- pkgdown docs and other doc tweaks
- add radius bounded search (#6, #7)
- remove register keyword from C++ libnabo (#9)
- dev: register native routines as recommended for R 3.4.0
- dev: update travis
- make RANN test conditional
- Fix description for R 3.2.0
- roxygen2/Rcpp updates
- document behaviour for invalid input points to knn (thanks to @cmpop1, see #3)
- fixes warning for non-portable Makefile (thanks to Brian Ripley)
- fixes a UBSAN error in libnabo (thanks to Brian Ripley)
- license fixes for CRAN (include GJ as copyright holder)
- CRAN release
- insist on RcppEigen >= (conservative but should not be restrictive)
- corectly handle non-floating point input to knn (and note that WKNN classes must be initialised with floating point input)
- standardise method names of WKNN classes so that they are identical for WKNND and WKNNF objects
- doc: improve main package docs
- dev: templatise WKNN C++ classes
- preparing for CRAN
- rename package from nabo to nabor
- fix handling of non-matrix inputs by knn
- knn performs self-query when query is missing
- dev: only link to RcppEigen
- dev: remove boost/any.hpp header and insist on latest BH package (>= 1.54.0-4) (also bumps R requirement to 3.0.2).
- first public version (github)
- includes knn function (with different search types, defaulting to auto)
- ... and WKNNF and WKNND classes that wrap a tree object