The Invisible Message class provides a way to grammatically expose dynamic content changes in a way that can be announced by screen readers.
The sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage
enables developers to specify the message to be announced when something dynamically changes on the user interface. In this manner, the class allows control and application developers to improve the usability of the applications, by sending dedicated messages to the screen reader users.
This class is a singleton. The class instance can be retrieved via the static method sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage.getInstance()
. The sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage is designed to be used both internally in the controls logic and from the applications.
Using the service, you have to specify the message to be announced by the screen reader and the mode which will be inserted in the aria-live attribute via the sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage.announce(sText, sMode)
method. The possible modes to choose from are:
- Indicates that updates to the region should be presented at the next graceful opportunity, such as at the end of reading the current sentence, or when the user pauses typing. -
- Indicates that updates to the region have the highest priority and should be presented to the user immediately.
The sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage
should be instantiated before the rest of the DOM tree (controls) get rendered, preferably in the onBeforeRendering()
method of the control. Then, you should specify the text, that has to be announced by the screen reader, and the live region’s mode using the announce method. Keep in mind that according to the ARIA standard, the live regions should be presented on page load and should be empty. Thus, we recommend to instantiate sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage
via sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage.getInstance()
as early as possible in the application logic – with the Component initialization, with the main Controller initialization, after Core initialization, ect.
You must implement sap.ui.core.InvisibleMessage
when using dynamically generated sap.m.MessageStrip
in order to achieve the standardized best accessibility practices. It will allow screen readers to announce the sap.m.MessageStrip
text to the users in real-time, when it appears on the screen.
], function(Controller, MessageStrip, InvisibleMessage, library) {
"use strict";
var InvisibleMessageMode = library.InvisibleMessageMode;
return Controller.extend("sap.m.sample.DynamicMessageStripGenerator.C", {
onInit: function () {
// Instantiate the Invisible Message service
this.oInvisibleMessage = InvisibleMessage.getInstance();
// Create and show message strip with InvisibleMessage announcement based on a certain condition
showMessageStrip: function () {
var oMessageStrip = sap.ui.getCore().byId("msgStrip");
var iProductItems= this.getView().getModel().getProperty("/productItems");
if (oMessageStrip) {
if (iProductItems <= 99) {
_createWarningMessage: function () {
var sText = "This product is likely to sell out soon.",
oVerticalContent = this.byId("oVerticalContent"),
oMessageStrip = new MessageStrip("msgStrip", {
text: sText,
showCloseButton: true,
showIcon: true,
type: "Warning"
// Announce the generated message and its type via the Invisible Message service
this.oInvisibleMessage.announce("New Information Bar of type warning: " + sText, InvisibleMessageMode.Assertive);