL, [list of problems in the form 'problem id' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)])
CREATE TABLE '[some contest id]info' ('id' varchar(32) NOT NULL, 'name' varchar(256) NOT NULL, 'category' varchar(32) NOT NULL, 'flag' varchar(256) NOT NULL,'point_value' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (0) , 'description' varchar(16384), 'hints' varchar(16384), 'draft' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT(0))
CREATE TABLE 'users' ('id' integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, 'username' varchar(20) NOT NULL, 'password' varchar(64) NOT NULL, 'email' varchar(128), 'join_date' datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), 'admin' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), 'banned' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0) , 'verified' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT(0))
CREATE TABLE 'announcements' ('id' integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, 'name' varchar(256) NOT NULL, 'date' datetime NOT NULL, 'description' varchar(16384) NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE '[some contest id]' ('user_id' integer NOT NULL,'points' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), 'lastAC' datetime, [list of problems in the form 'problem id' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)])
CREATE TABLE "problems" ('id' varchar(64) NOT NULL, 'name' varchar(256) NOT NULL, 'point_value' integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), 'category' varchar(64), 'flag' varchar(256) NOT NULL, 'draft' boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT(0))