- Arrays
- Assignment
- Binary Operations
- Casting
- Classes
- Do-While Loops
- For Loops
- Foreach Loops
- If Statements
- Imports
- Interfaces
- Logic
- Methods
- Namespaces
- NewInstance
- Parameters
- Properties
- Reference
- ResultOf
- Scalar
- Switch Statements
- Traits
- Try/Catch/Finally
- Type
- Variable
- While Loops
- Miscellanea
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Type;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->execute(Variable::named('arrayWithValues')->equals(Type::array([Scalar::int(1), Scalar::string('foo')], false)))
* returns:
* $array = [];
* $arrayWithValues = array(1, 'foo');
* $array[0] = 1.1;
* echo $arrayWithValues[0];
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Reference;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\ResultOf;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->inlineComment('Basic assignment')
->inlineComment('By reference')
->inlineComment('Assign from function result')
->execute(Variable::named('this')->property('property')->equals(Scalar::string('When inside a class')))
->inlineComment('Array assignment')
* returns:
* // Basic assignment
* $foo = 'bar';
* $foo .= 'bar';
* $int += 1;
* $int -= 1;
* // By reference
* $foo =& $bar;
* // Assign from function result
* $flag = is_array($var);
* // Properties
* $class->property = 'bar';
* $this->property = 'When inside a class';
* $class::$STATIC = 'foo';
* self::$STATIC = 'foo';
* static::$STATIC = 'foo';
* // Array assignment
* $array[0] = 'foo';
* $array['index'] = 'foo';
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
$two = Scalar::int(2);
* returns:
* 2 + 2;
* 2 - 2;
* 2 * 2;
* 2 / 2;
* 2 ** 2;
* 2 % 2;
* 2 >> 2;
* 2 << 2;
* 2 . 2;
* 2 | 2;
* 2 & 2;
* 2 ^ 2;
* 2 or 2;
* 2 and 2;
* 2 xor 2;
* 2 ?? 2;
* 2 <=> 2;
* 2 == 2;
* 2 === 2;
* 2 != 2;
* 2 !== 2;
* 2 < 2;
* 2 <= 2;
* 2 > 2;
* 2 >= 2;
* 2 instanceof 2;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Cast;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\ResultOf;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Type;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->return(Cast::toBool(ResultOf::array_search(Variable::named('foo'), Variable::named('bar'), Type::true())))
* returns:
* return (int) $foo;
* return (bool) array_search($foo, $bar, true);
* $flag = (bool) is_string($bar);
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\ValueObject\InternalType;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Parameter;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\ValueObject\Visibility;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->use(['TraitA', 'TraitB'])
->alias('TraitA', 'method1')->as('aliasedName', Visibility::isProtected())
->use('TraitB', 'method2')->insteadOf('TraitA')
->constant('MY_CONST', Scalar::int(0))->done()
* returns:
* abstract final class MyClass extends ExtendedClass implements ImplementedInterface
* {
* use TraitA, TraitB {
* TraitB::method2 insteadof TraitA;
* TraitA::method1 as protected aliasedName;
* }
* const MY_CONST = 0;
* private $foo = 1;
* public final function getFoo(string $param1 = 'default', &$byRef, ...$variadic)
* {
* echo $this->{$param1};
* return $this->foo;
* }
* }
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
* returns:
* do {
* $x++;
* } while ($x <= 10);
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
$x = Variable::named('x');
$zero = Scalar::int(0);
$ten = Scalar::int(10);
->for($x->equals($zero), $x->isLessThanOrEqualTo($ten), $x->postIncrement())
* returns:
* for ($x = 0; $x <= 10; $x++) {
* echo $x;
* }
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->foreach(Variable::named('x'), Variable::named('value'), Variable::named('key'))
->foreach(Variable::named('x'), Variable::named('value'), null, true)
* returns:
* foreach ($x as $key => $value) {
* echo $value;
* }
* foreach ($x as &$value) {
* echo $value;
* }
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->echo('x is small')
->echo('x is big')
* returns:
* if ($x < 10) {
* echo 'x is small';
* } elseif ($x > 100) {
* echo 'x is big';
* } else {
* echo 'Dunno';
* }
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->use('Foo\\Bar', 'Baz')
->useFunction('Foo\\func', 'aliasFunc')
* returns:
* use Foo\Bar;
* use Foo\Bar as Baz;
* use function Foo\func;
* use function Foo\func as aliasFunc;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\ValueObject\InternalType;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Parameter;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->constant('MY_CONST', Scalar::int(0))->done()
* returns:
* interface MyInterface extends SomeOtherInterface
* {
* const MY_CONST = 0;
* public function someMethod(int $param1 = 10) : string;
* }
The Logic
class contains utility methods for dealing with logic issues.
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Logic;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\NewInstance;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Reference;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->throw(NewInstance::of('\\Exception', [Scalar::string('There was a problem')]))
->throw(NewInstance::of('\\Exception', [Scalar::string('There was a problem')]))
* returns:
* if (!$foo instanceof Bar) {
* throw new \Exception('There was a problem');
* }
* if (~$foo) {
* throw new \Exception('There was a problem');
* }
See Classes
Namespace_ extends Builder and you can add most nodes to it that you can in builder, save another Namespace.
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
* returns:
* namespace Foo;
* class Bar
* {
* }
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\NewInstance;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Type\Class_ as ClassType;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
$classType = new ClassType('ClassType');
$classNode = (new Builder())->class('ClassNode');
* returns:
* new ClassName();
* new ClassType();
* new ClassNode();
See Classes
See Classes
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Reference;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
* returns:
* self::CONSTANT;
Access the static methods of ResultOf
to reference calls to internal functions.
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\NewInstance;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Reference;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\ResultOf;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->execute(ResultOf::methodCall(Variable::named('myClass'), 'foo', Scalar::string('param1'), Variable::named('param2')))
->execute(ResultOf::staticMethodCall(Variable::named('myClass'), 'staticMethod', Scalar::int(0)))
->execute(ResultOf::staticMethodCall(Reference::class('F\\Q\\C'), 'staticMethod', Scalar::float(1.1)))
->execute(ResultOf::methodCall(NewInstance::of('MyClass'), 'foo', Scalar::int(0)))
* returns:
* get_class($myVar);
* $myClass->foo('param1', $param2);
* $myClass::staticMethod(0);
* F\Q\C::staticMethod(1.1);
* (new MyClass())->foo(0);
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
* returns:
* 'stringVal';
* 1;
* 1.1;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->echo('Got bar')
->echo('Got baz')
* returns:
* switch ($foo) {
* case 'bar':
* echo 'Got bar';
* break;
* case 'baz':
* echo 'Got baz';
* break;
* }
See Properties
See Methods
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\ValueObject\InternalType;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
* returns:
* trait MyTrait
* {
* use OtherTrait;
* public $property = 'default';
* public function getProperty()
* {
* return $this->property;
* }
* }
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Func;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->execute(Variable::named('x')->equals(Func::call('myFunction', [])))
->catch(['\\Exception'], 'e')
->echo('Got an error')
* returns:
* try {
* $x = myFunction();
* } catch (\Exception $e) {
* echo 'Got an error';
* } finally {
* unset($x);
* }
You can reference PHP special types via the Type
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Type;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->execute(Type::array([Scalar::string('foo'), Scalar::string('bar')], false))
->execute(Type::list(Variable::named('x'), Variable::named('y'))->equals(Variable::named('array')))
* returns:
* true;
* false;
* null;
* [];
* array('foo', 'bar');
* list($x, $y) = $array;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
* returns:
* $x;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
* returns:
* while ($x < 10) {
* $x++;
* }
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Builder;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\NewInstance;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Scalar;
use JDWil\PhpGenny\Builder\Node\Variable;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
$b = new Builder();
$p = new Standard();
->inlineComment('Halt compiler')
->haltCompiler('halt text')
->throw(NewInstance::of('\\Exception', [Scalar::string('Text')]))
->global(Variable::named('global1'), Variable::named('global2'))
->inlineComment('Static variables')
->static(Variable::named('static1'), Variable::named('static2'))
->yield(Variable::named('foo'), Scalar::string('baz'))
->inlineComment('Suppress error')
->inlineComment('Inline HTML')
->declare('strict_types', Scalar::int(0))
* returns:
* // Goto
* label:
* goto label;
* // Halt compiler
* __halt_compiler();halt text
* // Throw
* throw new \Exception('Text');
* // Output
* print 'Text';
* print 'Text';
* echo 'Text';
* // Globals
* global $global1, $global2;
* // Static variables
* static $static1, $static2;
* // Unset
* unset($var);
* // Yield
* (yield $foo);
* (yield 'baz' => $foo);
* yield from $foo;
* // Exit
* die(0);
* die(0);
* // Suppress error
* @$expression;
* // Inline HTML
* ?>
* <html></html><?php
* // Declare
* declare (strict_types=0);