The OData V4 Model supports server side filtering on lists.
To use server side filtering, set the operation mode to sap.ui.model.odata.OperationMode.Server
. This can be done as follows:
For a single
instance, set the binding parameter$$operationMode
For all list bindings of the model, set the model parameter
Example: Operation mode set in manifest.json
for the model
"models" : {
"" : {
"dataSource" : "default",
"settings" : {
"operationMode" : "Server",
"synchronizationMode" : "None"
Example: Operation mode set as binding parameter for a specific list binding
<Table growing="true" growingThreshold="5" id="Equipments"
path : '/Equipments',
parameters : {
$$operationMode : 'Server',
$filter : 'Category eq \'Electronics\'',
$select : 'Category,EmployeeId,ID,Name'
The ODataListBinding
allows to set static and dynamic filters:
To set a static filter, use the
system query option in the binding parameters. The static filter value is sent with every data service request for the binding; you may specify any filter value allowed in OData V4. The static filter cannot be overwritten for an existing binding. -
The dynamic filter is an instance of sap.ui.model.Filter , or an array thereof. For an array, the filters are combined with a logical AND. You can set the initial value for the dynamic filter in ODataModel.bindList or declaratively in an XML view with the
property in an aggregation's binding information. To set the dynamic filter, use the ODataListBinding.filter method. This filter overwrites the initial value specified on binding construction.
The ODataListBinding
combines the dynamic filter and static filter with a logical AND.
Examle: Dynamic and static filters
<Table growing="true" growingThreshold="5" id="Equipments"
path : '/Equipments',
parameters : {
$$operationMode : 'Server',
$filter : 'Category eq \'Electronics\'', <-- static filter
$select : 'Category,EmployeeId,ID,Name'
filters : { <-- dynamic filter initial value
path : 'EmployeeId',
operator : 'GE',
value1 : '0000'
The example above filters the Equipments
entity set by Category
(static filter) and EmployeeId
(dynamic filter, initial value).
The OData V4 model also supports the Lambda Operators any
and all
as defined in section of the OData Version 4.0. Part 2: URL Conventions specification. They are represented by sap.ui.model.Filter objects with filter operators sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Any and sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.All.
// the path of the collection for which the condition needs to be evaluated
path : "TEAM_2_EMPLOYEES",
// either sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Any or sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.All
operator : sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Any,
// any OData identifier which is a variable for the current element of the collection referenced by path
variable : "employee",
// the filter condition; the path of the nested filter contains the variable as prefix to reference current element of the collection
condition : new sap.ui.model.Filter("employee/AGE", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.GT, 42)
The path of the filter object is the path of the collection for which the boolean condition needs to be evaluated. The variable can be any OData identifier and it needs to be part of the path of a nested filter condition.
The filter operator Any applies the boolean
filter condition to each member of the collection referenced by path
. If the condition is true for at least one member of the collection, the any-filter matches. The filter with the Any operator without a filter condition matches only if the collection referenced by path is not empty.
Example 1: Get all teams that have at least one employee who is older than 42
new sap.ui.model.Filter({
path : "TEAM_2_EMPLOYEES",
operator : sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Any,
variable : "employee",
condition : new sap.ui.model.Filter("employee/AGE", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.GT, 42)
The resulting request would be: http://host/service/TEAMS?$filter=TEAM_2_EMPLOYEES/any(employee:employee/AGE gt 42)
Example 2: Get all teams that have at least one employee assigned
new sap.ui.model.Filter({
path : "TEAM_2_EMPLOYEES",
operator : sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Any
The resulting request would be: http://host/service/TEAMS?$filter=TEAM_2_EMPLOYEES/any()
The filter operator All applies the boolean
filter condition to each member of the collection referenced by path
. If the condition is true for all members of the collection, the all-filter matches.
Example: Get all teams for which all employees are older than 42.
new sap.ui.model.Filter({
path : "TEAM_2_EMPLOYEES",
operator : sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.All,
variable : "employee",
condition : new sap.ui.model.Filter("employee/AGE", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.GT, 42)
The resulting request would be: http://host/service/TEAMS?$filter=TEAM_2_EMPLOYEES/all(employee:employee/AGE gt 42)
Related Information