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RDO Collectors Map User Guide
Written by Rakmarok, updated by Senexis (2020.01.06) and Michal__d (2020.09.12)
This guide will help you understand when you can find what and where, as well as basic understanding of all functions the map is able to perform.
Find the map here: https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2CollectorsMap/
Cycle is the pattern of placing items on the map. Map has 6 different cycles for each category. Every category can be in different cycle (cycles are semi-random). Items belonging to the same category always are in the same cycle (cards, jewelry, fossils) Cycles change every day at 00:00 UTC time. Map is updated every day and cycles should be always correct.
By category (default map setting):
- Dark green: Fossils.
- Dark red: American flowers.
- Light blue: Tarot cards.
- Yellow: Lost jewelry.
- Brown: Alcohol bottles.
- White: Bird eggs.
- Purple: Arrowheads.
- Pink: Family heirlooms.
- Orange: Coins.
- Light gray: Random spots.
By cycle:
- Light blue map markers: Cycle 1 collection.
- Orange map markers: Cycle 2 collection.
- Pink map markers: Cycle 3 collection.
- Purple map markers: Cycle 4 collection.
- Red map markers: Cycle 5 collection.
- Dark blue map markers: Cycle 6 collection.
- Grey map markers: Random item markers.
- Green map markers (2 or 3 items): Madam Nazar's weekly collection.
- Light red markers: markers in unknown cycle & Madam Nazar marker.
Special markers:
Some markers has different indicators in right top corner.
- ˄ - indicates item high above the ground (mostly towers).
- ˅ - indicates item under the ground (mines and caves).
- clock symbol - indicates night flowers (only available to pick up at night) - this markers also glows on white when flowers are active.
- red cross - indicates bugged item.
Collection cycle change:
- Since the moonshiner update, Rockstar made the pattern in which the collection cycles appear semi-random.
Collection cycles change every day at 00:00 UTC/GMT which is:
- 07:00pm EST / 08:00pm EDT (New York, UTC -4)
- 04:00pm PST / 05:00pm PDT (Los Angeles, UTC -7)
- Please note: Collectibles in-game will immediately change location at this time according to the new collection map. No server change is necessary. (Some items can remain on the map if you are close to them)
Madam Nazar's Location:
- Madam Nazar's location changes every day at 06:00 UTC/GMT (the same time as daily challenges), which is:
- 01:00am EST / 02:00am EDT (New York, UTC-4)
- 10:00pm PST / 11:00pm PDT (Los Angeles, UTC-7)
In the upper right corner is the map mode select, including these options:
Default: Map with details like roads, paths and train tracks having lower opacity.
Detailed: Map with details like roads, paths and train tracks having standard opacity. Identical to the in-game map. This is the default.
Dark: Map with details like roads, paths and train tracks drawn in white, with the map background being dark gray. Great for night viewing.
Black: Map with details like roads, paths and train tracks drawn in white with high contrast. Great for night viewing.
In the upper left corner is the timer, showing the remaining time until daily reset. (on the right side of each counter is sun / moon that indicates if in game is already day or night)
button opens map menu.
Clicking on the timer switch between timer:
game clock:
amount of collected items:
percent of collected items:
Marker Pop-up menu when clicked/tapped:
- This is the pop-up menu that appears after clicking/tapping a map marker.
- On the top is the collectible name and next to it the current cycle number.
- Under the item name is a short description of the precise location, if applicable.
Copy marker link
allows you to copy marker url. If you paste this url to the browser, map automatically show your corresponding marker. -
link to the video where you can see exact item location. -
Mark as important
allows you to highlight item on the map and in menu. - Underneath will be tool image that is needed if applicable:
- shovel,
- metal detector,
Remove/add from map
lowers the opacity of the map marker and removes it from the dynamic route, helping you to keep track of already collected items. You can add them back anytime by clicking/tapping it again.
- Date of the last map update (note that it is UTC/GMT time).
- Amount of collected items (for current day).
- Value of all collected items and sets (counter automatically indicates full sets) (this value does not contain weekly set price and weekly bonuses).
Weekly set:
- Shows you 3 items you can sell to Madam Nazar at a special price:
- If map inventory is enabled you can sell weekly items clicking
button on the right of the set price.
- If map inventory is enabled you can sell weekly items clicking
On top of the menu:
Inside the relevant item category:
Hide all
hides all markers. -
Show all
shows all markers. - Clicking/tapping on a set name will hide/show it from the map.
- Clicking/tapping the arrow next to set name will open/close the drop down menu.
- Hover over on any setting (long press on mobile) to see help in menu.
- Menu warnings:
- Yellow exclamation mark indicates that this set is in the same cycle as yesterday. (In this case is 24 hours delay to pick up item again).
- Red highlight indicates that at least one item in this set is unable to pick up in this cycle due to a game bug.
- Yellow highlight indicates that at least one item in this set is random, and doesn't have constant spawn point on the map in current cycle.
Collectibles drop down menu:
- At the top are amount of collected/ disabled items, value of each set, and reset button.
button make all items from this set opaque on the map and in menu.
- Clicking/tapping on an item will hide/add it from the map and cross them out here.
- This has the same effect as using
Remove/add from map
directly on the map; lowering their opacity and excluding them from the dynamic route. Click/tap again to reactivate them. - Right-clicking on the item (long press on mobile) will mark it as important.
Green color indicates item belonging to the Madam Nazar weekly collection. Red color indicates bugged item - impossible to pick up due to a game bug. Red question mark indicates random item (this item does not have constant spawn point in current cycle, and there is no way to predict where this item spawn) Randomized items (unavailable in current cycle) has red exclamation mark on item image in menu, and are permanently disabled.
Madam Nazar
will hide/show her daily location on the map. -
Fast Travel
will hide/show all fast travel points on the map. -
User pins
will hide/show all your custom markers. -
Random Encounters
open RDO map. -
Treasure Maps
will hide/show the search area of a treasure map (which is only seen in-game after activating the corresponding map, allowing you to plan your routes to include maps while collecting items).
allows you to search collectibles by name. Separate items by;
. (Example: flint arrowhead;obsidian arrowhead;ivory hairpin etc.)-
allows you to clear search bar.
allows you to copy url address with your search query sting.
allows you to change map language. (Help us by translating on Crowdin). -
Tool type
allows you to only show map markers that require a specific tool or tool set to collect the item. -
Filter markers
allows you to filter markers based on certain criteria:-
filter is disabled and shows all markers on the map. -
shows only items used in moonshine production. -
shows only items used to produce naturalist items. -
Weekly set
shows only items belongs to Madam Nazar weekly collection set. -
Important items
shows only items marked earlier as important. -
Only static
shows only static items. No random spot on the map. -
Hide no ingredients flowers
hides all flowers exceptAgarita
andCreek Plum
and shows all other non-flowers markers.
Reset markers daily
will automatically show all markers you hid before the daily reset. It also includes an option to show them manually, usingReset
. All markers reset at 00:00 UTC. -
Reset markers now
allows you to reset all markers manually. -
Clear important markers
allows you to remove highlight from all important markers. -
Show free roam events
allows you to enable popups with upcoming events (Role and general). -
Create pin on click
allows you to create your own pin on clicked position. -
Enable pin editing
allows you to edit your custom pins (change position, name, description, icon). -
Create pin now
allows you to create your custom pin on the center of the map. -
Enable inventory
allows you to enable inventory to track progress of collecting multiple items/sets. -
Show ...
all of this options allows you to show more map settings in menu. -
Reload the map now
allows you to refresh the website (load all settings and markers again). -
Reset all settings
allows you to remove all saved data like cookies & localStorage data. (it removes all your progress, saved settings in menu, marker states) Warning - this operation can not be undone!
Sort items alphabetically
allows you to sort items same as in game menu order or alphabetically. -
Item marker colors
allows you to set different color variations for the markers:-
By cycle
- marker colors depends on cycle, -
By category
- marker colors depends on marker category, -
Auto orange/ darkblue
- marker colors depends on map mode (light/ dark), - Other colors allows you to set all markers in one color (except weekly set items),
Overlay opacity
allows you to change default opacity of building interiors, caves... -
Marker size
allows you to set your custom marker size (useful with high DPI or small screens). -
Marker opacity
allows you to set your custom default opacity for the marker (disabled items will have 1/3 of base opacity). -
Marker cluster
allows you to move a bit markers that are very close each other and hard to click. -
Markers shadows enabled
allows you to enable/ disable marker shadow. (It may increase map performance on slower PCs). -
Marker popups enabled
allows you to decide if clicking on the marker will hide it or open the popup. (Right clicking on the marker will always hide it). -
Open marker popups on hover
allows you open marker popup without clicking on the marker. -
Legendary animal background enabled
allows you turn on/off yellow circle with animal image behind the icons. -
Legendary animal marker type
allows you to chose animal heads or paw prints as spawn icon. -
Legendary animal marker
allows you to adjust size of legendary animal spawn icon. -
Double click to zoom in
allows you to zoom double clicking in any place on the map. Useful with touch screens. -
Show help on hover
open/ hide popup with help on the bottom of menu. -
Enable cycles display
shows cycle number on the right side of each item category. -
Enable manual cycle input
allows you to set your custom cycle for each item category (it is not necessary, map is updated automatically). -
Show coordinates on click
will show the coordinates of your current click point on the bottom of the map. Great for reporting items or correcting their positions! -
Clock in 24-hours format
allows you to change format of displayed game time. -
Time zone offset
allows you to adjust map clock (If your device time and time-zone are correct it should be set always on0
Inventory: (Available after click
Enable inventory
Enable inventory in popups
allows you to manage your inventory from marker popup. -
Toggling menu items updates inventory
clicking the item in menu will add/ remove item from the inventory. -
Automatically enable sold items
after useSell
button it automatically shows again on the map all items with amount of 0 in your inventory. -
Item stack size
allows you to set your custom items stack size. (max inventory size). -
Flowers soft stack size
allows you to set your custom stack size only for flowers independent fromItem stack size
. -
Reset inventory daily
resets your inventory at 00:00 UTC when cycles change. -
Enable advanced inventory options
allows you to enable more options (in every submenu) to easier manage your inventory.-
Disable collected
(in category submenu) hide from map all items that you already have in your inventory. -
Collect all
(in category submenu) allows you to increase amount of the whole set items by 1.
Clear inventory
set amount of all items in your inventory to 0 (it dos not affect disabled items - to make all markers opaque on map again useReset markers now
option). -
Highlight low amount items
highlight the lowest amount of items in each set, depends on average amount of the rest items in this set.-
Highlight style
allows you to set highlight style on 'animated blinking' or 'static' stroke around the marker.
You can easily manage your inventory from menu using +
and -
buttons, and also if you have turned on Enable inventory in popups
from marker popup using ↑
and ↓
button decrease amount of each item from this set in your inventory by 1.
Route generator:
Use path finder
allows you to switch between two different route generators - basic route generator and pathfinder (advanced).Basic & Pathfinder
Generate route on page visit
generates the route immediately when after map load. -
Ignore collected items
allows you to generate route only between enabled items. -
Only items marked as important
allows you to generate route only between items marked as important (right-click on item in menu, orMark as important
in marker popup). -
Automatically update route
updates the route when anything change. -
Maximum line length
(def. 25) allows you to chose max route length between the items. If you set it too low route will not include all items, when you set it to high route will be not optimal. -
Route starts at
allows you to set indicative beginning of the route. -
... preference
allows you to set your preference of using fast travels and railroads.
Import/ Export:
allows you to export all your data to the .json file and for example import it on another PC. (this contains all map, menu and inventory settings). To export settings clickExport
button and save file on your PC. To import settings first chose .json file from your PC and then clickImport
button. This will reload the map and apply all settings. -
User Pins
allows you to import/ export your custom pins. (same method as with settings ↑ ).
Custom Routes:
Enable custom route
enables you to place a custom route line between collectible markers. Click the start of your route first, and then any marker you want to route to. This will create a line between those two points. To delete the line, click the last clicked marker again. You can also useClear custom route
to delete all placed lines at once. (Route is saved between the sessions and deleted automatically on day change). -
Import route
enables you to import a shared route using the correct format. -
Export route
enables you to export your currently created custom route.
Links/ Information:
opens the 2nd map with random events, animals, plants, and other useful things in Red Dead Online. -
Read this map wiki
opens this wiki site. -
Report issues here!
will open a new tab to our GitHub project page where you can file a bug or issue report for us to look into! (You can also report bugs and contribute to the map on our Discord). -
allows you to perform a one-time or monthly donation, if you want to thank Jean Röpke for his work on the map. It is highly appreciated!
Other useful map features:
- Right-clicking on the marker will automatically disable marker from the map.
- Right-clicking on the item in menu will mark this item as important.
- Clicking the timer in left top corner switch between timer/ clock in game/ amount of collected items/ % of collected items.
- Map can show you that collection is in te same cycle as yesterday (yellow exclamation mark on the right side of the set name) - In this case is 24 hours delay before you can pick up this item again.
- Map shows you sets that you can't complete today due to game bug. Indicates it by highlighting item category and particular bugged item on red in menu. Also bugged items has big red cross on the marker.
- Map shows you when night flowers are active. Indicates it by white glow around the marker.