You can replace the standard navigation from the object page with your own navigation to an external or internal target.
Use app extensions with caution and only if you cannot produce the required behavior by other means, such as manifest settings or annotations. To correctly integrate your app extension coding with SAP Fiori elements, use only the extensionAPI of SAP Fiori elements. For more information, see Using the extensionAPI.
After you've created an app extension, its display (for example, control placing, CSS) and system behavior (for example, model and binding usage, busy handling) of the app extension lies within the application's responsibility. SAP Fiori elements provides support only for the official extensionAPI functions. Don't access or manipulate SAP Fiori elements' internal coding.
Add a navigation target to the manifest.js file.
In the example below, external navigation (outbound) via the SAP Fiori Launchpad has been added.": { ... "crossNavigation": { "inbounds": {}, "outbounds": { "EPMProductManageSt": { "semanticObject": "EPMProduct", "action": "manage", "parameters": { "preferredMode": { "value": { "value": "display" } } } } } } ....
Register your extension in the manifest.js file.
"extends": { "extensions": { ... "sap.ui.controllerExtensions": { ... "sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ObjectPage.view.Details": { ... "controllerName": "STTA_MP.ext.controller.DetailsExtension", ... } } ...
Implement your controller extension.
You have to implement the
function within the object page controller extension.onListNavigationExtension: function(oEvent) { var oNavigationController = this.extensionAPI.getNavigationController(); var oBindingContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext(); var oObject = oBindingContext.getObject(); // for notebooks we trigger external navigation for all others we use internal navigation if (oObject.ProductCategory == "Notebooks") { oNavigationController.navigateExternal("EPMProductManageSt"); } else { // return false to trigger the default internal navigation return false; } // return true is necessary to prevent further default navigation return true; },
Application developers can selectively change the target when chevron navigation is triggered from a table.
Add an outbound navigation configuration pointing to the target app in the
manifest.json": { ... "crossNavigation": { "inbounds": {}, "outbounds": { "FreestyleNav1": { "semanticObject": "v4Freestyle", "action": "Inbound", "parameters": { "SoldToParty": { "value": { "value": "7P100001", "format": "plain" } } } } } } }
Configure the extension with the controller for the object page in the
file."sap.ui5": { "extends": { "extensions": { "sap.ui.controllerExtensions": { "sap.fe.templates.ListReport.ListReportController": { "controllerName": "SalesOrder.custom.LRExtend" }, "sap.fe.templates.ObjectPage.ObjectPageController": { "controllerName": "SalesOrder.custom.OPExtend" } } } } }
Implement the
extension method within your controller extension.override: { routing: { onBeforeNavigation: function(oContextInfo) { var oLineContext = oContextInfo.sourceBindingContext, oNav = this.base.getExtensionAPI().intentBasedNavigation; // for salesOrder 6437 navigate to FreeStyle App if (oLineContext.SalesOrder === "6437") { oNav.navigateOutbound("FreestyleNav", { "Customer": "10001" }); } else { // return false to trigger the default internal navigation return false; } // return true is necessary to prevent further default navigation return true; } } }
In the example above, the navigation to an external application is configured and the values for the
parameters are passed when a user clicks the line item for sales order 6437.oContextInfo
includes the regular context that is passed to a target application upon navigation, that is the merged contextlineItem