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Generic Classes and Methods |
Generics |
Sorbet has syntax for creating generic methods, classes, and interfaces.
Despite many improvements made to Sorbet's support for generics over the years, it is unfortunately easy to both:
- Use generics incorrectly, and not be told as much by Sorbet
- Use generics "correctly," only to realize that the abstractions you've built are not easy to use.
It is therefore important to thoroughly test abstractions making use of Sorbet generics.
The tests you'll need to write look materially different from other Ruby tests you may be accustomed to writing, because the tests need to deal with what code should or should not typecheck, rather than what code should or should not run correctly.
Sometimes, something that shouldn't type check does type check anyways.
This is bad because the generic abstraction being built will not necessarily provide the guarantees it should. This can give users of the generic abstraction false confidence in the type system.
To mitigate this, write example code that should not type check and double check that it doesn't. Get creative with these tests. Consider writing tests that make uncommon use of subtyping, inheritance, mutation, etc.
(There is nothing built into Sorbet for writing such tests. The easiest approach is to manually build small examples using the new API that don't type check, but don't check the resulting files in (or check them in, but mark them
# typed: ignore
, and bump the sigil up temporarily while making changes). The diligent way to automate this is by running Sorbet a second time on a codebase that includes extra files meant to not type check, asserting that Sorbet indeed reports errors.)It can also be helpful to use
to inspect the types of intermediate values to see ifT.untyped
has silently snuck in somewhere. IfT.untyped
has snuck into the implementation somewhere, things will type check, but it won't mean much. -
Sometimes, something doesn't type check when it should.
Most of these kinds of bugs in Sorbet were fixed as of July 2022, but some remain.
These kinds of problems are bad because they cause confusion and frustration for people attempting to use the generic abstraction, not for the person who implemented the abstraction. This is especially painful for those who are new to Sorbet (or even Ruby), as well as those those who are not intimately familiar with the limitations of Sorbet's generics.
To mitigate this, "test drive" the abstraction being built. Don't assume that if the implementation type checks that it will work for downstream users. Get creative and write code as a user would.
Encountering these errors is not only frustrating for you, but also frustrating for others, and incurs a real risk of making people's first experience with Sorbet unduly negative.
By avoiding both of these kinds of outcomes, you will be able to build generic abstractions that work better overall.
As with all bugs in Sorbet, when you encounter them please report them. See the list of known bugs here:
The basic syntax for class generics in Sorbet looks like this:
# typed: strict
class Box
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic # Provides `type_member` helper
Elem = type_member # Makes the `Box` class generic
# References the class-level generic `Elem`
sig {params(val: Elem).void}
def initialize(val:); @val = val; end
sig {returns(Elem)}
def val; @val; end
sig {params(val: Elem).returns(Elem)}
def val=(val); @val = val; end
int_box = Box[Integer].new(val: 0)
T.reveal_type(int_box) # `Box[Integer]`
T.reveal_type(int_box.val) # `Integer`
int_box.val += 1
The basic syntax for function generics in Sorbet looks like this:
# typed: true
extend T::Sig
sig do
# `extend T::Generic` is not required just to use `type_parameters`
# The block can return any value, and the type of
# that value defines type_parameter(:U)
blk: T.proc.returns(T.type_parameter(:U))
# The method returns whatever the block returns
def with_timer(&blk)
start =
res = yield
duration = - start
puts "Running block took #{duration.round(1)}s"
res = with_timer do
sleep 2
puts 'hello, world!'
# Block returns an Integer
# ... therefore the method returns an Integer
T.reveal_type(res) # `Integer`
Recall that Sorbet is not only a static type checker, but also a system for validating types at runtime.
However, Sorbet completely erases generic types at runtime, both for classes and
methods. When Sorbet sees a signature like Box[Integer]
, at runtime it will
only check whether an argument has class Box
(or a subtype of Box
), but
nothing about the types that argument has been applied to. Generic types are
only checked statically. Similarly, if Sorbet sees a signature like
sig do
x: T.type_parameter(:U),
y: T.type_parameter(:U),
def foo(x, y); end
Sorbet will not check that x
and y
are the same class at runtime.
Since generics are only checked statically, this removes using tests as a way to
guard against misuses of T.untyped
. For example, Sorbet will
neither report a static error nor a runtime error on this example:
sig {params(xs: Box[Integer]).void}
def foo(xs); end
untyped_box = Box[T.untyped].new(val: 'not an int')
# ^^^^^^^^^^^ no static error, AND no runtime error!
Another consequence of having erased generics is that things like this will not work:
if box.is_a?(Box[Integer]) # error!
# do something when `box` contains an Integer
elsif box.is_a?(Box[String]) # error!
# do something when `box` contains a String
Sorbet will attempt to detect cases where it looks like this is happening and report a static error, but it cannot do so in all cases.
The workaround is to check only the class type of the generic class, and check any element type before it's used:
if box.is_a?(Box)
val = box.val
if val.is_a?(Integer)
# ...
elsif val.is_a?(String)
# ...
The type_member
and type_template
annotations declare class-level generic
type variables.
class A
X = type_member
Y = type_template
Type variables, like normal Ruby variables, have a scope:
The scope of a
is all instance methods on the given class. They are most commonly used for generic container classes, because each instance of the class may have a separate type substituted for the type variable. -
The scope of a
is all singleton class methods on the given class. Since a class only has one singleton class,type_template
variables are usually used as a way for an abstract parent class to require a concrete child class to pick a specific type that all instances agree on.
One way to think about it is that type_template
is merely a shorter name for
something which could have also been named singleton_class_type_member
. In
Sorbet's implementation, type_member
and type_template
are treated almost
exactly the same.
Note that this means that it's not possible to refer to a type_template
variable from an instance method. For a workaround, see the docs for error code
Understanding variance is important for understanding how type_member
's and
's behave. Variance is a type system concept that controls how
generics interact with subtyping. Specifically, from Wikipedia:
"Variance refers to how subtyping between more complex types relates to subtyping between their components."
Variance is a property of each type_member
and type_template
(not the
generic class itself, because generic classes may have more than one such type
variable). There are three kinds of variance relationships:
- invariant (subtyping relationships are ignored for this type variable)
- covariant (subtyping order is preserved for this type variable)
- contravariant (subtyping order is reversed for this type variable)
Here is the syntax Sorbet uses for these concepts:
module Example
# invariant type member
X = type_member
# covariant type member
Y = type_member(:out)
# contravariant type member
Z = type_member(:in)
In this example, we would say:
- "
is invariant inX
", - "
is covariant inY
", and - "
is contravariant inZ
", and
For those who have never encountered variance in a type system before, it may be useful to skip down to Why does tracking variance matter?, which motivates why type systems (Sorbet included) place such emphasis on variance.
(For convenience throughout these docs, we use the annotation <:
to claim
that one type is a subtype of another type.)
By default, type_member
's and type_template
's are invariant. Here is an
example of what that means:
class Box
extend T::Generic
# no variance annotation, so invariant by default
Elem = type_member
int_box = Box[Integer].new
# Integer <: Numeric, because Integer inherits from Numeric, however:
T.let(int_box, Box[Numeric])
# ^ error: Argument does not have asserted type
# Elem is invariant, so the claim
# Box[Integer] <: Box[Numeric]
# is not true
Since Elem
is invariant (has no explicit variance annotation), Sorbet reports
an error on the T.let
attempting to widen the type of int_box
. Two objects of a given generic class with an invariant type
member (Box
in this example) are only subtypes if the types bound to their
invariant type_member
's are equivalent.
Invariant type_member
's and type_template
's, unlike covariant and
contravariant ones, may be used in both input and output positions within
method signatures. This nuance is explained in more detail in the next sections
about covariance and contravariance.
Note: all
's andtype_template
's in a Rubyclass
must be invariant. Onlytype_member
's in a Rubymodule
are allowed to be covariant or contravariant. See the docs for error code 5016 for more information.
Covariant type variables preserve the subtyping relationship. Specifically, if
the type Child
is a subtype of the type Parent
, then the type M[Child]
a subtype of the type M[Parent]
if the type member of M
is covariant. In
Child <: Parent ==> M[Child] <: M[Parent]
Note that only a Ruby module
(not a class
) may have a covariant
. (See the docs for error code 5016 for
more information.) Note that since type_template
creates a type variable
scoped to a singleton class, type_template
can never be covariant (because all
singleton classes are classes, even singleton classes of modules).
Here's an example of a module that has a covariant type member:
extend T::Sig
# covariant `Box` interface
module IBox
extend T::Generic
# `:out` declares this type member as covariant
Elem = type_member(:out)
sig {params(int_box: IBox[Integer]).void}
def example(int_box)
T.let(int_box, IBox[Numeric]) # OK
In this case, the T.let
assertion reports no static errors because
Integer <: Numeric
, and therefore IBox[Integer] <: IBox[Numeric]
Covariant type members may only appear in output positions (thus the :out
annotation). For more information about what an output position is, see
Input and output positions below.
In practice, covariant type members are predominantly useful for creating interfaces that produce values of the specified type. For example:
module IBox
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
# Covariant type member
Elem = type_member(:out)
# Elem can only be used in output position
sig {abstract.returns(Elem)}
def value; end
class Box
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
# Implement the `IBox` interface
include IBox
# Redeclare the type member, to be compatible with `IBox`
Elem = type_member
# Within this class, `Elem` is invariant, so it can also be used in the input position
sig {params(value: Elem).void}
def initialize(value:); @value = value; end
# Implement the `value` method from `IBox`
sig {override.returns(Elem)}
def value; @value; end
# Add the ability to update the value
# (allowed because `Elem` is invariant within this class)
sig {params(value: Elem).returns(Elem)}
def value=(value); @value = value; end
Note how in the above example, Box
includes IBox
, meaning that Box
is a
child of IBox
. Children of generic classes or modules must always redeclare
any type members declared by the parent, in the same order. The child must
either copy the parent's specified variance or redeclare it as invariant. When
the child is a class
(not a module
), redeclaring it as invariant is the
only option.
Contravariant type parameters reverse the subtyping relationship.
Specifically, if the type Child
is a subtype of the type Parent
, then type
is a subtype of the type M[Child]
if the type member of M
contravariant. In symbols:
Child <: Parent ==> M[Parent] <: M[Child]
Contravariance is quite unintuitive for most people. Luckily, contravariance is not unique to Sorbet—all type systems that have both subtyping relationships and generics must grapple with variance, contravariance included, so there is a lot written about it elsewhere online. It maybe even be helpful to read about contravariance in a language you already have extensive familiarity with, as many of the concepts will transfer to Sorbet.
The way to understand contravariance is by understanding which function types are subtypes of other function types. For example:
sig do
f: T.proc.params(x: Child).void
def takes_func(f)
wants_at_least_parent = T.let(
->(parent) {parent.on_parent},
T.proc.params(parent: Parent).void
takes_func(wants_at_least_parent) # OK
wants_at_least_child = T.let(
->(child) {child.on_child},
T.proc.params(child: Child).void
takes_func(wants_at_least_child) # OK
wants_at_least_grandchild = T.let(
->(grandchild) {grandchild.on_grandchild},
T.proc.params(grandchild: GrandChild).void
takes_func(wants_at_least_grandchild) # error!
→ View full example on
In this example, takes_func
requests that it be given an argument f
when called, can be given Child
instances. As we see in the method body of
, it's valid to call f
on both Child
and GrandChild
(class GrandChild < Child
, so all GrandChild
instances are also Child
At the call site, both wants_at_least_child
and wants_at_least_parent
satisfy the contract that takes_func
is asking for. In particular, the
is fine being given any instance, as long as it's
okay to call parent.on_parent
(because of inheritance, both Child
have this method). Since takes_func
guarantees that it will
always provide a Child
instance, the thing provided will always have an
method defined.
For that reason, Sorbet is okay treating T.proc.params(parent: Parent).void
a subtype of T.proc.params(child: Child).void
, even though Child
is a
subtype of Parent
Meanwhile, it's not okay to call takes_func(wants_at_least_grandchild)
because sometimes takes_func
will only provide a Child
instance, which would
not have the on_grandchild
method available to call (which is being called
inside the wants_at_least_grandchild
When it comes to user-defined generic classes using contravariant type members, the cases where this is useful is usually building generic abstractions that are "function like." For example, maybe a generic task-processing abstraction:
module ITask
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
ParamType = type_member(:in)
sig {abstract.params(input: ParamType).returns(T::Boolean)}
def do_task(input); end
sig {params(input: T.all(ParamType, BasicObject)).returns(T::Boolean)}
def do_task_with_logging(input)
res = do_task(input)
class Task
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
include ITask
ParamType = type_member
sig {params(fn: T.proc.params(param: ParamType).returns(T::Boolean)).void}
def initialize(&fn)
@fn = fn
sig {override.params(input: ParamType).returns(T::Boolean)}
def do_task(input);; end
sig {params(task: ITask[Integer]).void}
def example(task)
i = 0
while task.do_task_with_logging(i)
i += 1
takes_int_task = Task[Integer].new {|param| param < 10}
→ View full example on
Understanding where covariant and contravariant type members can appear requires knowing which places in a method signature are output positions, and which are input positions.
An obvious output position is a method signature's returns
annotation, but
there are more than just that. As an intuition, all positions in a signature
where the value is produced by some computation in the method's body are output
positions. This includes values yielded to lambda functions and block arguments.
module IBox
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
Elem = type_member(:out)
sig {abstract.returns(Elem)}
# ^^^^ output position
def value; end
sig do
blk: T.proc.params(val: Elem).returns(T.type_parameter(:U))
# ^^^^ output position
def with_value(&blk)
yield value
In this example, both the result type of the value
method and the val
parameter that will be yielded to the blk
parameter of with_value
are output
(The intuition for input positions is flipped: they're all positions that would correspond to an input to the function, instead of all things that the function produces. This includes the direct arguments of the method, as well as the return values of any lambda functions or blocks passed into the method.)
If it helps, some type systems actually formalize the type of a function as a generic something like this:
module Fn
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
Input = type_member(:in)
Output = type_member(:out)
sig {abstract.params(input: Input).returns(Output)}
def call(input); end
sig do
fn: Fn[Integer, String],
x: Integer,
def example(fn, x)
res =
In the above example, Fn[Integer, String]
is the type of a function that in
Sorbet syntax would look like this:
T.proc.params(arg0: Integer).returns(String)
In fact, Sorbet uses exactly this trick. The T.proc
syntax that Sorbet uses to
model to model procs and lambdas is just syntactic sugar for
something that looks like the Fn
type above (there are some gotchas around
functions that take zero parameters or more than one parameter, but the concept
is the same).
Another intuition which may help knowing which positions are input and output
positions: treat function return types as 1
and function parameters as -1
As you pick apart a function type, multiply these numbers together. A positive
result means the result is an output position, while a negative means it's an
-1 +1
A -> B
┌── -1 ──┐ ┌── +1 ──┐
-1 +1 -1 +1
( C -> D ) -> ( E -> F )
In the first example, a simple function from type A
to type B
, B
is the
result of the function, so it's clearly in an output position. Similarly, A
in an input position.
The second example is the type of a function that takes a function as a
parameter, having type C -> D
, and produces another function as its output,
having type E -> F
. In this example, C
is in the input position of an input
position, making type C
actually be in output position overall
(-1 × -1 = +1
). D
is in the output position of an input position, and E
in the input position of an output position, so they're both in input positions
(-1 × +1 = -1
). F
is in the output position of an output position, so it's
also in output position (+1 × +1 = +1
To get a sense for why Sorbet places constraints on where covariant and contravariant type members can appear within signatures, consider this example, which continues the example from the covariance section above:
int_box = Box[Integer].new(value: 0)
# not allowed (attempts to widen type,
# but `Box::Elem` is invariant)
int_or_str_box = T.let(int_box, Box[T.any(Integer, String)])
# no error reported here
int_or_str_box.value = ''
# Sorbet reveals: `Integer`
# Actual type at runtime: `String`
→ View full example on
The example starts with a Box[Integer]
. Obviously, Sorbet should only allow
this Box
to store Integer
values, and when reading values out of this box we
should also be guaranteed to get an Integer
If Sorbet allowed widening the type with the T.let
in the example, then
would have type Box[T.any(Integer, String)]
. Sensibly, Sorbet
allows using int_or_str_box
to write the value ''
into the value
on the Box
But that's a contradiction! int_box
and int_or_str_box
are the same value at
runtime. The variables have different names and different types, but they're the
same object in memory at runtime. On the last line when we read int_box.value
instead of reading 0
, we'll read a value of ''
, which is bad—Sorbet
statically declares that int_box.value
has type Integer
, which is out of
sync with the runtime reality.
This is what variance checks buy in a type system: they prevent abstractions from being misused in ways that would otherwise compromise the integrity of the type checker's predictions.
So far, the discussion in this guide has focused on type_member
's, which tend
to be most useful for building things like generic containers.
The use cases for type_template
's tend to look different: they tend to be used
when a class wants to have something like an "abstract" type that is filled in
by child classes. Here's an example of an abstract RPC (remote procedure call)
interface, which uses type_template
module AbstractRPCMethod
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
# Note how these use `type_member` in this interface module
# They become `type_template` because we `extend` this module
# in the child class
RPCInput = type_member
RPCOutput = type_member
sig {abstract.params(input: RPCInput).returns(RPCOutput)}
def run(input); end
class TextDocumentHoverMethod
extend T::Sig
extend T::Generic
# Use `extend` to start implementing the interface
extend AbstractRPCMethod
# The `type_member` become `type_template` because of the `extend`
# We're using `fixed` to "fill in" the type_template. Read more below.
RPCInput = type_template {{fixed: TextDocumentPositionParams}}
RPCOutput = type_template {{fixed: HoverResponse}}
sig {override.params(input: RPCInput).returns(RPCOutput)}
puts "Computing hover request at #{input.position}"
# ...
→ View full example on
The snippet above is heavily abbreviated to demonstrate some new concepts
and fixed
). The full example on contains many more
details, and it's strongly recommended reading.
There are a couple interesting things happening in the example above:
We have a generic interface
which says that it's generic inRPCInput
. It then mentions these types in the abstractrun
method. The example usestype_member
to declare these generic types. -
The interface is implemented by a class that uses
to implement the interface using the singleton class ofTextDocumentHoverMethod
. As we know from Abstract Classes and Interfaces, that meansTextDocumentHoverMethod
must implementdef
, notdef run
.In the same way, the
variables declared by the parent must be redeclared by the implementing class, where they then becometype_template
. Recall from thetype_member
section that the scope of atype_template
is all singleton class methods on the given class. -
In the implementation,
chooses to provided afixed
annotation on thetype_template
definitions. This effectively says thatTextDocumentHoverMethod
always conforms to the typeAbstractRPCMethod[TextDocumentPositionParams, HoverResponse]
. We'll discussfixed
further below.Then when implementing the
method, it can assume thatRPCInput
is equivalent toTextDocumentPositionParams
. This allows it to accessinput.position
in the implementation, a method that only exists onTextDocumentPositionParams
(but not necessarily on every input to anAbstractRPCMethod
Again, for more information, be sure to view the full example.
The fixed
annotation in the example above places
bounds on a type_template
. There are three annotations for providing
bounds to a type_member
or type_template
: Places an upper bound on types that can be applied to a given type member. Only that are subtypes of that upper bound are valid. -
: The opposite—places a lower bound, thus requiring only supertypes of that bound. -
: Syntactic sugar for specifying bothlower
at the same time. Effectively requires that an equivalent type be applied to the type member. Sorbet then uses this fact to never require that an explicit type argument be provided to the class.
class NumericBox
extend T::Generic
Elem = type_member {{upper: Numeric}}
class IntBox < NumericBox
Elem = type_member {{fixed: Integer}}
NumericBox[Integer].new # OK, Integer <: Numeric
# ^^^^^^ error: `String` is not a subtype of upper bound of `Elem`
# ^ Does not need to be invoked like `IntBox[Integer]` because Sorbet can
# trivially infer the type argument
Placing the bound on the type member makes it an error to ever instantiate a class with that member outside the given bound.
Methods can also be made generic in Sorbet:
# typed: true
extend T::Sig
sig do
blk: T.proc.returns(T.type_parameter(:U))
def with_timer(&blk)
start =
res = yield
duration = - start
puts "Running block took #{duration.round(1)}s"
res = with_timer do
sleep 2
puts 'hello, world!'
T.reveal_type(res) # `Integer`
The type_parameters
method at the top-level of the sig
block introduces
generic type variables that can be referenced elsewhere in the signature using
. Names are specified as Ruby Symbol
literals. Multiple
symbol literals can be given to type_parameters
, like this:
sig do
type_parameters(:K, :V)
.params(hash: T::Hash[T.type_parameter(:K), T.type_parameter(:V)])
.returns([T::Array[T.type_parameter(:K)], T::Array[T.type_parameter(:V)]])
def keys_and_values(hash)
[hash.keys, hash.values]
Note Sorbet does not support return type deduction. This means that doing something like this won't work:
sig do
def returns_something
x = returns_something
puts(x) # error: This code is unreachable
In the above example, the puts(x)
is listed as "unreachable" for a somewhat
confusing reason:
- Sorbet sees that the
in thereturns
annotation is not constrained by of the arguments. It could therefore be anything. - The only type that is a subtype of any type in Sorbet is
. The only way to introduce a value of this type is to raise an exception. - Therefore, Sorbet infers that the only valid way to implement
is by raising, which would imply that theputs(x)
code is never reached.
Sorbet does not have a way to place a bound on a generic method, but it's
usually possible to approximate it with
intersection types (T.all
class A
extend T::Sig
sig {returns(Integer)}
def foo; 0; end
sig do
.params(x: T.type_parameter(:U))
def bad_example(x) # error!
sig do
.params(x: T.all(T.type_parameter(:U), A))
def example(x)
if # calls to `.foo` and `.even?` are OK
return x # this return is OK
return # this return is not OK
There are a couple of things worth pointing out here:
method attempts to
but fails with an error. The error mentions that there is a call to methodfoo
on an unconstrained generic type parameter.T.type_parameter(:U)
alone means "for all types", but not all types have afoo
method. -
In the
method, the method's signature changes to ascribe the typeT.all(T.type_parameter(:U), A)
. This in essence allows Sorbet to assume that there is an upper bound ofA
on the type ofT.type_parameter(:U)
. -
In the method body, the
is sufficient to allow the call
to type check (and to have the type ofT::Boolean
statically). -
The first
in the method works without error:x
has typeT.all(T.type_parameter(:U), A)
which is a subtype ofT.type_parameter(:U)
, so thereturn x
type checks. -
The second return in the method fails to type check:
has typeA
but it does not have typeT.type_parameter(:U)
. This is not a bug. To see why, consider how Sorbet will typecheck a call site toexample
class ChildA < A; end
child = example(
T.reveal_type(child) # => `ChildA`
In the snippet above, Sorbet knows that the method returns
, which is the same as whatever the type of x
is, which
in this case is ChildA
If Sorbet had allowed return
in the method body above, there would have
been a contradiction: Sorbet would have claimed that child
had type ChildA
but in fact it would have had type A
, which is not a subtype of ChildA
tl;dr: The only valid way to return something of type T.type_parameter(:U)
is to return one of the method's arguments (or some piece of an argument), not
by inventing an entirely new value.
Most commonly, when there is something wrong with Sorbet's support for generic
methods, the error message mentions something about <top>
, or something about
unreachable code. Whenever you see <top>
in an error message, one of two
things is happening:
There is a valid error, because the method's input type was not properly constrained. Double check the previous section on placing bounds on generic methods.
There is a bug or missing feature in Sorbet. Double check the list of issues in Sorbet's support for generics:
→ Issues with generics in Sorbet
If nothing in the list looks relevant to the particular behavior at hand, please report a new issue. Note that we have limited resources, and may not be able to prioritize fixing such issues.
When encountering an error like this, there are a couple of choices:
Continue using generics, but use
to silence the errors.Note that this can be quite burdensome: new programmers programming against the given API will be confused as to whether errors are their fault or Sorbet's.
Refactor the API to use
. This has the benefit of having Sorbet stay out of people's way, letting them write the code they'd like to be able to write. It obviously comes at the cost of Sorbet not being able to provide strong guarantees about correctness. -
Find another way to type the API, potentially avoiding generics entirely. This might entail restructuring an API in a different way, using some sort of code generation, or something that merely doesn't trip the given bug. If you're stuck, ask for help.